Will it blow?

Don Wong

Mar 10, 2005

If I install a Radeon 5870 in the system below?

I play Call of Duty 4 and nothing more taxing

I'm trying to milk another year out of this system, and still use the card in a new build next year.


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It will provide some benefit, but the CPU is rather dated, and will be the slowest common denominator in your computer. The HD6870 is within spitting range of the HD5870, so it's no weakling :)
You might as well pickup an older gen or cheaper card. No point in paying for a 6870 if your bottleneck is going to be your processor.

edit: okay - you might as well just upgrade your entire system. 1gb ram? There's a whole lot that's going to hold you back aside from your processor it seems.

Unless you play games at 800x600 - I can't imagine how effective even last gen cards will be in boosting your performance.

No point in paying a price premium now for a card you won't be able to utilize fully that will likely be obsolete in a year.
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Excuse me sir but you may have robbed my house and stole my computer while I was at work. J/k but nice to see some s939 systems still kicking around

You should be ok from a PSU standpoint. Plugging your system with 5870 into a PSU calculator http://extreme.outervision.com/PSUEngine I got less than 350watts. That said you may not see much gains from your CPU bottleneck. But the GPU will be useful in a year or so when you upgrade everything else.

5870 load wattage ~340 http://www.techspot.com/review/198-ati-radeon-hd-5870-review/page13.html

x800xl load wattage ~200 http://www.anandtech.com/show/1567/2
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You might as well pickup an older gen or cheaper card. No point in paying for a 6870 if your bottleneck is going to be your processor.

edit: okay - you might as well just upgrade your entire system. 1gb ram? There's a whole lot that's going to hold you back aside from your processor it seems.

Unless you play games at 800x600 - I can't imagine how effective even last gen cards will be in boosting your performance.

No point in paying a price premium now for a card you won't be able to utilize fully that will likely be obsolete in a year.

I can't find an older card for sale!!!

Am I looking for love in all the wrong places??

You're in the right place. But [H] will always try to recommend a more balanced build. Since you have upgrade plans, the HD5870 is rightly justified - if you can get it for about 200usd or less.
Excuse me sir but you may have robbed my house and stole my computer while I was at work.

I LOLed. :)

I think you'll be fine with a 5870 or the like in that system. In PCMark, your GPU score is going to be 20x higher than the rest of your system's scores combined, but it will work :D.

Please take a picture of your rig and your benchmark scores when you install the 5870. It's going to be hilarious to see a system that lopsided.
I play Call of Duty 4 and nothing more taxing

Did nobody spot this. Forget the HD5870, go buy something like an HD5770. You don't need anything more powerful than that.