Windows 7 explorer.exe crashing


Aug 17, 2009
I have been running Windows 7 for a few days now and I have an issue with Windows Explorer.

It crashes and has to restart. I haven't done extensive testing on the source of the problem but it seems to happen when I open My Computer or Recycle Bin from the desktop. Also, it has happened a couple times when clicking on the "Libraries" icon on the taskbar.

Here is the error description.
Faulting application name: Explorer.EXE, version: 6.1.7600.16385, time stamp: 0x4a5bc60d
Faulting module name: SHELLH~1.DLL_unloaded, version:, time stamp: 0x4986a031
Exception code: 0xc0000005
The event source is: Application Error. EventID:1000

It's not a huge problem because it just restarts and runs fine. But I would like to try and get it fixed before it becomes a huge problem. Also, I have been running Windows Update twice a day since installing Win 7 and have been installing all updates except some of the Optional/Recommended ones.
Might be caused by some misconfigured shell integration function or a resident application. Try disabling anything you have starting up with Windows and see if that has any effect.
It crashes on me quite a bit in Ultimate 64-bit. I'll open My Computer and click on one of my drives, and explorer.exe will crash. Hasn't happened for several days though.
I have had zero explorer crashes across six different systems running 7. Based on the frequency, I would look into either an installed application as mentioned by phide or hardware/driver issues.
It crashes on me whenever I try to view folders with many pictures such as my camera's SD card. It happens in both XP and 7.
every now and then I will get the infinite looping circle and the desktop will be frozen. mouse will move but nothing responds, ctr+alt+del doesn't do anything so I am forced to do a hard reboot.

I get the occasional blue screen of death as well.
Explorer.exe on mine crashes also but it's only when I'm viewing Explorer/Libraries with a CD-R in the tray. I think my optical drive being on AHCI (known issue) is making it crash. I haven't switched it over to IDE mode yet to troubleshoot but I'm almost certain that's what is causing it.

Go into your BIOS and switch from AHCI to IDE and see if it still crashes.
Thanks for all the replies, I will perform some more troubleshooting when I get home and post results.
i had this problem yesterday as well. it pretty much happened while I was transferring files from my external harddrive ( where i backed everything up ) into my new install of windows 7 x64 pro.

If i let it be, it would transfer just fine but if i were , say installing drivers or d/ling updates etc etc ( essentially being busy ) it would crash out and I have to restart and continue my transfer.

I was thinking it might hardware issue, perhaps my chipset drivers need to be updated ? Any ideas ?
I'm having the same described problem. I'm with the thought that it has to do with ahci mode/controller issue.
I ended up reinstalling on IDE mode about 3 months ago and have not had 1 explorer.exe crash. I also insured I had the latest version of everything I installed though. Some plug-ins and programs that add icons to windows control panel/right click can cause explorer crashes if they are not Win 7 compatible (Vista compatible isn't good enough for everything in 7).
Had that problem, still not sure I'm rid of it. I think I'm chasing a memory issue, hopefully that is not your issue!
I also have this issue. It comes and goes, and is always annoying. W7 Professional 64-bit.
I got this issue too. was caused by something that got installed into the right click stuff. that the shell stuff?
Well I've found a repeatable occurance.

I have some music files in the My Music folder from Itunes.

Every time I try to delete these files it crashes windows explorer and I have to restart.

I can't get rid of these files. It crashes every single time.
Well I've found a repeatable occurance.

I have some music files in the My Music folder from Itunes.

Every time I try to delete these files it crashes windows explorer and I have to restart.

I can't get rid of these files. It crashes every single time.

Can you delete them from inside iTunes?


Some of the other people in the thread with issues sound like victims of the the Firefox Private Browsing bug that was just fixed in 3.6. If you copied data to your clipboard while Private Browsing and then closed FF, if you right click on the desktop, a desktop icon, startup menu icon, or an explorer window you would get a crash.
I deleted the master itunes folder in the My Music directory (not the install directory).

That did the trick.