Win8 in 2012?

The XP->Vista gap is the largest Microsoft has ever had for OS releases. 3-4 years is quite typical.
any win8 beta or alpha screenshots? make belief or not?


What probably happened was that somebody talked out of class, without authorization, speaking "for himself," whatever your want to call it. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not, but if MS would not comment "officially," then the post has no meaning.

One of the problems that companies have these days is that employees sometimes blog, "because they can," even though they are not authorized to do so.

What probably happened was that somebody talked out of class, without authorization, speaking "for himself," whatever your want to call it. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not, but if MS would not comment "officially," then the post has no meaning.

One of the problems that companies have these days is that employees sometimes blog, "because they can," even though they are not authorized to do so.

We are all "authorized" to blog. We must follow certain guidelines, though, such as not making comments on rumors, not leaking product information, disclosing we are Microsoft employees if that fact would matter to the target audience, etc.

Which basically means none of us will affirm or deny questions about Win8. We just avoid them :)
What was Windows 6?
Vista. NT 3.1 was the first version (long story short, they wanted version numbers to line up with that "other" Windows). Then 3.5, then 4.0. Windows 2000 and XP were both NT 5. Vista was NT 6.
Windows 8 needs to make the transition to slates and tablets in a consumer-centric fashion like the iPad and they need to utilize as much Surface and Courier technology as they can and to do it they're going to need Intel's and/or AMD's help as well as their army of developers to develop and rewrite traditional desktop apps that work on desktops and slates.