Why do people buy systems at launch and complain there aren't good games?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 29, 2008
I never understood this. Time and time again people buy systems at launch and then complain about no good games; many even going to sell it right after they bought it.

Ummm...Exactly how many systems HAVE had that many good launch games? There are exceptions like the Dreamcast but those are quite rare. Not to mention it's not as if you can't tell well ahead what games there are and be informed, so...if you buy a system at launch what do you expect? There are people already selling their PS4/Xbones for crying out loud!
Hype. Same reason people buy StarCraft 2, when they don't like RTS, then complain.
i question majority of the people claiming they hate their respective launch systems even owning one TBH. Fanboys trying to smear the other console by saying it sucks and they want to sell it. Or Pc gamers who dont own either doing the same.
I buy new shit cuz i want the new shit. Of course any new system has a lack of titles, its the way its been for a decade. So the only answer is that ppl buying systems and complaining are retards, or trolls. Bottom line.
i question majority of the people claiming they hate their respective launch systems even owning one TBH. Fanboys trying to smear the other console by saying it sucks and they want to sell it. Or Pc gamers who dont own either doing the same.
I buy new shit cuz i want the new shit. Of course any new system has a lack of titles, its the way its been for a decade. So the only answer is that ppl buying systems and complaining are retards, or trolls. Bottom line.

There you go exactly!
Because many people get more satisfaction from complaining than they do from making good decisions.
Well, hype would have to be partial to blame for inflating expectations.. Only for what one might feel like "rushed" versions of systems being released.. It's not like a leaked artist bumping up their record release due to piracy.. It's not like you can pirate a PS4 before it's launched..

What bothers me is that they don't really think things through too well.. How far disconnected can you possibly get in the gaming industry? Nearly all of us can be found in select places, and very easily accessible via existing means of communications.. Ie. forums.

Why does Dice think that Leveloution is worth its weight in lag?

Personally, I am very satisfied with my PS4, and am contemplating opening up the Xbone that's sitting here next to me... Having not even opened the Xbone, I am more impressed by it than the PS4.. But, I'm a gamer, and already own an AVR, so I don't need a voice activated AVR just yet.

BF4 is a great game, despite how botched it is, and still is, several months later... But, I still play it damn near everyday, and I still jones to play it when I'm away a few days.

Also consider the fact that those that are satisfied are too busy playing to post about it for the most part.
I never understood this. Time and time again people buy systems at launch and then complain about no good games; many even going to sell it right after they bought it.

Ummm...Exactly how many systems HAVE had that many good launch games? There are exceptions like the Dreamcast but those are quite rare. Not to mention it's not as if you can't tell well ahead what games there are and be informed, so...if you buy a system at launch what do you expect? There are people already selling their PS4/Xbones for crying out loud!

There was a time when console systems had good games at launch:

Nintendo - Mario, Duck Hunt
Sega Genesis - Sonic
Super NES - Super Mario World
Sony Playstation - Resident Evil, Twisted Metal, Destruction Derby
Dreamcast - Nights, Panzer Dragoon

Those times have passed.
It's due to an incurable disease sweeping the nation with no apparent cure: the lack of common sense.
There was a time when console systems had good games at launch:

Nintendo - Mario, Duck Hunt
Sega Genesis - Sonic
Super NES - Super Mario World
Sony Playstation - Resident Evil, Twisted Metal, Destruction Derby
Dreamcast - Nights, Panzer Dragoon

Those times have passed.


It's due to an incurable disease sweeping the nation with no apparent cure: the lack of common sense.

Yea...how dare consumers expect hardware products to have good software IP on launch! After all, no one EVER buys a new smartphone expecting there to be apps for it!
NES had gyromight first had the system at launch
Sega didn't have sonic at launch came a year later

The Dreamcast was the only system that shipped with amazing games and a lot of good that did

rarely ever do any systems launch with amazing games usually just ok games.
There was a time when console systems had good games at launch:

Nintendo - Mario, Duck Hunt
Sega Genesis - Sonic
Super NES - Super Mario World
Sony Playstation - Resident Evil, Twisted Metal, Destruction Derby
Dreamcast - Nights, Panzer Dragoon

Those times have passed.

Just a few corrections:

The Genesis didn't launch with Sonic. In fact Sonic released almost two years after the US launch of the Genesis and nearly three years after the Japanese launch. The Genesis launch titles weren't amazing, but the US and Europe did get Altered Beast and Europe also got Golden Axe.

The SNES also had F-Zero as launch title in all three territories.

None of those games launched with the PS1. Biohazard (RE1) in fact came out two years after the Japanese launch and a year after the US and European launches. You could argue Twisted Metal being a launch window title for the US and European PS1 launch, the same with Destruction Derby. The original Ridge Racer was a PS1 launch title, it was pretty good for it's time.

NiGHTS and Panzer Dragoon were never on the Dreamcast, they were Saturn titles. Panzer Dragoon was a Saturn launch title though, along with Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter. The Dreamcast did have a great US and European launch lineup, including such titles as Soul Calibur, NFL 2K, Sonic Adventure, House of the Dead 2, Power Stone, and more.

