Win XP Pro memory address question....


Limp Gawd
Jun 8, 2004
I plan on sticking with XP a bit longer for personal reasons (don't want to start flame war) that have to do with gaming. However I am thinking of going with 4gigs of sys memory. You can buy it for so cheap now!!! I plan on getting two 2gig sticks, and running them dual channel. Is this permissible with XP Pro....or will i run into problems? Thanks!
it will work. you wont see 4gb total though. 3.25 to 3.75 or so depending on the size of your graphics cards memory, etc
If you want to fully use 4 GB of memory, you should be running an x64 OS. You have two options for Windows, but honestly, if you had to buy a new OS right now, it might as well be Vista x64. I'm guessing that your personal reasons are that you want to play some older games. Unless they are 16 bit installers, the games should run fine under Vista. If they aren't, and are that old that they will not run under Vista, they would in a VM with XP loaded.

If your system is used for gaming, there is little, if any, reason to avoid Vista right now. I don't like making assumptions, but 95 times out of 100, when someone posts a thread like yours, they want to avoid Vista because of some incorrect, or ridiculous information they were told or heard about Vista.
If you want to fully use 4 GB of memory, you should be running an x64 OS. You have two options for Windows, but honestly, if you had to buy a new OS right now, it might as well be Vista x64. I'm guessing that your personal reasons are that you want to play some older games. Unless they are 16 bit installers, the games should run fine under Vista. If they aren't, and are that old that they will not run under Vista, they would in a VM with XP loaded.

If your system is used for gaming, there is little, if any, reason to avoid Vista right now. I don't like making assumptions, but 95 times out of 100, when someone posts a thread like yours, they want to avoid Vista because of some incorrect, or ridiculous information they were told or heard about Vista.

Ironic cause Maximum PC hates Vista like no other.
the OP said his mind was made up (no flamewarz plz) and yet here we go, the defenders of truth, justice and the vista way just can't keep a cork in it
the OP said his mind was made up (no flamewarz plz) and yet here we go, the defenders of truth, justice and the vista way just can't keep a cork in it

I plan on sticking with XP a bit longer for personal reasons (don't want to start flame war) that have to do with gaming. However I am thinking of going with 4gigs of sys memory. You can buy it for so cheap now!!! I plan on getting two 2gig sticks, and running them dual channel. Is this permissible with XP Pro....or will i run into problems? Thanks!

Assuming your motherboard can handle it, and it looks like it should, XP won't care. As others have said, you will only see 3.25-3.5GB available...

The problem happens when older mobo's don't properly assign addresses. (My dual Athlon board will only post with 3GB of memory due to the video card)

Note: If you don't want to run Vista, that's your choice, but I like Vista on my box. Only games that don't work well are DOS games I run in Dosbox or Virtual PC.

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Ironic cause Maximum PC hates Vista like no other.
True, but the reasons they give are complete and utter FUD-laden bullshit. Have you also noticed (and yes, I'm a subscriber) that in all of their screenshots for "how-tos" or software reviews, they are running Vista?
the OP said his mind was made up (no flamewarz plz) and yet here we go, the defenders of truth, justice and the vista way just can't keep a cork in it
If you climbed down of your soapbox for a second, and did a quick search on threads like this, you'll see the pattern I was referring to. There's probably been several hundred threads like this where the OP said they wanted to avoid Vista, only to later admit it was only because a friend of a friend of their school's crossing guard told them Vista was bad. :rolleyes: I guess it is easier to climb the pedestal than take a moment to see the big picture.
it will work. you wont see 4gb total though. 3.25 to 3.75 or so depending on the size of your graphics cards memory, etc

^^^What he said.^^^ It will work just fine but, you just will not be able to use quite all of it..

Vista64 ain't near so bad as some try to make it out, in fact it is a damn good OS inho, but if you don't want to bother with it, that's your choice. If you want to give XP64 a go, that is a wonderful OS as well, but like Vista64, it will still give you hassles with anything 16bit you might try to run outside of a VM.
True, but the reasons they give are complete and utter FUD-laden bullshit. Have you also noticed (and yes, I'm a subscriber) that in all of their screenshots for "how-tos" or software reviews, they are running Vista?

If you climbed down of your soapbox for a second, and did a quick search on threads like this, you'll see the pattern I was referring to. There's probably been several hundred threads like this where the OP said they wanted to avoid Vista, only to later admit it was only because a friend of a friend of their school's crossing guard told them Vista was bad. :rolleyes: I guess it is easier to climb the pedestal than take a moment to see the big picture.

Im not on a soapbox. You are the one shitting on someones thread. This isn't about you having an opportunity to vent your frustration about OTHER it? There are already other threads for that purpose.
This isn't about you having an opportunity to vent your frustration about OTHER it?
Every thread is about making sure the OP has all the correct, factual information. In SO many cases, where the OP states they don't want Vista, it has been because of the usual, bogus FUD that a friend has told them, especially threads like this where the OP doesn't give any detail or reasons. The OP didn't say, for example, that there's no money to buy a new OS, which would eliminate both XP x64 and Vista x64. In SO many threads, once the OP has been given the correct info about Vista, that statement or limitation from their original post disappears. That's why I brought it up, to give the correct info. Nothing more, nothing less. You're the one trying to make it a bigger issue than it is. If you spend any time reading this subforum, you'd understand what I was doing.
So anytime someone wants to run XP, and isn't interested in a discussion about Vista, its your duty and obligation to come flying in with your superpowers and tights to correct the injustices of misinformation about Vista being perpetrated by the legion of doom? Whose on the soapbox again?

