Why can't I leave well enough alone? What just happened?


Limp Gawd
Jan 4, 2002
Ok, so in an effort to fix a problem I've been having (thread here) I installed the latest nforce drivers from nvidia.com. They were version 3.13 Windows XP/2000 unified drivers.

I rebooted and guess what? Can't get into Windows. It gets stuck at the XP screen with the little thingy on the bottom scrolling. So I reboot and try safe mode - guess what? Still not booting into windows. I'm like wtf I keep trying and I can't get into Windows.

Well finally I selected the option to boot with the last known working configuration and I got back into Windows.

What the hell just happened? I swear to God all I did was install the drivers and reboot when it asked me too. Wtf would cause this to happen?

Any ideas? I really want to get these drivers to work but I'm afraid to try again cuz I don't wanna fry my computer!

All information/help/funny stories/tips are greatly appreciated, thanks!
that is exactly what last known good is for

driver got corrupted? download again, test memory ect
drive incompatible (disable other hardware, research similar issues)
what does it do exactly?

are the files that were copied over during the install still there or does it just revert my hard drive back to before i even installed it?
It's been a while since I updated my nForce2 drivers but I believe that nVidia mainly recommends that you get rid of the old nForce drivers before installing the new ones.

For the most part, I think it's a crap shoot when installing the drivers. A lot of people, like myself, had no trouble installing over the old drivers. Others had trouble no matter what, even with a clean install.

I would suggest trying what Ice Czar suggested and download the drivers again and try to re-install them.
Tried to download them again and reinstall and the same thing happened.

How do I manually remove all the drivers? Do I just need to look at driver details and delete all the files it lists?
Use the standard uninstall. Search around for driver cleaner. Kill EVERYTHING related to nvidia OR ati (never know ;))

Then re download, re install, re boot. During and between each step hope :)