Which keyboard you using for gaming?

L1ght said:
Saitek Eclipse. Works great, and it's got a red backlight. :D

I have the G15, but i got my wife the Saitek eclipse for xmas, and she loves it. Especially being able to change the colors.

After seeing it in action, i like the size of the Saitek and for the price and feel it seems like a really good gaming KB.
I like your basic logitech access. The way the keys feel is perfect. And that way I don't feel bad when I spill something on it, because they're cheap.
Saitek Eclipse (the first one). I bought it practically on release. Love the lighted keys. The logitech G15 is overpriced IMO when the Saitek brings most of the same things to the table (minus the almost pointless LCD IMO)
I bought a G15 for $55 at newegg, so I got a good deal. It's the best keyboard I have ever used.
I use a G15 for my main rig, a Xenix backlit slim for my Linux box and a Saitek Eclipse II for my gaming rig (M1710 in sig).
IBM KB-0225 - came with a laptop. Rubbish for typing on (it's US for a start and I'm UK based lol) but awesome for gaming on. Keys are fairly soft but it works for me :)

Just using an office pro logitech keyboard, no complaints about it and have had zero problems whatsoever for gaming on it.
Original Saitek Eclipse FTW. All keyboard, no ticky tack do-nothing buttons & screens that has more show than go.

Just gave my little brother my Saitek Eclipse and upgraded to a G15

The G15 is way better than the Saitek Eclipse I

First and foremost the lighting behind the keys is crisp, the saitek (no matter what the light intensity) was weak and washed out from the center of the keyboard (I dont know if this has changed in the Eclipse II. The LCD can be quite useful (http://www.g15mods.com/ ).... The software is great

The only thing i need to get used to is the extra width..the G15 isssss wide. Perfect though for the sim LockOn.
Main rig:
LAN parties : Saitek Eclipse (blue)
@ home: Microsoft Keyboard Elite (Bluetooth)

Secondary rig:
All the time - Logitech Ultra X
I'm probably using the same keyboard as you. Logitech Ultra-X. I love the thing to death, but it IS kinda cheap. Still works great for me, though. If you're looking to get another slim keyboard, but want something with a little higher build quality, check out the Enermax ones. I believe they've got an aluminum casing. When I wear out my ultra-x I'll probably pick one up. If you do get one, post on the board to let us know if it's nice :)

roper512 said:
I currently have one of those logitech slim keyboards they were selling on newegg for awhile that were nice and cheap.. It's starting to exhibit wear and tear and I'm looking for a new keyboard..

That logitech G15 looks pretty cool but I'm unsure how I'm going to like it after using a slim keyboard for so long and getting used to the shallow key presses.. Anyone have any experience like this?

The keyboard that came with my Dell E510. Just haven't found a need to fork over $40+ for a "name-brand" keyboard...YET
Dell Multimedia Keyboard.
For $23 you get a 2 port USB hub, multimedia controls, and just the right size keys for me.
Most importantly, when I spill soda on it, I won't be upset when I have to replace it.
Domingo said:
Saitek Eclipse here, too. It's responsive, the keys aren't too "soft" or loud, and it lights up using 2 brightness settings.

Same, 3 settings if you count "off". The blue glow on mine is great for gaming in the dark and still looks good in the day. The keyboard also feels a bit slimmer and less slanted than the dell keyboard on my old pc. I think that this keyboard would be less of an adjustment coming from a laptop. Also the keyboard matrix is not bad on this board, I can sprint duck-jump again.
I have a G15 on my gaming rig but I think I like the Saitek Eclipse II I have on my util rig more.. the G15 is so large.. even with a big desk it feels too big imo... anyways, I am not getting rid of it yet but I'm not raving about it either.. I'll get back to this thread when the jury is in. ;)
I use a HP keyboard i picked up at a local store for $19.99. Works great for gaming. No need for a $200 keyboard and mouse.
i had a saitek eclipse and i really liked it. It was quiet, responsive, and had some geek s3x appeal. Now im on a laptop and i just use the keyboard that is built in. It took a bit to get used to it but it works just fine for me.
I just got a Saitek Eclipse II, today! (upgrade from generic beige $10 kb)

I love it! keys flow like butter... Love the back light too! (although the blue is significantly not as bright as the red or purple...)
Although I don't have a Dell, I was able to snag a Dell keyboard from my school for free. Almost new, it works great. IMO a keyboard isn't a BIG deal for gaming, whereas a mouse makes a significant one.
Shadowspawn said:
Wolf Claw Type II

I feel like im in a special club with this bad boy since Its hard to find the origonal all black and grey model. The oversized WSAD keys rock and it works damn fine as a regular keyboard to boot.
Model M/Das Keyboard & an old Acer buckling spring model that weighs like 5lbs. (I've got a Laptop docking station right by my main PC, so I've got two mice/two kbs). Sooo solid, 'specially the Acer, which is 13 year olds. Only thing damaged on it is naturally the plug.