Which CPU? 975X or 980X


Limp Gawd
Sep 1, 2004

Need to build a gaming PC from my parts closet. Got a friend coming into town the rest of summer and wants a desktop to play FPS, RTS, and some MMO games at my house.

Will use following parts:

Asus P6X58D-E
Asus 5870 2gb ROG or EVGA 480 gtx - don't know yet
12gb Corsair Domintator GT ram
dual 80gb Intel X-25
dual 1tb WD Cavier Black
X-Fi Titanium
Killer Xeno Pro NIC
BR-DVD Burner
Corsair 850w HX PSU

I have the following CPU's that I can use...


I know that the extra core's may not help with gaming, but they couldn't hurt. Will lightly overclock to 4~4.2ghz. Or could do a build with 875k, but don't want to have to buy a good quality MB, only have crappy Intel mATX that came with a bundle.

If you have all three then go with the 980x. They clock nicely!
Yes, they do, great CPU and the only EE that Intel has put out in some time that at least has features that aren't available in much cheaper chips.
Why is this even a question? You already know what your fastest cpu is... sounds more like you want to tell us what parts you have. It's ok to brag, just don't disguise it in the form of a question. :p
These are your spare parts? What are you running in the main rig? :confused:
I have a better idea... send me the 980x, put the 960 in the friends computer, and keep the 975x as a spare....

Seriously.. those are "spare" parts????