Where to download *BSD


Apr 20, 2003
Im looking to download Free or Open BSD whichever would be best for a BSD n00b to learn the ropes on. However, at both sites the FTP's fall through (Firefox 0.9.1). They will download up to a point then there will be an error about some bullshits. I know my computer is in fine condition and I'm sick of screwing with the FTPs. (Maybe too big a file?) So what I would like to know if there is a link you know has worked for you or if there is a torrent or something else out there? Thanks
I always downloaded the FreeBSD ISOs from one of the freebsd.org mirror sites w/out any problems. I would recommend using a dedicated ftp client though, I've never been a fan of web browser ftp functionality. I am using an old copy of ws_ftp pro here when I downloaded the various BSD installs.

I'd stick to FreeBSD if your a n00b. OpenBSD is badass for security, but it's even more text installed based than FreeBSD is. The recent FreeBSD versions are a breeze to install. I haven't tried out OpenBSD in about 4 years, so I'm not sure how their install is these days. If you can run a Debian or Slackware linux box, I'd say you can install any version of BSD without much issue though.
I've always downloaded the two floppy images and then installed from ftp12 or ftp13. Immediately afterword in goes cvsup, a fresh sync to the recent sources and then a build.
I do the FTP install too, but there should be ISO's on most of the mirrors. Like mentioned, do not use a browser to download that large of files, I use SmartFTP (free) when downloading in Windows to burn the images.
I would recomend FreeBSD, and you can grab the install iso's off of the mirrors. OpenBSD only has a simple boot ISO image, so you have to install via the internet, or a local server you setup.
Okay I grabbed SmartFTP and it looks to not only be faster but more like it will complete the downloads. Thanks for the info guys