Why don’t we get the games we want anymore?


Aug 17, 2005
Why don’t we get the games we want anymore?

It seems that developers are not getting what the community is wanting so to speak. Of course we want cool FPS’s and RPGs, but there are a whole lot of Titles and Genres that have been ignored by major developers for far too long. From some of the past threads we have seen a real hunger for new titles in the Space Sim Genre, People dying for a new Mech Warrior type game and even calls for some more action titles that are not FPS types. Why can’t the developers realize that there is a huge market out there for some of these types of games? Are the companies no longer willing to go out on a limb, even with tried and true genres of the past? Are we at the point in Computerized gaming that TV has been in for quite some time, only sticking to the established formula?
A new TradeWars2002 would be nice... or MOO... MechWarrior... All of those good old games.. hmm.

Maybe thats why i don't game as much anymore, all the new ones are "the same" just with different skins :p
The only companies that are going out on a limb nowadays are Namco, Capcom, and Nintendo. And even they are sometimes conservative. If you do what I'm doing (stop buying the "same shit" over and over, and play old stuff) - perhaps if enough people stop buying the same cookie-cutter FPS games (Q4, Doom 3, etc) developers will see reduced sales and try something new (or old)? Peronsally, I'd like to see a ressurection of the adventure game genre... but I doubt that'll happen. Though, certainly there are a couple now on the DS... many genres have been thrown into oblivion in the PC scene.
TheBluePill said:
Are the companies no longer willing to go out on a limb, even with tried and true genres of the past? Are we at the point in Computerized gaming that TV has been in for quite some time, only sticking to the established formula?

only what sells, only what sells

reality TV is the stupidest TV ever, and yet its all people watch
games are moving in the same direction, whatever formula gives the best chance of money, will get developed
Steel Chicken - I hear ya. That is why I've pretty much stopped watching TV as well (ESPECIALLY reality TV). I pretty much watch personal TV now (old recordings, DVDs, and downloaded TV shows) and the only time I tune in the tube is for the daily show and family guy/american dad - and the daily news. If more people stopped being brainless zombies and watching survivor 911 and American Idol 1879352 then certainly they would stop making it. I find that is the problem with gaming as well (and movies) in that they keep making the same shit over and over, and people continue to buy it. Don't support what you don't believe in.

as far as TV, TIVO has saved it for me. Otherwise I wouldn't watch at all.
I watch some motorcycle racing, SciFi stuff, and a few other things (Rome)

actual main network TV? mostly crap.
Law and Order and CSI are the few exceptions.
One game in the pipeline that I can't WAIT to see: Supreme Commander, the unofficial sequel to Total Annihilation. It will probably become my pick for best RTS ever (TA is right now). I've been waiting for it for years.
Games I like that need 'new' versions...

Age of Empires...

Driver - you are the wheelman...

IceWind Dale (and those type of games)....


Can you imagine all of the 'modern' abilities of vid cards what these games could be like??
steviep said:
The only companies that are going out on a limb nowadays are Namco, Capcom, and Nintendo.
True they do some innovation, but it's the small independent companies that self-publish that are showing the greatest sign of creativity. In order to stand out, these companies almost *have* to be original. Stardock is one of my favorite little companies that could that is doing great work.
SiathLinux said:
Games I like that need 'new' versions...

Age of Empires...

Can you imagine all of the 'modern' abilities of vid cards what these games could be like??

SURPRISE!!!! Age of Empires III is here.
SiathLinux said:
Age of Empires...

AoE 3 just came out.

SiathLinux said:
Driver - you are the wheelman...

Isn't Driv3r a sequel of this? (though I've heard it sucked)

SiathLinux said:
IceWind Dale (and those type of games)....

Neverwinter Nights.

SiathLinux said:
Can you imagine all of the 'modern' abilities of vid cards what these games could be like??

Umm...yes. Not too hard. :p
Genocidal[v2] said:
Yeah i'm looking forward to Supreme Commander as well. Any date for it yet?

