Where is this urgency for new GPUs coming from?


Sep 15, 2011
It's nuts that these new cards are in such short supply. It's making me not even consider a new build. I'll just wait until whenever in 2021 that this supply issue isn't so acute. I know a game like Cyberpunk is making folks want to upgrade ASAP but hell that game will be a bug-filled mess for the better part of 2021 I will wager...so, without wanting to come off like a troll, what is fueling this sense of urgency for the impossible-to-find new cards from both AMD and NVIDIA? Like, folks waiting in long lines, etc. Don't get me wrong...I am really looking forward to gaming in 4K but it seems like you pay a hefty price - both in cash and in time and in troubleshooting/headaches (like with the LG CX48) - to join that club. So why not wait it out until said cards are available and the overall situation has stabilized?

I am not dunking on anyone and I know this is after all [H] but the supply>demand reality is nuts right now.
To give credit where credit is due, these new cards also are pretty fantastic. They are extremely fast and feature-rich--all of them. Combine that with a somewhat underwhelming prior generation and the holiday season, and it's not surprising there is demand.
what is fueling this sense of urgency for the impossible-to-find new cards from both AMD and NVIDIA?
You can also look at some older card to see it is more generalized than the new card, but that a cascade (new card hard to find, augment demand for older card and so on)

There is a bunch of factor and our ultra precise efficiency modern supply chain world (just in time shipping, no lost, no long storage), any change in demand/supply can create chaos, just see what happened in banana when all the demand for banana (small banana restaurant use + regular banana) became 100% regular banana at the start of the pandemic, or toilet paper when the demand for industrial restaurant/office/hotel toilet paper shifted to be all residential packaged toilet paper.

There is extra elements to this:

) Since Pascal in 2016, nothing got people excited very much, it probably created some back up of demands in the expensive $400 plus video card market
) The new offering offer nice performance by $ over the previous offering and because of the new console studio can make expensive game really massive in term of hardware demand a la Cyberpunk and so on
) 4K TV plugged into GPUs work more and more, with VRR and so on
) holiday season, lot of people tried to have a new build to play on during stay at home holidays
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Because humans are getting more sedentary and lazy and now COVID has given them even more of an excuse to live in a virtual/digital world....

I love my games more than anything, always have, but AFTER a hard days work or during vacation. Work hard, play hard.

In a relatively short amount of time humans have gone from needing to labor all day to survive (farm, build, etc.) to sitting around most of the time. All while taking in more calories.

Just my salty opinion...:)
I think it's a combination of:

-GPUs being more complicated, and resource intensive to manufacturer than ever.
-PC gaming being more popular than ever
-A dash of pandemic with everyone stuck at home
-A pinch of scalping being within the ability of anyone with google and free time.

Those powers combined make Captain F@%$ People Who Want To Buy GPUs.

Just looking at the size of modern GPUs, it's easy to see manufactures are throwing everything the can at GPUs to give us meaningful performance jumps. If they could go back to selling cards the size of 8800s I don't think manufacturing would have nearly as much trouble keeping up.
Performance leap over the previous generations are great, and fear of missing out, FOMO?
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10 series cards were hard to get and overpriced near the end of their life-cycle due to crypto-mining
20 series cards sucked in my opinion and offered a terrible value proposition compared to the outgoing 10 series cards
COVID happened and more people are gaming than ever before, many on old hardware for the above reasons, and every GPU on the market was hard to get
The 30 series and AMD 6800/6900 cards are absolutely major upgrades for most people and especially those that skipped on those 20 series cards or missed out on the 10 series cards before pricing went crazy and then went EOL
Not enough supply to meet the crazy pent up demand.

I was in the market for a new card but that was right when the 10 series cards starting getting crazy expensive due to mining so got a used 980 Ti instead. 20 series cards came out and they were a hard pass due to price/performance ratio. 30 series and AMD cards are out, I'm trying to get them, but unsuccessful thus far. If I wanted I'm sure I could have grabbed some shitty Zotac card but I've been holding out for ASUS and Hybrid cards.
I'm pretty sure there's a pandemic effect going on too. I'm not sure how much it actually contributes to the 3xxx/6xxx or Zen3 shortage, but decent GPUs getting wiped out. I've taken a few random looks lately just due to curiosity, and it seems like the best thing you'll see stock of online near MSRP sometimes is something along the lines of a 1660 of some sort or RX 5600XT, then they're gone the next day. It's not just GPUs either. Quality larger PSUs are in short supply, as are AMD processors -- even the 3xxx models. It's like everyone thought the same thing I did. This is going to be a long, boring winter with everything closed due to Covid so it's time to buy toys. It's not just computer stuff and consoles. Craft stuff has been flying off the shelves too. Hell, I saw some article earlier today that there's been an ongoing run on sewing machines and at this point it's not about making masks anymore.

