Will steam one day takeover the world?

Jun 26, 2004
I mean it's a brilliant system albeit it has it's bugs like any other piece of software. It seems to be the MS Live service of the PC world with undoubtedly more developers to be added. Is this the future of PC gaming?
I for one really enjoy downloadable content like steam has. I like the fact that I can buy a game, download it, and have it ready to play-- rather than go to the store, buy a copy, have to put in the CD every time I want to play, worry about my CD-key, etc. I really think Steam has something good going, and I hope that it continues to grow.
I think the Steam/Direct2Drive distribution models will certainly continue to grow and someday out pace sales of actual hard copies of games.. World conquest, is another matter all together..
I'm all for digital distribution, but only as long as you are never again required to connect to the internet after activation or have some "Steam-like" service running in the background. Steam has actually been a huge pain in the ass for me.
I too like it, but I hate it when prices are the same as boxed copies, since in boxed you get all the goodies.

But D2D is just stupid, you can only download the game 5 or so times before you have to repurchase
Steam is great; and it's even better in concept than it is in implementation. VALVe is working on new features for it (Steam Community) and I do think that eventually, once a competitor comes along, prices will drop to the point that these distribution services will take over most of the business.
I'm a big Steam fan. It's so easy to use, and I've had virtually no problems with it.

I'm guessing that we'll see more of this in the future.
I really like Steam, it has its bugs but for the most part, it's fantastic. It just sucks when the server goes down.
I like it. I can install games at any house, never worry about cd keys, scratched discs etc. Not a big fan of the ads in the games (I only play 1 so I don't know if this applies to all) but hey. I do hate the fact that the game folders are buried in the file tree.

There are already tons of websites now that host divx dvd rips that allow you to stream the movie instead of downloading it. Watchable quality too. Seems to be the way everything is going to find its way into our homes.
The ads are only in one game, yes. 1.6, and more than likely, CS:S to follow. But they're not allowed to put ads in any other games because they don't own them or the source codes for them
this is not like the pinky and the brain version of 'take over the world'. He asked if it was the future of pc gaming.
I hope he is. You're asking if a game delivery system will take over the world.

Are you high, or just incredibly stupid?

RE: figurative speech, please don't be dense :rolleyes:

I remember when Steam first came out and everyone hated it.

Yes and I was one of them! However now they're pretty worked out all the major problems and the only errors/troubles I encounter these days are form the games themselves or possibly dodgy drivers. I just think the unified approach is what PC gamers have been looking for, it control patch updates - making sure everyone is up-to-date - and even games such as CoD have be repurchased through steam just because it's so much easier.
I really like steam, especially when i buy boxed games where you can enter the serial into steam, because if I lose the cd/dvd then it still is able to be played. :D
I went to reinstall my Steam backup of X3 and everytime it would get part way through installation and then start downloading the game from Steam again. It wouldn't allow me to install in offline mode either. This pissed me off to no end and I have sworn off buying anymore Steam games because of it. The backup was in cd size and now I have made one in DVD size so hopefully it won't fuck me over the next time I have to reinstall X3. I don't like having all my games installed to C: either.
then when you instal steam put it in a diffrent drive....you know you can select were it goes....:rolleyes:
Steam is a good content delivery platform


I think they should keep Steam seperate from games, there should be no need to run steam along side your games. They should remove steam friends, remove the server browser, and put them things in the game menus only.
I bought my first Game last month. It was the Half Life 2 hoiliday pack. I wasn't expecting the "Steam thing" at all and almost didn't install it. I didn't like having the thing come on at start-up and had to fix that. But there are some advantages as long as it doesn't nag me about stuff. Come to think of it last time I used game I was getting warnings some file was missing and I was told to "re-install" game.
I'd like someone to develop a standard that all the developers could get on board with as far as content delivery, I could care less if its steam or something else. Combine steam and xfire, remove the requirement to be running steam and all would be good.
then when you instal steam put it in a diffrent drive....you know you can select were it goes....:rolleyes:

Because it is already installed to C:. I didn't know that all the Steam games would have to go to C: too. I thought that Steam would allow me to choose where to install the games to, you know, like all the other games I own do.
The ads are only in one game, yes. 1.6, and more than likely, CS:S to follow. But they're not allowed to put ads in any other games because they don't own them or the source codes for them

People actually notice the ads in the game? I looked and forgot about them quickly. It's no bid deal.
Steam is a good content delivery platform


I think they should keep Steam seperate from games, there should be no need to run steam along side your games. They should remove steam friends, remove the server browser, and put them things in the game menus only.

I do like these things that Steam does. But I believe Steam should use a smaller memory footprint. It has to be tight and extremely efficient if it's to run alongside games like that. They have improved some of the bloat, but it has to be shaved down as much as possible. I like the single platform offering but gamers can get anal about resource usage, so the burden has to be insignificantly small.

I think a unified platform for PC gaming would be useful, but Steam may not necessarily be the one to do it. And if too many try and fail, they will compete each other to death so that there isn't any good unified platform at all. MS is trying to do one too and I don't like theirs either. EA's attempts have been similarly poor.
If you're looking at ads all the time in 1.6, you should probably play something else because you're horrible.