Which Need for Speed games are worth it?


Apr 21, 2000
I'm a big fan of NFS: III and IV (the original High Speed and Hot Pursuit). I also liked Porsche Unleashed quite a bit. Since Steam has some of the new ones on sale, I'm wondering if any are worth the money. What do you all think?
Shift 2 Unleashed - $14.99
Hot Pursuit (the new one) - $10.20
Undercover - $2.49
Shift - $5

Actually, which are worth it is a pretty poor question. I guess saying, "Which are worth playing" would be a better question.
The newest Hot Pursuit is really a great game and is well worth the price. It really does remind me of the old Hot Pursuit and High Stakes so I think you would enjoy it.
Both Shifts and Hot Pursuit are good. Undercover is pretty mediocre from what I've heard.
Both Shifts and Hot Pursuit are good. Undercover is pretty mediocre from what I've heard.

No, Undercover (the first one) was good. The other import tuner ones afterwards were mediocre.
I was tempted by the Shift 2 sale also, but I've heard so many bad things about wheel support. Any idea if that's been worked out through patches?
So Undercover is good, and Underground kinda sucks?

No, Undercover sucks. Underground 1 and especially 2 were some of the best games in the whole NFS series despite the lame ricing mechanic. Steam doesn't have them though.
No, Undercover sucks. Underground 1 and especially 2 were some of the best games in the whole NFS series despite the lame ricing mechanic. Steam doesn't have them though.

That's fine. I won't play a ricer game. Might be the greatest racing game ever, but if it's ricer cars, I just don't care.
Underground 2 hands down best NFS I played. Super sound from the AE86, great handling on all cars, the tuning made hell of a difference, it was fun to play and skilful experience, I got to say it was more realistic game than Shift/Shift 2, even the gear changes were sweet.
So weird... I really liked undercover (more free roam) and hated Hot Pursuit (it's rails are on rails)

Most Wanted was, indeed, the best!
My favorite was Porsche Unleashed. It's the only NFS game I ever got into, any others I have tried were too arcade for me.
My favorite is Carbon. I bought the latest Hot Pursuit recently (cost 6,80 € on Steam), and I got a bit disappointed, not really worth the price imo. It sure has taken over 10 hours of my time in past 2 weeks but still... Bad things in this game are for example loading times and unvarious environment.
As you can see, tastes vary quite a bit. I played a lot of NFS III (Hot Pursuit) and IV (High Stakes). If you like those, I think you would like Most Wanted and the new Hot Pursuit.
What I hate about Hot Pursuit is the rubber-banding AI. No matter how flawless you drive a course, they suddenly get unlimited nitro and supercharged engines with a max speed of MACH 3.