Will There ever be a Final Fantasy VII Remake?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 4, 2003
Quite possibly the greatest games of all time. In alot of peoples eyes, One of the best at least.

Will this game ever get remade? I know its been brought up many a time before. And im not looking for it now in the PS2... but what about as a release title along with PS3? What do you all think.

They just released what... I and II again.... III comming with new graphics for the DS...
VII is only a matter of time? or will it never surface again.

What do you all think :p

Its my favorite game to date still.... I would pay 200$ for a copy of it rereleased with new graphics and stuff. As long as the Music and Story is the EXACT same... all I want is updated graphics and movie scenes
It's been rumored, but nothing substantial. Personally, I don't think we'll see it before remakes of FF4-6.

I can't see Square-Enix producing a major title for the PS3's launch. The timeframes just aren't there, given how PS3 is projected to launch in early 2006 in Japan. And I really doubt Sony wants Square-Enix to release a remake as a PS3 launch title.
Official answer to this oft answered question as of a month or so ago during an AC interview:

Hell if we know, we're too busy making Advent Children.

7 has a huge cult following, if they re-did the graphics up to PS3 level they'd make a lot of cash. But it's not in production now so you're talking at least a couple years, if they started right away.
A few years is fine... Thats why I asked. Will they EVER

You know how some games are soooo good. It would be a sin to touch them, so they are NEVER ever remade.... I wonder if FF7 is going to me like this....

I hope that one day, sometime it gets redone... I just look at it like this...

All these Final Fantasys are being remade and re released on their 10th anneversy... I wonder if FF7 will follow suit in late 2007?
If they remade it, it just wouldn't seem the same without those blocky looking characters or cheesy graphics in some parts. I think it's an excellent game the way it is.
I wouldn't mind it either, provided they didn't find some way to screw it up which would be all too easy. They already redid it a couple times (Ultima Edition for example) and did manage to screw around with it then, so I'm kinda afraid of what they'd do.
Nah if it ain't broke don't fix it; I mean it can better and at the same time it can get worse too. If anything they need to NOT remake games and focus on bringing the Final Fantasy series back in shape because I haven't enjoyed an FF game since 7. I really did like Tactics though, both the PSX and GBA versions.
USMC2Hard4U said:
I hope that one day, sometime it gets redone... I just look at it like this...

All these Final Fantasys are being remade and re released on their 10th anneversy... I wonder if FF7 will follow suit in late 2007?

There aren't any FFs that were remade/re-released on their 10th anniversary, though. Maybe FF1 and 2 on the WSC, but I think those were a little early for that. We haven't seen FF4 (1991), FF5 (1992), or FF6 (1994) yet. FF3 was a 1990 game, and its remake is still in production.

Like I said, we might get an FF7 remake somewhere down the line, but I can't see it happening before 4, 5, and 6.

And thank you for your service. Stay safe.
I think before we see a FF7 remake we will see a chrono trigger remake. Square recently had a C&D order put on a dev group who were making a free 3D CT remake (not a mod) called Chrono Ressurection. I also remember awhile back hearing from a game mag that when they visited Square they saw a 3D Marle shot on the wall of an office... so you never know...

As for FF7, it was rumored because the original Director was asked if he would do it and he stated he would like to but has no current plans for it. So the idea and want for the remake is there, just no plans for it in the current future.
Although I wouldn't mind a remake, I would want it to feel the same. Meaning I don't want to see the characters look "real" like say FF8. I like the cartoony look a lot more. Mostly for me...just higher resolution would be nice :)
whats the point if its the same game???

Graphics dont make the game. If you want a remake with better graphics then thats just silly. Personally id rather have Square devote resources to something new and original instead of a rehash of an old game (yes prolly the best RPG ever made). The game is perfect the way it is, graphics and all.
Indeed, make something new!

I really wish they would go back to the 2d background with 3d characters... It looks awesome compared to the 3d of FFX...
Sqaure is too busy making remakes of half assed games like ffx-2, it still boggles my mind as to why they chose the worst game in the series to give a sequel to. I don't care what anyone says, Tidus was the weakest main character ever.

I loved 1 on nes, 2 and 3 on snes and 7 on psone, since then the series has gone to the pooper imo. I wouldn't mind a sequel or remake of sorts....I dont understand why their putting so much effort in "just" a cg movie.

