Which one do you like

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the second one looks better to me. its sharper and has better contrast.
the sharper one looks better to me...

perhaps with a bit of work though, the top one could look equal to the bottom one? then again, i guess we are looking at the picture out of camera...

so yeah, the second one deffinetly looks much more pleasing to the eye.

edit: oh, i also just noticed, i think the second one has a bit less noise.
The second image looks better, much more natural looking. The top picture seems to have more artifacts, were detail is fine, and more noise.
first one looks better to me,
the colours look more true, unlike the 2nd where they look too rich.

shame they're not exactly the same size for an ideal comparison though.
Forgive my reply, it is just that i just finished reading a thread where a member asked for help, the forum has started helping him...you then inform him in essence that anything that anyone here tells him is a load of crap.

Then i come here and you are trying to pick a fight. Which one do you like, the first, or the second.
Originally posted by ToiIetDuck
first one looks better to me,
the colours look more true, unlike the 2nd where they look too rich.

shame they're not exactly the same size for an ideal comparison though.

I can respect your opinions on the colors, but which one looks sharper.
The digital rebel/10D shot looks much nicer. The colors look better, their is less noise, and it shows that the 1.6x crop has higher resolution.

Edit, also alot sharper for the 10D one.
Originally posted by [TQ]
Forgive my reply, it is just that i just finished reading a thread where a member asked for help, the forum has started helping him...you then inform him in essence that anything that anyone here tells him is a load of crap.

Sorry, I suppose he should blindly take advice from people with little experience or knowledge on the subject. Perhaps he should go to Best Buy next time he needs medical advice. He asked for help, I gave him what I believe to be "help", much like you did. Now, clearly, if someone else were to chime in and that person had experience with the subject, it'd be another story.


Oh, and PS: I think I answered your question pretty clearly. You said to tell which one I like better, and I did, excpet that I identified them by filename as opposed to spatial orientation.
remember that the 300d defaults at

contrast, saturation, and sharpness at +1 out of the box.

to me, this is an unfair comparison
i vote everybody should just say which image they like better.

dont read into this people, I am currious what people really think as well.

forget which camera they came from, it doesnt matter. No matter [TQ]'s motives, I am currious what people honestly like better.
Originally posted by KevySaysBeNice
No matter [TQ]'s motives, I am currious what people honestly like better.

I think it's kind of obvious what my motives are...i already got mad when someone brought up the camera.

I simply would like to know what image you like better before you find out which camera took it. I did the same thing on another message board and after the d70 thread on this board i figured i was picking a camera which i do not own, to my suprise that wasnt the case.

I wish people would stop thinking i'm such an evil person. I've had two spats on these boards, one of which involved my photography being stolen.
Originally posted by [TQ]
I'm not sure of what the settings were for the photos above...but i guess it would kind of be like...compairing the two and putting a good lens on one and a bad lens on the other


:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

the d70 pic was shot in normal mode:
contrast = 0
saturation = 0 (moderate = -1, enhanced = +1)
sharpness = 0

the 300d defaults to parameter 1 (edit: this is what mode it was shot in), which is:
contrast = +1
saturation = +1
sharpness = +1

this is why i do not think the comparison is fair.

anyways, i dont know how the other thread relates to this one, these shots were taken with the "kit" lens from both manufacturers
I like the first one better because it's softer looking. The second one would be better if it was in a text book or something.
I think the second picture looks cleaner and sharper than the first

on a side note though shouldn't you give dpreview credit for their pics and bandwidth? not trying to be an ass here but with the crap we've all had to read around here lately about "stolen pictures" I would think it would be good to be very clear where the pictures came from. I know we can all check the picture properties and see where it comes from but thats not the same as giving credit.
Originally posted by Gem
I think the second picture looks cleaner and sharper than the first

on a side note though shouldn't you give dpreview credit for their pics and bandwidth? not trying to be an ass here but with the crap we've all had to read around here lately about "stolen pictures" I would think it would be good to be very clear where the pictures came from. I know we can all check the picture properties and see where it comes from but thats not the same as giving credit.

Stolen would be like when royjr put his name on my photo, no one here has done that to dpreviews photos.
nobody said you stole it - I was suggesting you give credit to the author
Jeez... can we just burry this and move on guys. Some people like the D70 others like the DR... everyone's opinions and the reasons for those opinions are known already.

So lets just stop baiting each other and wasting forum space. Or at least can we start dealing with this in a less acrymonious way? Take the egos out of this thing. Ah well.

Besides that, its the photographer that matters, not the camera.

Edit: Sorry to sound pissy, I've had a bit of a rotten day. Dang thesis.
Originally posted by [TQ]
Low down dirty theft anyway you look at it...


I think you also promised not to post any more photos here in response to that, didn't you?
Originally posted by matt fury
I think you also promised not to post any more photos here in response to that, didn't you?

Yup...do you see any?
I think we need a moderator in this forum....ridiculous.

I like the second one by far, but I believe the first one could be sharpened to match the second one. I think the colors are also more accurate from the second...
Originally posted by torment
I think we need a moderator in this forum....ridiculous.

I like the second one by far, but I believe the first one could be sharpened to match the second one. I think the colors are also more accurate from the second...

We do, aparently i'm a horrid person and the root of all the problems. I'm out, sorry for the hickup everyone.
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