Why PC games?


Limp Gawd
Oct 19, 2003
I was just wondering why every here likes pc games better than pc games or vice versa. I like the pc games better because of their complexity and customization. Look at Deus Ex. It was 5x as complicated as Deus Ex 2 when it was pc exclusive (I know it came out on ps2 but it was pretty much the same thing). If it wasn't for the xbox version of Deus Ex 2 I think it would have been much better. What are your opinions on why you like pc games better than console games.
Lol, that is classic. That has to be sigged :D. Damn, that would make my sig too long.
Mods are a big plus for me, make a game you've paid for into a completely different one for free.
Originally posted by uB3rn00b3r
I was just wondering why every here likes pc games better than pc games or vice versa.
Decisions, decisions. I'm really torn between the two. One hand I like the graphics and the complexity that pc games offer. On the other hand, I like the graphics and the complexity that pc games offer. If pressed, I'd probably have to say pc games. No wait, make that pc games. I know that sounds indecisive, but that's my final choice.
Mainly because I have a PC and no consoles.

I mean, I could buy console games... but they wouldn't be much use :)
the biggest reason is that the group we have hear all have computers, but not all have consoles, therefore you have an instant bias.
Originally posted by Merlin45
the biggest reason is that the group we have hear all have computers, but not all have consoles, therefore you have an instant bias.
i second that, besides pc is more fun
dont own a particular console
able to customize buttons/graphics and get high res
use keyboard and mouse
play online with others for free (except for mmo)
I used to be all PC but I've moved back to consoles. I have a XBox and GC

A few of my reasons
-tired of constantly upgrading computer ($$$) to get the most out of games
-grew tired of multiplayer and dealing with all the stupid people online
-sitting on a couch playing games is more relaxing
-consoles are starting to have more of the games I like - Ninja Gaiden to name one of them
Why PC games? Because I've always been a graphics quality whore.

Well Ninja Gaiden looks damn good for a console game, as does Soul Calibur 2.

Still...they can't touch these high end PCs.
I like both. I play tend to play singleplayer games on my consoles because I like the relaxed living room experience. Then I also like to play Battlefield and UT on my computer because that's just fun..
PC because of the performance/image quality/accustomability/gadgets/controls or just because the PC got everything the console lacks and don´t have anything the consoles haven´t.

Plus the fact that I am very much a simmer makes consoles out of the question.
The only thing I think consoles have over pc is adventure games. Since the new Sam and Max game got cancled it doesn't look like it is going to change any time soon. Everyone seems to only want to play fps or rts now. My favorite game ever is on the n64, Zelda OOT, but I do like the pc better even though I can't get dsl and play all the fps on the net :(
But then isn´t it ironic that the best adventure game ever is a PC exclusive.

Like Grim Fandango. Name a adventure game today that beats it.

The only area where consoles have the best games is booring platform games like Zelda and Super Mario.
Zelda is not a platform game you can't even control jumping. I never played Grim Fandango, but if you say it is better than zelda I am defaintly going to have to try it.
Originally posted by uB3rn00b3r
Zelda is not a platform game you can't even control jumping. I never played Grim Fandango, but if you say it is better than zelda I am defaintly going to have to try it.

Grim Fandango is a bit like the Sam and Max games. But it´s one of the best games of all times so definiatly get it. Can be a bit tough to get a hold on really it´s been a while since it released. The golden era of LucasArts you know ;)

I don´t say it´s better than Zelda I have only played sporadic portions of that game and it isn´t really my cop of tea really though I find it enjoying for sure. They aren´t the same type of games.
Yeah I am gonna have to look for it on google or ebay. What is the game even about? I heard about it a lone time ago but I forgot.

I am defiantly going to get this game if you say it is one of the best all time.
Originally posted by uB3rn00b3r
Yeah I am gonna have to look for it on google or ebay. What is the game even about? I heard about it a lone time ago but I forgot.

I am defiantly going to get this game if you say it is one of the best all time.

Well it´s hard to describe. You are a grim reaper who sell tickets to different level of after life destinations. But you aren´t very good at it. Don´t know if that helps you. Just check out some reviews.
Originally posted by oqvist
But then isn´t it ironic that the best adventure game ever is a PC exclusive.

Like Grim Fandango. Name a adventure game today that beats it.

The only area where consoles have the best games is booring platform games like Zelda and Super Mario.

Wow, Zelda and Mario must be extremely boring as any computer game publisher probably wished to make a game soooo boring as to sell millions of copies and be one of the best money making names out there. But hell, what do they know...you dont like it.

Either way, only games that are worth playing on PC,s are strategy, turn based, flight sims and FPS, and RPG(althoug this can be said of consoles as well) None of the other you can hope to even try or even bother to play on consoles. I find it stupid to even try.

Consoles on otoh, have sports(espn), boring adventure(metroid, zelda etc, beat em ups(soul calibre 2, mortal kombat etc, grand tourismo), rpgs(ff's, and all the others). It all depends on what you like really. Most of the time i rather sit on a comfortable couch with a big ass TV, drinkin a beer and kickin his all in espn nhl 2k4, or sould caliber or whatever. A console just lends itself to that experience.

