Where you gonna buy your 5870?


Nov 27, 2004
I'm hoping to hit up the local Microcenter tomorrow in the AM. If not, maybe Fry's will have them.

Where are you gonna get yours?
I'm waiting for them to drop by 50%. This typically only happens just after I buy the card though :)
I'll buy mine online to avoid sales tax.
If anyone offers a 5850 with free shipping I'll probably buy there.
I'll buy mine online to avoid sales tax.
If anyone offers a 5850 with free shipping I'll probably buy there.

Um, you're supposed to report your online purchases to your respective state revenue agency. You wouldn't want to break the law would you?
There's a great little e-tailer I sometimes frequent called newegg.com. Maybe you've heard of it?

Yeah but their prices are rarely the best these days and they have software to automatically price gouge as inventory drops. Probably not where you would want to shop for something released in limited quantities.

Personally I am going to wait until I buy a game I want to be able to crank up higher. I can probably save a few hundred if I wait until I actually need the thing though I do wish I had a new toy to play with :(
There's a great little e-tailer I sometimes frequent called newegg.com. Maybe you've heard of it?

Yes, my e-tailer of choice. However, a card in hand is better than one on order, especially if Newegg decides to up the price for lack of supply.
I plan to stop by Microcenter after work today and see if I can get any confirmation on if they will have the card and when it will go on sale. Then I have my little helper monkey (little brother) who doesn't work Tues-Thurs who will buy the card for me when the store opens.
Yeah but their prices are rarely the best these days and they have software to automatically price gouge as inventory drops. Probably not where you would want to shop for something released in limited quantities.

Personally I am going to wait until I buy a game I want to be able to crank up higher. I can probably save a few hundred if I wait until I actually need the thing though I do wish I had a new toy to play with :(

Yea, the price gouging thing they've been doing lately is pretty frustrating.

I will say though that I don't mind paying a few bucks more for a part from newegg primarily because I've always been extremely happy with the shopping experience I have with them. Shipping is always fast and customer service has always been very helpful to me.
I'm waiting for them to drop by 50%. This typically only happens just after I buy the card though :)

I think we can work together here. I'd be happy with 25% off, so you buy your card the first day, and the next day when it drops 50% I'll pick one up and send you a check for half the difference. We both get 25% off.
Is it supposed to be released this week? How come no news or reviews of it?

Supposedly the NDA will be lifted tomorrow. We should see all the reviews at midnight :) although I'd be surprised if we don't see a couple leak out today.

Anyway there has been TONS of news (although none of it covered by the mainstream sites because they're under NDA). Leaked benchmarks, pictures, XFX had the 5870 product page up for a while but it was taken down, etc. Someone on xtremesystems.org even got their hands on one and posted pics/benchmarks.
Is it supposed to be released this week? How come no news or reviews of it?

I know those battleships are pretty small and all...but...MAYBE you've seen some news about that?


Ok, carry on.

You'll see the news spill out. This is not only a much anticipated launch, but one that comes ahead of Windows 7, which, is where this card is going to see demand. So if people can get it in their systems and ready for Windows 7 (remember, the mass consumer has yet to see Win7, and BB has yet to charge you $129 to install your $199 OS *snicker*)
Newegg actually just screwed me over so hard I'm not doing business with them anymore, so I'll be using Zipzoomfly assuming they get the cards in.
I'll get mine from the cheapest source available. I intend to wait until very late october as I have no pressing reason to buy one now and that will allow the prices to come down a bit.
NEWS FLASH: Reviews will be posted Wednesday, starting around 8am EST. Cards will show up in stores a week later with inflated prices most places. Limited initial supply will be exausted quickly (planned by ATI to artificially increase demand) , followed by volume availablility two-three weeks later.

Performance for 5870 is, on avg, around 60% better than 4890 -- or, at least, that's what every early report is pointing towards. 5850 will probably be -20% the top-end. It's called cycle of (the GPU's) life...
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As I understand it they'll be few and far between. I'm just hoping I can find one. If Microcenter and Frys both have them I'll buy from whoever has it cheaper. If they have them for the same price it's hard to say - MC is on the way home, but I live very close to a Frys.
I'm thinking about asking a friend of mine to buy a HD 5850 / HD 5870 from BestBuy. She said her employee discount typically allows her to buy stuff with only a 5% - 8% markup of cost.
funny frys doent have them at all. th guy says he hasnt heard of them yet. they normally get them at least a feww weeks ahead of sales date..doesnt look good.
I was going to buy from newegg. But their return policy on video cards really sucks. I think I will go with TigerDirect. Free shipping no sales tax and a 30 day money back if you don't like it...
There's a great little e-tailer I sometimes frequent called newegg.com. Maybe you've heard of it?

I use to buy all my toys from there until last month. Pre ordered the Intel X-25 SSD for $425 just so they could cancel my order(Firmware bug) and when the time came to reorder again.........baam!!! over $600.

ZipZoomFly it is for the 5870
In order of preference:


My favorite by far is Amazon because of their free shipping and return policy - best on the web. I'm not buying for a few months, though. I'll wait to see if prices drop for the holiday season.
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Like I said, neweggs new found love with price jacking is pretty craptastic. I'll be ordering a 5870 around the end of November when demand has died down and prices are at msrp.
Tiger has changed their policy. For internal components (inclucing video cards) you get store credit (a cash card) instead of a refund.

At least that's how it works at my local Tiger Direct store. Mail order may be different.
On some stuff yes that's how it works. But on others you get that 30 day thing. It may not be on all video cards they sell, but its on most of them. If the 5870 doesn't have it, then I'll try amazon they also have no sales tax and free shipping and a very good return policy..
maybe dell if its on sale for 20% off

Really anyone who is selling it for a great price. Will probably set up a deal alert over at slickdeals.
funny frys doent have them at all. th guy says he hasnt heard of them yet. they normally get them at least a feww weeks ahead of sales date..doesnt look good.

I think Fry's will sell them. A few employees from Fry's have posted on this board saying they have them in stock already.
I've called the local Frys where I am. They said they don't expect to get any 5 series ati cards in this week :-( That their computer is showing first week of Oct....I guess we'll see tomorrow if this is a paper launch or not...
Had the cousin call his local Fry's in LA, they said the 5850 and 5870 will be available tomorrow :)
I've called the local Frys where I am. They said they don't expect to get any 5 series ati cards in this week :-( That their computer is showing first week of Oct....I guess we'll see tomorrow if this is a paper launch or not...

Same here. The guy knew about them, but had no info on stock. Said to call tomorrow morning. Got the same response from Microcenter. Keeping my fingers crossed.
This is good to hear. I still plan to buy mine from the egg so I hope that they have sufficient stock. At least this confirms that they will be available tomorrow.

Had the cousin call his local Fry's in LA, they said the 5850 and 5870 will be available tomorrow :)
Yea I am not sure which to get yet either. Though I may just wait until late October, let the price drop some. Not in a huge rush.

Though with my luck my current video card will fail the day it gets released forcing me to get a new one ;)
no joke with newegg's price jacking, the RAM I was looking at went up $12 between yesterday and today

i'll probably still be getting it there though :p