Which of these 2 cases is best for a home gaming pc?

I vote for the Antec. Solid case, easy to work with and comes with a good psu.
Get the Antec, as it is easy to use, and is very versatile... Although, you might want to look at a Chenming 602 though, for a case that is very similar, but has many upgrades to it...
I'd suggest the Cooler Master over the Antec. I own that type of Antec case and I hate it. I am patiently waiting for the Chenbro Gaming Bomb II. If you can only chose between those two, definately go for the Cooler Master.
The antec is nice, especially for a server, but it is more noisy than I would prefer unless you are replacing the Power Supply.

I would wan't a powersupply with a single 120 in it for my home.

Can you tell I like it quiet?
Cooler Master if you want fancy, Antec if you want mod-ability and ease of use.
i vote coolmaster.

everyone always votes for antec. that case is a pain also. the key breaks. the door gets jammed. go coolmaster. cooler temps
coolermaster is the way to go. there ware way to many of those antec cases around, and the coolermaster is much more professional looking in my opinion. very sleek and stylish and nice lines. the antec reminds me of the noobs that come to lans with that case and some craptastic system in it with onboard video, and they are like "omg hi2u, look at my uber 1337 h4x0r system!!!111" then they start playing games and their video lags really bad and everyone laughs at them then they usually end up going home early.

i vote coolermaster!
If you can afford it ... the Coolermaster ... if not there is nothing wrong with the Antec ... sure it's boring, but that design have been around since the beginning of ATX ... and it works well ...
my vote....


Super nice case and easy to work on, with excellent airflow.

I have the pre-pretorian, 201sx4 model and i've never been happier. (essentially the same case)
I say Coolermaster, every coolermaster case I have owned has been great. They are solid cases and are also great for modding :D
Lets say you weren't looking to mod at all. Which one would be the better choice? Out of those two.
Are you planning on moving the computer around at all, or is it just going to sit under a desk until you upgrade or replace it?

The Antec is much, much heavier. And really, the only advantage of the Antec is that it comes with a PSU. Personally, I'd go with the Coolermaster. Aluminum, removable MB tray, better looks. Whats not to like?
another vote for the cooler master. the praetorian is great case
Im not going to be moving my case around really. Im not going to mod it either. Just play games and stuff.
I personally upgraded from that style antec case to the praetorian, the praetorian is built 10x better and looks a lot more professional imo, that other antec case linked has a cheap plastic front that looks extremely tacky to me, although many people love the look :)

Like others have said, the antec is a good case, designed good, but its also owned by like 85% of the world, i think almost every case maker has a case designed on that exact frame. Coolermaster cases are built solid and really well designed, i cant find a single problem / flaw in my praetorian case.

since you arent looking to mod it or anthing, be warned the antec case is huge for an atx case and is rather bulky, the praetorian is a smaller slimmer design
Well it seems like most people think the praetorian is best. This will be my first build. I think im going to get the praetorian. The antec one might be too big for just me playing games at home.
Good luck on your build .... that Antec is really built like a tank ... weighs like one too .... I remember when somebody broke in my car and stole the streo, bashing my dash ... they left a brand new $1700 (using that case) system on the passenger seat that I am delivering to a co-worker ... they must have felt that it's to heavy to lug around ...
My vote, I say you don't get either. There is one case in all the world that will dominate any other. And that my friends deserves a special place in each and every one of our homes.
That case is just flawless. And its beautiful to boot. jk. :D

That case is fugly. I like the Praetorian quite a bit, but I wouldn't go with the case you selected. I'd go with this one.
I like black, and its cheaper too. :D
Millow said:
cooler master, the antec is fugly

it is a classic design, that's been around for ages ... every manufacturer has a model that's a clone of that design ... so how can you say it's fugly ... maybe not as polished as the new aluminum designs ... but it's a good design ... :rolleyes:
get the cooler master. the antecs are boring. I got one and the first thing I did was break the door off. :rolleyes: That and everyone has one. Even me.
Vulcanus said:
get the cooler master. the antecs are boring. I got one and the first thing I did was break the door off. :rolleyes: That and everyone has one. Even me.
Ya get the coolmaster.
I have the Antec Sonata and I like it, but you're probably better off with the cooler master. Won't be as bulky and heavy.
:eek: I just looked and you are right ... the black bezel is not flush at the top ...
Haha I've never noticed that. Its kinda like a wart on the face of a supermodel, it really turns you off.
I like my stuff to be perfect. So stuff like that stands out like a sore thumb to me.