where to buy a dremel from the cheapest?


Aug 2, 2002
i figure it should go under that case mod section.
I want to know where would be the cheapest place(online?) to find a multispeed corded dremel with an accesory kit.
i really like the 3956-02 with the included flex shaft.
ok well heres my opinion. When buying a dremel, you cant be afraid of saving money and buy the cheap one, it will burn out like that. Spend the money and get a top of the line one cuz itll last a lot longer trust me. i had a pretty good one and it burnt out on my first side panel, then i went out and bought a top of the line one, and i havent been one moment where i thought it couldnt hang. SO go to a hardware store like home depot, and buy one tha t you can return if it breaks.
I use the clarke rotary tool at my work. I have had it about a year now and it is holding up ok. I use it to install electric strikes in steel door frames. Not sure about the quality of the flex shaft on the clarke as I have not used it. I had the dremel 3956-02 kit before that and it is nice but most of the accesories are useless for my work.


The cheapest I have seen that dremel kit for was $75.