Then again, maybe they need to focus on making new products actually worth playing again, before they go back and re-write history :) I really hope 12 is better than the last few additions to the series. The closest to a remake or sequel to ff7 is the action/platform "Dirge of Cerberus : FF7" which starts Vincent Valentino from ff7 fame, and rumors say a few other ff7 characters will pop up-namely cait sith. It's due out this fall for ps2. I've also read rumors of a true ff7 sequel being done on the psp sometime in the future, but take that with a grain of salt.
It's been rumored that they're planning a remake to launch with the release of advent children. Unfortunately they are currently too busy working on AC to put any time into the remake as of right now so it's not looking good.

If they did remake it I wouldn't want it to be like ffx styled graphics. Just updated sprites, better textures redone fmv's :).
nerdy_scenester said:
It's been rumored that they're planning a remake to launch with the release of advent children. Unfortunately they are currently too busy working on AC to put any time into the remake as of right now so it's not looking good.

If they did remake it I wouldn't want it to be like ffx styled graphics. Just updated sprites, better textures redone fmv's :).

I agree, "updated" graphics would kill the style FF7 has. If anything, they need to make a sequel, and give it it's own unique style.
|0b0 said:
Sqaure is too busy making remakes of half assed games like ffx-2, it still boggles my mind as to why they chose the worst game in the series to give a sequel to. I don't care what anyone says, Tidus was the weakest main character ever.

Because it sold the most, and Square wanted to continue X's story.

I loved 1 on nes, 2 and 3 on snes and 7 on psone, since then the series has gone to the pooper imo. I wouldn't mind a sequel or remake of sorts....I dont understand why their putting so much effort in "just" a cg movie.

In what way? VII has been the template for every FF since, except IX. Just be glad you didn't play II (your II is everyone else's IV.)

I really hope 12 is better than the last few additions to the series.

If you liked FFT, you'll like 12. Same team, same director. But expect FFX-style gameplay.

The closest to a remake or sequel to ff7 is the action/platform "Dirge of Cerberus : FF7" which starts Vincent Valentino from ff7 fame, and rumors say a few other ff7 characters will pop up-namely cait sith.

Valentine, not Valentino. And yes, Cait Sith's in the game--he's already been revealed in screenshots.

If anything, Dirge of Cerberus is a sequel to Advent Children, not FF7. AC takes place 2 years after FF7, and DoC takes place 2 years after AC.
well when I say sequel, I mean follow up. ;) Valentine, my fault. I did enjoy tactics for my psone way back when, gives me hope for ff 12.
No new game...

FF7 is the best game there is, it just looks like ass, because PSX looks like ass... even ps2 graphics arent that great... they just need to update all the graphics
there's no point to remaking FF7 because graphics were never the selling point.
At that time they really should have been; it was the first 3D FF game after all.
what i'm saying though is that ff7's success wasn't based on its graphics, its a cult classic cuz of the story and maybe the engine, but not the graphics really, there'd be no point in remaking it unless they changed the story, and then people would get pissed.
Dome said:
what i'm saying though is that ff7's success wasn't based on its graphics, its a cult classic cuz of the story and maybe the engine, but not the graphics really, there'd be no point in remaking it unless they changed the story, and then people would get pissed.

So where's the outrage at the FF1 and 2 remakes? People are only angry that Square kept releasing them, not that their stories were unchanged or that their graphics and music were updated.

An FF7 remake would do pretty damn well. The question is whether or not it's going to happen, not how successful it would be.
xenogears said:
Man if they remade ff7 with updated graphics, I'd buy that game in a second.

cosign to the man above. ff7 is my all time favorite game. id buy it in a second, just because i loved the game so much. to the poster who said if they updated the graphics it wouldnt be as good, it disagree. back in 97 (or whenever the game came out) the graphics were pretty top notch. and if theyd update the graphics to the way they were in kingdom hearts, i dont see anyway it wouldnt fly off the shelves. all the other ff'ers would get it, and im pretty sure theyd get no converts from the younger "graphics is everything crowd". knowing that sephiroth and cloud was in kingdom hearts was one of the big reasons i bought the game.

if they do make a sequal, i hope they keep the materia system. the magic system in 8-10 were horrible in comparison imo. plus the fact that u had to find the lvl 4 limit breaks and gold chocobo, and knights of the round materia, made the game so much more in depth than just goin thru and beating it.

even if it takes 10 years, as long as they do a good job, itd be worth the wait
|0b0 said:
Tidus was the weakest main character ever.

