Who likes text MU*s?


Limp Gawd
Jun 12, 2002
I'm curious what people think of MOOs, MUDs, etc. I've been playing the Cybersphere MOO for a few years now, and I really enjoy it (cs.vv.com). Give it a shot if you like the cyberpunk MOO genre.

What do you like to play?
I used to be a MUDer. My friend was building one too, but got tired of it and left it. I played on Abandoned Realms.
I have an account on Centropolis right now to play Darkness Falls Crusades. It's a pretty awesome MUD. You have to pay 10 dollars for the gaming service though, but it is a pretty premium MUD. It's not a cookie-cutter MUD like most of them out there.

I closed my account for now while I play WoW, but if I ever get bored I may reopen my account.
I used to play a Merc based MUD called Paradox. Got pretty big into that for a few years. Haven't been on it in about 4 years or so.