Win7 x86 will install but NOT x64 :(


Dec 22, 2004
Hi guys,

Im having a headache with Win7 x64, for some reason Im stuck at the expanding files part of the installation and then it just says it cant read from the source disk. The disk isnt damaged because a friend installed it with the disk, it also happened with another disk which I thought was damaged but now I figure its something with my setup.

Win7 x86 install just fine, any ideas ?

Gigabyte EP45-DS3R
4GB DDR2 1066 Gskill
eVGA GTX 260
WD Raptor 74GB
There is a outside chance you can get it to install by trying another optical drive. Sometimes certain disks have problems with certain optical drives.
OS install problems?? Check your ram... memtest86. Or make sure you are not O/C your rig.

Almost everytime I have seen OS install problems it has been either ram, O/C too high or raid controller card. Since I don't see you using one, I am gonna say ram or O/C.
No luck, just tried another drive and same thing.

Copying Files goes to 100% in less then a second and then just goes on Expanding Files forever.


Its the RC btw.

Gonna try other ram sticks right now.
I could get one from my office but none right now, what changes from x86 in that regard anyways ?
I could get one from my office but none right now, what changes from x86 in that regard anyways ?

Nothing really.. just grasping for straws! :D

I had a rig that would install x86 but not 64, and it was bad ram... but since it's not the ram, you basically have to keep trying things until you figure it out. I would try an IDE drive just for giggles( or actually another SATA drive as well if you have one)... just to rule out the HDD, then the SATA HDD controller.
Hah I see, well I went on to load the sata driver from the setup and now it seems like it is expanding the files!

Will write back when I finish! Weird since the 32 bit version didnt ask for drivers.
It could be as simple as the x64 SATA controller drive that was included didn't play nice with your setup. Trying a new driver would have been one of the first things I would have tried, so we'll see how that works.
I was installing Vista x64 on a machine the other night that was doing the same thing. I left it and watched the basketball game, and when I got back it was finished. I'm pretty sure it was the DVD drive. Computers aren't supposed to make noises like that. Has the disc worked in other machines?