I always thought of FFX as more of a technology demo...but then they didn't follow it up with something with a deeper storyline...sad.
ne0-reloaded said:
cosign to the man above. ff7 is my all time favorite game. id buy it in a second, just because i loved the game so much. to the poster who said if they updated the graphics it wouldnt be as good, it disagree. back in 97 (or whenever the game came out) the graphics were pretty top notch. and if theyd update the graphics to the way they were in kingdom hearts, i dont see anyway it wouldnt fly off the shelves. all the other ff'ers would get it, and im pretty sure theyd get no converts from the younger "graphics is everything crowd". knowing that sephiroth and cloud was in kingdom hearts was one of the big reasons i bought the game.

if they do make a sequal, i hope they keep the materia system. the magic system in 8-10 were horrible in comparison imo. plus the fact that u had to find the lvl 4 limit breaks and gold chocobo, and knights of the round materia, made the game so much more in depth than just goin thru and beating it.

even if it takes 10 years, as long as they do a good job, itd be worth the wait
Thats true, IIRC wasn't FFVII the first game to feature CGI cutscenes? It's also not about the graphics themselves but the art style of the graphics.

I too would love to see a remake/sequel to the game, and I believe that SE would probably do a pretty good job at making one. To say that FFVII with the exact same gameplay and better graphics won't be as good or better than the original (provided the graphics are translated correctly) is just being elitist.
obyj34 said:
Thats true, IIRC wasn't FFVII the first game to feature CGI cutscenes? It's also not about the graphics themselves but the art style of the graphics.

Nah, other games did that before. FF7 was the first one to use them both non-gratuitously, and to elaborate on the game's plot, though.
All I know is, I hope it comes out on PC if they do make it. I DO NOT want to buy a PS3, but I know I won't be able to resist. :(
Terpfen said:
Nah, other games did that before. FF7 was the first one to use them both non-gratuitously, and to elaborate on the game's plot, though.

i think he's refering to the fact that it was the first FF game to use 3D cutscenes.

And to whoever said that graphics werent the selling point of FF7, FF7 is refered to by many sources as pioneering the RPG genre into the 3D setting it is today, it was, if I recall correctly, the first 3D turnbased RPG.
Crapinapale said:
i think he's refering to the fact that it was the first FF game to use 3D cutscenes.

Yeah, he said "CGI cutscenes," as in 3D renders, I know. I wasn't referring to FMV in general, though looking back I can see how badly I wrote that post... my bad.
they won't ever make it, i read that in an interview a long long time ago. their only followup will be AC.

also, true hardcore ffVII fans won't want a remake: cause it might ruin the perfection of the original ffvii. What makes the original so good is its subtlety, and openess to debates. Tieing up the loose ends would just kill the entire age-old community and cult. like if they bomb the sequel, the original also = fuked
Dome said:
what i'm saying though is that ff7's success wasn't based on its graphics, its a cult classic cuz of the story and maybe the engine, but not the graphics really, there'd be no point in remaking it unless they changed the story, and then people would get pissed.

urrr if people would form cults based on graphix, then there would be like 10000000 doom 3 cults right now.
joethemole said:
they won't ever make it, i read that in an interview a long long time ago. their only followup will be AC.

So... explain Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, and Before Crisis.
I'm sure this has been brought up, but I didn't have time to read all the posts and I didn't see any links.


Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII (working title)

Square Enix is bringing this role-playing game to the PSP as part of their Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series.

Right, but Crisis Core is played on what, cell phones? if i read correctly, i dont think that is a good thing, for any FF. My fav game of all time is ffVII, i still play it to this day. I always talk about how cool id be to remake it, but the shitty blocky graphics are what make the game. If they did remake the graphics and the FMV's, of course i would buy an play it. Do they need to? No. I loved the storyline to much to care nowadays.
I havent enjoyed a FF game that much since 8, /me puts on flame suit
8 had to be my favorite, even tho no one else likes it

I wouldnt mind a remake of 7 as long as they just updated the graphics and added vioce actors(better be done damn well)
Crisis Core MAY be making it's way onto the PSP, from my knowledge. Not exactly sure, but I've seen some random sources have it listed as a TBA 2005 title for PSP (Here's hoping I guess).

Crisis Core is a TRUE sequel to FFVII, to my understanding though.
Dirge of Cerberus is simply a spin off, to explain Valentine's background. It's a 'Devil May Cry' esk game, I've also been told before. So I dunno if you'll find solice in that fact.
Advent Children has me hyped up though. I believe it's coming out Fall of 2005? Anyone have a better clue?
Shakezilla said:
I havent enjoyed a FF game that much since 8, /me puts on flame suit
8 had to be my favorite, even tho no one else likes it

I wouldnt mind a remake of 7 as long as they just updated the graphics and added vioce actors(better be done damn well)
I completely enjoyed 8. I just enjoyed 7 more so than 8.