
Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 17, 2002
lol, how did this get dug up...

anywho, I was haveing a bad day, I got cliped by a riced out PT Cruser with some fat ass driveing it... ..he was driving on the freeway like it was nascar. raceing some POS honda and hit my 15day old '06 S60 while trying to cut me of

I was going to follow up the orignal post with pictures of the damage, and a picture i grabed of the guy being arrested but I decided that wasnt a good idea. and let the thread go..

Ironically enough the honda that was raceing hime wreaked himself into the sidewall about 3 miles up and also got arrested for DUI...
Ah, you totally should have put those pics up. At least justice was swift and harsh. And things don't really have to be "dug up" in the PhotoChop section, it was probably still on the front page lol. No one goes on here anymore.
ahh I still get mad thinking about that day...

speaking of "WHY"

Today I say a big ass lifted Tahao and the licenses plate frame said "city girl" and the licenses plate ID itself was jils4x4 or something like that....

for all the time you need 4wheel drive in the city right....