When we want to play games like civ( o god i love this game), moo2(moo3 was the BIGGEST DAMN DISSAPOINTMENT EVER!!), you have to play it on computer. Its a must. Again it all depends on what you feel comfortable with and what genre of games you like.

Btw if i sound rude or somthing, i apologize.
I don´t see why you dizz my comments about booring Zelda and SuperMario just to then say you don´t like the booring Zelda yourself :D

Of course I say I find Zelda and SuperMario really booring. How could I say you for example find Zelda booring :confused:

Yeah sport games and such could be good on consoles but they are always dumbed down for "arcade" or "playability" or whatever.

The age of the console players are generally younger than for the pc players and this shows in the games too. They tend to be dumbed down either because of the limited control issues you have with consoles or just the fact that they don´t want to scare away youngsters which is of course not wrong. However it eliminates me as a potential console gamer.

First I don´t have a tv and second there is not many console games I really want to play.

And when there is one console and one pc game the PC game is always better. Just look at the GTA games. The PC versions of those smokes the console version.

But then we have these lame ports like Deux Ex 2 and HALO which you would expect be more playable on PC:s because they are fps:s for gods sake but ruined because of bad ports.
Originally posted by Jason711
PC's suck, i use a computer...

Yeah your PC do suck. That is a ridiculously low overclock on your CPU and RAM with that sig ;)
Originally posted by oqvist
Yeah your PC do suck. That is a ridiculously low overclock on your CPU and RAM with that sig ;)

yep.. i have the worst luck with hardware... :(

but yours isnt exactly something to brag about either :rolleyes:
Originally posted by oqvist
I don´t see why you dizz my comments about booring Zelda and SuperMario just to then say you don´t like the booring Zelda yourself :D

Of course I say I find Zelda and SuperMario really booring. How could I say you for example find Zelda booring :confused:

Yeah sport games and such could be good on consoles but they are always dumbed down for "arcade" or "playability" or whatever.

The age of the console players are generally younger than for the pc players and this shows in the games too. They tend to be dumbed down either because of the limited control issues you have with consoles or just the fact that they don´t want to scare away youngsters which is of course not wrong. However it eliminates me as a potential console gamer.

First I don´t have a tv and second there is not many console games I really want to play.

And when there is one console and one pc game the PC game is always better. Just look at the GTA games. The PC versions of those smokes the console version.

But then we have these lame ports like Deux Ex 2 and HALO which you would expect be more playable on PC:s because they are fps:s for gods sake but ruined because of bad ports.

Maybe i should have put a sarcastic smily next to me saying mario and zelda were boring. The fact that mario games as well as zelda are probably the best selling frachises ever speaks volumes in it self.

Hmm, and limited control issues with games on consoles?? :rolleyes: Hmm, must be awesome to play madden, or soud calibre style games on a keyboard/mouse....you got to be kidding me! If complex means using a keyboard/mouse, i really dont know what to say. The only reason to use a keyboard/mouse combo is for fps/rta/strategy games....i see no other use for them...And i dont see how playing games like mortal kombat/and any sports game nowadays is dumbing it down for kids when more than likely it is as complicated as any fps game out there and in some cases more so. These are not the days of 2 button nintendo games anymore, so get with the times. I guarantee you it would take you as long to master those games as it would an FPS.

And yes console gamers are usually a younger crowd, but thats because it is a lot more affordable as well as portable. A parent and son/daughter would be more willing to play a game on the couch such as mario kart than finding space and fiddling with it on a computer. Why do you think consoles have survived so long and companies such as microsoft make them? The money they make on consoles games completely squashes anything close on computer. Plus they have far less bugs. A games like BF:V would not be released on a console. But that is due to a different issue entirely. I say less bugs as mr gates has found a way to bring it to console gamers as well(not his fault exaclty but eh...)

Also yes, most console ports pale in comparison to thier computer counterparts, but that gap is only going to become smaller. Plus most console gamer are not as hell bent on graphics as computer gamers. And its interesting that you bring up the gta comparison, you should read what gamespot says about the supremacy of the xbox version of vice city compared to the computer version. To me its not the graphics, its the game. I would definitely chose a game like gta on the xbox instead of a pc. Most people that arent hardcore console freaks or pc freaks would rather play on the couch with a big screen tv. I would rather pick a 40" hdtv over a dinky 21" monitor. But again, depends on the game. I still play old school snes games. They have "crappy" graphics, but guess what, they rock.

About ports, blame the company that ported it. Tons of people love xbox halo and whoever ported it butcher it. I mean, theres not much you can do about it. Ut2k3 as well as CS suck for xbox, but then who cares. If the person actually never played the PC version he would be extremely happy with it.

