Why you shouldnt let underage kids play Doom III

Lol, that's the third time this has been posted. It's still funny though.
haha, thats really funny. I don't feel too bad about having my right hand a little tense while playing anymore...
well, i think they did this so that

a. they get their 15 minutes of fame on forums like this
b.people will think they are stupid and laugh
They shouldnt play D3 because they will make retarded videos like that one. They were OBVIOUSLY faking and they were bad at it hah. I cant believe I wasted my time watching that rubbish :p
I never seen a screen shot, how do we know they where not playing Anal Intruder or something? The dark haired one screams like a little girl.
It couldn't have been fake... even though the chump in the back hiding behind the pillow kept looking at the camera.

anyone who tells me european filmmakers are awesome after seeing this will recieve a quick kick in the ass for such a blatent lie :p
why would you want to stage something that makes you look like you scream like a girl and post it everywhere? I guess when they looked at the camera it kinda gave it away...oh well. worth a laugh at work i guess...