win7 click folders to hide taskbar


Jan 22, 2002
I have autohide on for the taskbar. This problem stems back to windows XP. If you shutdown with open file folders. Next time you restart the taskbar won't autohide till you click on every folder. Anyway to fix this?
Do you have the option to open folders from the last session after a reboot?
The Taskbar always shows when there is a needy (flashing) window. That's likely the behavios you're hitting here.
Do you have the option to open folders from the last session after a reboot?

Yes that's the feature that lets you see your open folders when you reboot. I don't want to turn this off, but it's rather dumb I have to click all the folders on a restart or starup just to get the taskbar to hide.
You'd have to turn off the the feature that was described by Arainach first, otherwise you're SOL.
Need to know where that option is. I looked under all the taskbar stuff. I see no show flashing window on taskbar or something like it.
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Think I found it. Store and display recently opened items in the Start menu and the taskbar.
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No, that's a totally separate thing. The behavior I described can't be turned off.
Not sure how those will work. Even after the flash has ended the taskbar still doesn't autohide. My guess is the taskbar code is the same code used as far back as XP. Since this problem existed that far back, 10 years or so.

I've had to click as many as 10 folders being opened at bootup. A real pain. The second option not sure what that does. Sounds like they're making it so the taskbar doesn't stay on top of other windows. Which is what you want so you can click it.
No, and having to minimize them all is just as annoying as having to click them all at boot.
That doesn't fix it. If you minimize all file folders, they'll open up when you log in again. Then you have to click each one to get the taskbar to hide again.
i opened 6 folder windows with different locations across multiple hard drives and none of the folders popped back up when i restarted my computer...
Don't know what to say it does on mine.

Guess there is no solution for this. Thanks for the help anyway :)
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