I know what you are talking, im just saying you are crapping on someones thread after he specifically said he didn't wanna talk about it. If you can't see that, thats your problem.

Hey guys I have an XP question, not interested in Vista, no flame wars, ktxs

Deacon Frost back at the Vista Bat-cave:
"ZOMG someone might be ignorant about the awesomeness of Vista, and even though THEY SPECIFICALLY SAID THEY DONT WANNA DISCUSS IT its my duty to jump and convince them how ignorant they are!!!!!!'

Monkey God
"Dude, he said he dont wanna talk about it, chill"

"Get off your soapbox evil-doer, I have to spread the light and the Vista love-juice everywhere!!! Cause so many people are ignorant!"
I plan on sticking with XP a bit longer for personal reasons (don't want to start flame war) that have to do with gaming. However I am thinking of going with 4gigs of sys memory. You can buy it for so cheap now!!! I plan on getting two 2gig sticks, and running them dual channel. Is this permissible with XP Pro....or will i run into problems? Thanks!

You will be fine...sit back and enjoy it. As mentioned above several times..the OS will only report and work with some oddball figure like 3.2something or 3.4something or maybe 3.5 or 3.6something gigs. Don't lose a weeks worth of sleep staying up late at night biting your fingernails wondering where the other roughly 1/2 gig of RAM went, I know it really bothers people tremendously, but IMO....getting over 3 gigs of workable RAM to your OS is fine. Games will benefit...and there will be absolutely zero difference in the games performance wether your rig reports 3.2 or 3.4 or 3.6 or 4.0 gigs of RAM. The fact that your system is up over a couple of gigs of RAM is the point.
I know what you are talking, im just saying you are crapping on someones thread
Okay, so if you know what I am talking about, from being around here, then can we kill the innocent bystander act? You say you know what I was doing, so end it there.

I'm not going to make any assumption about what you do for a living, but when you are presented with a question, where the user gives you some parameters, you can't always just go on the information provided. You often have to ask moe, understand the whole issue, and then give the best answer to the person, regardless of what answer they want to be hearing. Given the Vista issue at hand, as wonderfully demonstrated by the Mojave Project, you can't make any assumptions about a person not wanting to use Vista. No reason was given, like my cost example, so everything is up in there air as a possibility.

Many times, when I've asked questions in the Linux subforum, I'm not always given the answers I want to hear, but I have to trust that I am given the best answers for me.
Thanks to those that stuck to the meat of my post. I guess i'll be pleased with my purchase. I might go with XP Pro 64bit....if its worth it. None of the games I play are 16bit, So I will see great benefit. :D
Okay, so if you know what I am talking about, from being around here, then can we kill the innocent bystander act? You say you know what I was doing, so end it there.

I'm not going to make any assumption about what you do for a living, but when you are presented with a question, where the user gives you some parameters, you can't always just go on the information provided. You often have to ask moe, understand the whole issue, and then give the best answer to the person, regardless of what answer they want to be hearing. Given the Vista issue at hand, as wonderfully demonstrated by the Mojave Project, you can't make any assumptions about a person not wanting to use Vista. No reason was given, like my cost example, so everything is up in there air as a possibility.

Many times, when I've asked questions in the Linux subforum, I'm not always given the answers I want to hear, but I have to trust that I am given the best answers for me.

Let me try to make it clear, although im not sure how much more clear I can make it.
If someone (thread OP) says they are not interested in a "why don't you want Vista" argument, DONT MAKE THE ARGUMENT

Its that simple.
There are plenty of other threads out there where you can chip in and help out with your opinions. When your opinion is SPECIFICALLY not asked for, making it anyways just makes you look like a zealot.
Let me try to make it clear, although im not sure how much more clear I can make it.
It's been made clear on both sides. All the while you are accusing me of not seeing your point, I've been doing the same. We really don't need to go round and round on this, because it is a moot point by now. A zealot is someone who blindly recommends a product. I wanted to make sure the OP had a real reason for avoiding it, and not the usualy misguided reason.

My point about buying an OS though, is that if you are going to spend the money for XP x64, you might as well get Vista x64, as it is often much cheaper than XP x64, and by far has better hardware and software support, especially on a new-ish gaming system. There aren't any reasons to avoid Vista for gaming, unless you run some old 16-bit games, which the OP stated is not the case. Vista's performance is as good or better than XP right now, and will only improve over time. Since it performs as well or better, and costs less than XP x64, it is a better choice, plain and simple.

Windows XP x64 $270
Windows Vista Home Premium x64 SP1 $100
Monkey, we know about your crusade to hang Vista on a cross and burn it. Cork it. Deacon did not say "omg you're retarded because you believe the FUD". The way I see it, you're starting the flame by calling someone out. You could've ignored it and contributed to the thread and leave it at that.

To the OP: Nothing wrong with XP Pro 64-bit but keep in mind that you're essentially getting a modified Windows Server 2003, not XP.
I liked XP Pro x64 when I used it. My own complaint was lack of a pool of driver support that the 32-bit XP & 2003 have. I did quite well with it but once I tried out Vista x64, I haven't looked back.

I'd say overall, that both offer good advantages to x64 computing in their own right. I'm supportive of the OP's decision to go with either.