Who do you allow on YOUR live friends list?


Nov 29, 2001
I don't think I've added/accepted anyone that either a) I don't know in real life or b) I haven't talked to online for a long time. I'm guessing a lot of people add randoms but I don't see the point of it. Perhaps I could if the constant bickering didn't make me mute everyone during most CoD games.
I add random people all the time that were good team mates in games. Better odds to jump into a good game that way.

It doesn't help that most of my RL friends don't play games online either. Luckily online communities help with finding good players to play with.
i have about 12 real life people on my friends list and 60 some i meet in games. If i meet a good player on cod4 or something and they seem like they want to play again, I add them.
i think almost all of mine are friends in real life. i add random people all the time and then usually delete them if i don't play with them in about a week or two
I add only people I am actually friends with, that I have known and talk to regularly.

I hate seeing the people who add everyone they can, and get more then 200 friends.
I think that is pointless. It blurs out who your real friends are in the list.
I have people add me all the time, and I don't even recall playing with them. :confused:

Could be my poor memory though. :eek:
I've been only adding people that I have met in flesh. I may change since my friends list could use some "padding" ;).
only people I know in real life. Probably only because I only play in a community that makes it unplayable with anyone other then real friends.
My friends list has about 50 people on it, half of which are real-life friends, and half of which are people I have met while playing online and in online communities such as the [H].

I'm pretty picky about who I let on my friends list. I don't like to add people to my friends list if I'm not going to play with them. About 35 out of the 50 people on my friends list I play with on a regular basis.
RL friends, their RL friends, etc. The whole Six Degrees thing, ya know. Almost never do I add a random shlub. There are a number of reasons, but primarily it seems after a week or two I never seem to be playing the same game at the same time as them so it's useless to have them on my list.
Pretty much anyone. If someone's good at Street Fighter or something I'll friend them and vice versa. I have some [H] people on there, and I have some of my old friends from college, too.
Same for the PSN.
I have 2 XBL accounts. My home account is all family, friends and their friends, basically all people I know or have met irl with a few exceptions. My work account is co-workers only, which include people I’ve never met irl but work with me.
Most of my friends are either people I know in real life, or fellow gamers who are on two message boards I frequent the most. I'll add a random person every now and then, if they were great playing with, in a random game.