Last I heard, some time in 2006. Seeing as there have been some pretty solid screenshots released, we can hope they'll be on schedule.
Torgo said:
True they do some innovation, but it's the small independent companies that self-publish that are showing the greatest sign of creativity. In order to stand out, these companies almost *have* to be original. Stardock is one of my favorite little companies that could that is doing great work.

You mean Starbreeze Studios? The company that made Riddick EFBB? I thought stardock made window blinds :confused:
Whatever happened the Stargate game? Didn't it get cancelled or switch developers? There's some good material there.

Stardock makes games too. Most notably is probably the Galactic Civilizations series.
I keep seeing this common thread, that people want games that they don’t really make anymore. I tend to agree that they don’t make similar games to the old ones, but in many cases some of the old ones are still playable.

For instance I and others have mentioned that there is still a SpaceSim game out there that people are still playing. Allegiance http://www.freeallegiance.org/ is a great space combat sim, that is still being developed. It's a long story, but basically it's free.

The problem I see is that we all have a lot of games that have great replay value, but finding people who want to play the same game, seems to be the trick. Once a game go's past a year or 2 it's dead. It's a pity really, because there are already a lot of great games.

Total Annihilation
Descent 3
Motocross Madness2

All great games, but no one is playing them. Can company's just do a rerelease of the game? Can they do an expansion pack? Maybe do a brushup on the graphics, some new levels, and added network code to come up to broadband standards? For god sakes we have a new game that is only 4 months old (Battlefield 2) and were already getting an expansion pack.

So as gamers who want to play these games what do we do about it? Does anybody have any ideas? I sure am out of them.
steviep said:
Steel Chicken - I hear ya. That is why I've pretty much stopped watching TV as well (ESPECIALLY reality TV). I pretty much watch personal TV now (old recordings, DVDs, and downloaded TV shows) and the only time I tune in the tube is for the daily show and family guy/american dad - and the daily news. If more people stopped being brainless zombies and watching survivor 911 and American Idol 1879352 then certainly they would stop making it. I find that is the problem with gaming as well (and movies) in that they keep making the same shit over and over, and people continue to buy it. Don't support what you don't believe in.

Yeah, TV is a waste, but try watching movies on HBO in HiDef on a big screen and get back to me. :p Looks TONS better than any DVD you'll ever see.
Also, I'm seeing some NHL hockey in HiDef and it's bliss visually.
What i really want is:
Age of Empires III is boring the crap out of me. It's EXACTLY the same gameplay as the other "Age of" games, they just hid it with some bump mapping and shaders on the 3D.

And there are so many great games we simply don't get anymore. I think we all realize that. The industry has no creativity anymore.
I'd like to see a steel battallion game.

Only, you know...without the 300 dollar price tag, but with the kick ass controller...:D
Fallout :(

Or how about Nethack 2 with uber ASCII resolutions!!!

I thought Indigo Prophecy (currently in the middle of playing) was very different and so far very good (a tad consolish (heh) but I can deal).
will rights new game, Spore(?) looks to be really fucking awesome and really creative.
Mrel said:
will rights new game, Spore(?) looks to be really fucking awesome and really creative.

I cant wait, as well I wanna see what simcity 5 is going to be like, but thats a looong ways off.
People need to start looking at games from smaller development studios. Take a look around for games like:

Knights of Honor
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Dreamfall (sequal to 'the longest journey')

Or perhaps you're too busy playing "Madden, the latest rehash of the exact same game"? Start speaking with the almighty dollar. Instead of buying a game on release, wait a week or a month. They judge a games success in the first month, so if there isn't a large demand, the price will drop within 30-45 days of its release.

ShadowsFyre said:
People need to start looking at games from smaller development studios. Take a look around for games like:

Knights of Honor
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Dreamfall (sequal to 'the longest journey')

Or perhaps you're too busy playing "Madden, the latest rehash of the exact same game"? Start speaking with the almighty dollar. Instead of buying a game on release, wait a week or a month. They judge a games success in the first month, so if there isn't a large demand, the price will drop within 30-45 days of its release.


The reason that we don't get the games we want anymore is that MOST of the smaller developers have been swallowed by the likes of EA / Ubisoft, etc. And it was because people didn't buy smaller titles upon release - therefore they were judged failures, therefore their developers were eaten up.