The 64 had a really good launch lineup as well with Super Mario 64 in Japan and the US with the European launch including that as well as Shadows of the Empire and Turok.
Yea...how dare consumers expect hardware products to have good software IP on launch! After all, no one EVER buys a new smartphone expecting there to be apps for it!
IMO, the common sense part is to do a simple "research" online and see what titles are coming out when and decide if those early titles are good enough for them, and if not, then they have to realize the risk they are taking in getting a new hardware without any confirmed applications that they want.
There was a time when console systems had good games at launch:

Nintendo - Mario, Duck Hunt
Sega Genesis - Sonic
Super NES - Super Mario World
Sony Playstation - Resident Evil, Twisted Metal, Destruction Derby
Dreamcast - Nights, Panzer Dragoon

Those times have passed.

Almost nothing you posted here is correct.
Honestly, I think it is mostly because some people like to complain. I am personally enjoying the anticipation of nee games and improvements to my XBox one.
Why do people create threads to complain about people buying consoles at launch and then complaining that there are no good games?
I'm not an early adopter on products. For one, I typically don't have the money, and even if I did, the horror stories of the Xbox 360 RRoD debacle makes me leery on picking up the new thing.
Despite the BS associated with XB1, the IP's associated with it and the controller tweak makes it something I'll consider down the road.

Now, to a degree, any purchase is a gamble as not everyone likes the same thing. I tried StarCraft before, and never got into it. Logically, I didn't buy the sequel.

To me, I want to get some enjoyment out of my recreational purposes, so running out and getting something just to declare "Me First!" isn't at all appealing.
I see nothing wrong with this. Some (read most!) launches on great systems are horrible!

Everyone has an opinion and will state their stance regardless of the topic. They have every right to do so just as you have every right to create a thread to complain about those complaining. The important thing to recognize is that there are those who complain just because and those who want to exercise their right to discuss a horrible launch on a system that deserves more - which is why this forum was created!

I bought a PS4 and hate the lineup that launched with the PS4. I have already played the PC version of many of the games touted for the Sony console. But I figured I can wait it out as some of the new releases on the horizon look pretty good and will compliment my Steam collection just as my PS3 did. My main issue with the console is the 'unfinished' feel of the OS and it's features - some that were still unfinished on the previous generation.
I honestly thought Killzone shadowfall would be better.....

It's pretty good but wasn't very well thought out for MP.
Because they are bored and longing for something. Instead of being rational and waiting for something they be irrational and buy into a system then hope that it will deliver to an arbitrary standard they have set but no one actually knows what they want. Its very common. You see the same thing with preordered games.

Don't pre order, don't early adopt. That's it, whenever people actually start doing that things will get much better. But people don't change.
Because they are bored and longing for something. Instead of being rational and waiting for something they be irrational and buy into a system then hope that it will deliver to an arbitrary standard they have set but no one actually knows what they want. Its very common. You see the same thing with preordered games.

Don't pre order, don't early adopt. That's it, whenever people actually start doing that things will get much better. But people don't change.

I agree with everything you said except the last sentence. I did change with this gen, but honestly i'm 27 and this is the 1st time I haven't gotten a system at launch since Nintendo 64. I ended my "first-adopter" status with the Vita. Same shit happened that happens with every console release since after Dreamcast; get bored after first month and the system just sits there not being used and desperately try to justify money spent by waiting only to sell newly acquired system, and repurchasing said system a year later when it's way more awesome and has much better games.

The only thing that buying a launch console has achieved for me is bragging rights, the "ooh aah" factor of newer graphics, my tech lust, and that is it. You only end up losing money in this vicious cycle of purchasing, selling, and repurchasing down the line.

Only took me 2 decades to figure out the bullshit the companies try to sell you on at launch. lol
I buy at launch because the price will be the same for the first year or more anyway so might as well get it at the start. I don't get the whining about not having games though.
I never understood this. Time and time again people buy systems at launch and then complain about no good games; many even going to sell it right after they bought it.

Ummm...Exactly how many systems HAVE had that many good launch games? There are exceptions like the Dreamcast but those are quite rare. Not to mention it's not as if you can't tell well ahead what games there are and be informed, so...if you buy a system at launch what do you expect? There are people already selling their PS4/Xbones for crying out loud!

It is natural for people to not be able to wait before they buy something. Excitement gets a hold of them and irrational thought takes over and they rush out to buy something, only to be disappointed after.

Launches for all systems suck. It is how it is.

I bought the Xbox 360 and it was only useful when Oblivion came out (which I had on the PC anyways but wanted to play on the sofa). I skipped the PS3 until the following May, when the urge to play Resistance: Fall of Man got to me (great shooter) and I couldn't hold back.

Earlier systems were just as bad.

I am waiting for the PS4/X1. If I buy them, it wont be until the fall, but I am really waiting for a smaller sized version of the system to come out because I don't want the huge systems they currently are. I am stuck with the original 60GB PS3 and original Xbox360. They both suck size/power/noise wise.

Anyways, game systems usually are only good in year 3-5. The first 2 years blow.