Maybe if ati and nvidia stopped making newer graphic cards for a couple of years and forced game companies to optimize the hell outta thier existing code to get every last ounce of juice from the hardware, computer games would crush consoles out of existance. But as of now, there is no guarantee if i buy a game for my computer it will run as flawlessly as running it on a console. Its all a matter of choice. And games like Ninja gaiden, resident evil 4, have amazing graphics and show you what consoles can do. Maybe not your type of game, but fps arent mine, but i dont go bashing computer gamers since most games that come out on pc are fps. Hell i still love and play Moo2 every now and then. My god i wanted to kill the guys at quicksilver for butchering moo3......:mad: that was THE WORST POS, i ever had the misforutune of ever playing...talk about destroying a great game...sigh
This is a tired argument. It's been talked to death over the past twenty years on Fidonet, Usenet, web sites, and emails. It boils down to price and complexity. Consoles will always have edge on price, have the larger install base and have most games cater to them. PC's have had the niche games, generally the most innovation and the best equipment.

Guess what? They both have some pretty cool developers and have kick ass games. If you are a true gamer, you don't really care what platform you're using as long as you have great games coming out for it. The gaming experience that you have is just about the same once you get past the graphics and controllers.
Which is why consoles are out of the question. Since I play mostly any kind of rally or flight sim, fps:s, rts:s and some RPG:s and sport games like FIFA series.

I guess I am the archetype PC gamer. And I am sitting in my comfy sofa while playing Silent Hill 2 too so you don´t have to have a console for that. And I don´t even have any wireless stuff but then I live in a 25 m2 apartment so I have everything near me.

My computer is a computer/stereo/tv/dvd player/radio tuner combined.
as i always say.. dont argue about if your opinon is more true then the other random internet persons opionion... buy what you like
Okay I did understand you where sarcastic I was just teasing a bit ;)

But about the controls here it goes.

Force feedback wheels. The best force feedback wheels aren´t available for consoles and when they are the force feedback in consoles is dumbed down. Take f1 2002 for example. It got great force feedback. When you disable the half rate force feedback that is. It´s night and day but also show in the framerates which is why half rate force feedback is enabled. So not only do have better hardware for force feedback effects you can also tweak it to your liking if you know how to edit a .ini file.

Force feedback joysticks are there any for consoles? But then it´s quite useless since there are no real flight sims for consoles.

TrackIR? The best gadget after the force feedback joystick?
Mouse and keyboard are in many games superior to gamepads which there exist as many of for PC as for consoles. You can even have the console gamepads and use them on PC since many find those the best. Which they should be consider consoles have used gamepads for eternitys. But still those gamepad only support rumble forces really.

So PC have better mouse/keybard/wheels/joysticks/other gadgets like TrackIR while game pads are more or less the same.

So yes controls there aren´t even playing in the same division.

And yes you found a genre where consoles smokes the PC games. The fighting game genre. Since I am not into it I totally forgot those exist. There is one game genre where consoles winds on ko over the PC. And those tend to be gorgeous looking too.

Yes consoles are popular among developers since they don´t need to tinker with 100 different setups and the lesser extent of piracy. Console games sells more but yet more people play PC games hmmm.... Also console games are priced higher also thanks to the smaller issue of piracy which allows them to price their games higher without loosing to much sales. So I really understand why developers like consoles. It´s the most profitable market. Also because of the user group you don´t have to spend years on developing an advanced flight simulator to appeal to the audience. That said there is games that there has been tons of effort in like Zelda games and others.

But that don´t change the fact that you are limited in what you can do on a console. And if you get a HD40" you loose the argument about consoles being cheaper and more accessible. Those monsters aren´t for free. And a 21" with much higher resolution and image quality is really good enough if you don´t want to sit 10 metres from the screen and a good one of that can be had for 250$ or less.

And sure if you don´t have had anything better you don´t miss it. However if you had it you can never go back.

Consoles definiatly got it´s place but not for me. I gladly pay 400$ for video cards each year and getting amazed of the IQ it brings then have mediocre graphics all the time.

Plus if I count the games I play 2 % of them would perhaps be playable on a console but not as good.

The closest to a console game I have ever played and like is probably Prince of Persia 3D. That is nice playing from the sofa and would probably be enjoying on a XBOX as well. But then XBOX is really a computer lite.
consoles, used to be my life, but when i got my pc i was amazed by the flexability the computer had over console, so i stayed, and i love it
Consoles are great when you wanna play games with your 'not so computer literate friends'. The average american could 'techincally' jump in and understand the world of pc gaming, but we all know better than that.

Its very simple... consoles = simple controls, for simple people. PC gaming = a whole other level. :D

In the end it really doesn't matter tho because they will both become one.
I think I just love videogames in general, wheather on PC or Consoles. I dont mind the lack of a keyboard and mouse, mainly cause its a console game, I dont expect to have a keyboard and mouse. Unlike most, I adapt easily, survival of the fittest I suppose;)
wether people like it or not, consoles and pc's have there ups and downs. It also depends on the type of console you are talking about. Such as gamecube, xbox, ps2,ps1...ect. This argument could go on forever about controls, graphics, playability, because pc's and consoles odd eachother out when you look at from a thrid person perspective. It doesn't matter about what everyone else thinks, it matters if you are having fun playing the game.
oqvist: Totally agree with your assessment there. The cheapest HD Big Screen I found at work (Best Buy) was $1999 and I was the one who sent it to service before it got marked down to that price. It had been damaged by the delivery team at some point. Cheapest HD set I've seen period is $999 for a good one. Negating the "Consoles are cheaper" Argument.