Which game was your Best Multiplayer Experience Ever...

World Wide LORD Net, Lords of the Realm (Not related to LORD Net), Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Quake2, Quake3, UT, Total Annihilation, Age of Empires, Age of Empires II, Age of Mythology, C&C Generals, and, of course, Doom3 XBox COOP!

Oh yeah, Goldeneye 64, Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64 and Mario Kart Double Dash were all awesome too!
Beowulf said:
Haha, and here I had thought everone forgot about that mod. Heres hoping for a Action Doom 3!!

Can I get an "Amen," brother? :)

I tried booting up AQ2 the other week, but couldn't get q2 to run stably (I was using the AQ2LTKTBM build, which I had never heard of, but I've long lost my original q2 disk). It kept freezing up...

D3 seems like a pretty good Action engine, I never played Urban Terror or any of the later AQ clones though (unless you count CS ;) ), so I don't have much to compare to.

[6e9]rrrRYAN!!! was my AQ2 nom de guerre.
Delta Force Land Warrior
Its a 1rst person shooter sniper game. If you play it running around the same way you played quake or UT, your missing the point. Its a very slow speed game style, thats about making a kill in one shot, or getting killed because you made too many shots. It's all about camping, and shooting an opponenet from 500 yards. Or even sneaking up behind them to get the ever coveted knife kill. Anyone else spend much time on this game?

I always bring it up a lan partys and people always look at me funny, but everyone gets addicted to it after 30 minutes.

PS: It's a good thing the Multiplayer is so good cause the single play is pretty bad.
Serious Sam also deserves a nod for bringing Co-Op to the game, and the old school UT Assault matches could get really intense if you could find a decent group
TFC. Five years later its still just as fun as the very first day. Quake1 was the same way for me.

Quake3 and it's mods are undisputedly the most fun games ever conceived for LAN parties though.
Lloyd++ said:
Quake3 and it's mods are undisputedly the most fun games ever conceived for LAN parties though.

You should put an IMHO behind that quote, cause I, and most of the people I went to LAN parties with, hated Q3A. UT was a by far better game (IMHO)... ;)
QW - lost about a year and a half of studies to that, playing on nordic and UK servers as lpb :) QW, TF and the early betas of CS before everybody and thier mum started playing it and it got filled up with cheaters and whiney teens.

Was so dissapointed in the slow pace of Q2 :(

In more modern times the SOF2 mp demo was rather nice also and it's nice at lans instead of cs. On lans with lame friends BF1942 is also fun :p
Well I 3rd/4th the comment about the 12yo's ruining games... and UT Assault was freaking awesome!! UT is the only MP game I've played where I would literally be sweating during gaming sessions. UT had some great background tunes and I loved that custom maps loaded automatically.