I've been contributing to all of this of course. I figure if there's ever going to be a time to go big on a computer, this is it. I built myself a new machine, built another one for dad for Christmas, built a little file server (though that's an i3-10100 so not really interfering with anyone's gaming build), and got mom a sewing machine upgrade. I also sucked up an extra vid card by buying a 1660Ti in October as a temp card until I get my hands on a 3xxx or 6xxx board. When I do I'll stuff it in my old X79 machine. I should be picking up a 3090 at Best Buy on Saturday.
A lot of what people wrote above. To that I would emphasize that I think a LOT of people skipped the 2000 series / AMD cards because of high price and low price/performance. Then - as has been mentioned, Covid... which is actually bringing PC gamers back. People who have not gamed in a decade are saturated with Netflix and looking for something 'new' like PC games (they remember enjoying back in the day).
All that makes sense.

Speaking of availability, is there any general consensus/info from NVIDIA or AMD on when the newer cards will be readily available?
Its FOMO, and if you don't have a new graphics card to show off to your friends or your Youtube / Instagram followers, you aren't cool.
Its FOMO, and if you don't have a new graphics card to show off to your friends or your Youtube / Instagram followers, you aren't cool.
I'm sure that's a factor too, especially since a lot of other ways of "being cool" are closed. You can take a trip but when you get there it's lame. No showing off at clubs/parties. Depending on where you live you might even get a visit from the police or someone from the health department wanting to do contact tracing and stuff a swab up your nose if you do that. All that's really left in some parts of the country are "check out my toys" and "look what I made".

I think it's more than that though. I think a lot of people who wouldn't normally chase this stuff are chasing it. Even just look around the forums a bit. Lots of old members coming back and making "I haven't built a rig in years, but..." posts. In a normal year I wouldn't bother trying to get in on a launch or chase after some hard to get part, but this year is special in a short bus sort of way.
COVID has also impacted supply chains - it’s real, we have shortages and long lead times quoted for our components. Many factories were shut down so things were not being made back in Q2 and into Q3. So supply chains are really thin and limited. This is one factor for sure.
in one word - FOMO - or in four - fear of missing out!

though i do know the feeling when you just feel like "I got to have it.....NOW! :mad:" - such a nice feeling (you know you are one of the lucky ones!)
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I was in the market for a new card but that was right when the 10 series cards starting getting crazy expensive due to mining so got a used 980 Ti instead. 20 series cards came out and they were a hard pass due to price/performance ratio. 30 series and AMD cards are out, I'm trying to get them, but unsuccessful thus far. If I wanted I'm sure I could have grabbed some shitty Zotac card but I've been holding out for ASUS and Hybrid cards.
Why don't you like Zotac, say compared to ASUS?
though i do know the feeling when you just feel like "I got to have it.....NOW! :mad:" - such a nice feeling (you know you are one of the lucky ones!)
I'm not so sure about that. I mean, I have a 3090 on order. How stupid is that? But 2020 is special in an everyone hop on the short bus sort of way.
Content creation is a thing, even die hard console players are building dedicated streaming PCs.
My buddies kids have all experienced remote schooling this year, so the leap to being the middle school gaming hero isn't that far for them. It's not like they can play football in my area right now.
Originally I wanted one too, and would've bought one if I could get it scalper free. But I'm kind of glad I wasn't able to. I don't need it, just wanted it to see what all the fuss is about. I think I can get plenty of mileage from my old card still.
It's nuts that these new cards are in such short supply. It's making me not even consider a new build. I'll just wait until whenever in 2021 that this supply issue isn't so acute. I know a game like Cyberpunk is making folks want to upgrade ASAP but hell that game will be a bug-filled mess for the better part of 2021 I will wager...so, without wanting to come off like a troll, what is fueling this sense of urgency for the impossible-to-find new cards from both AMD and NVIDIA? Like, folks waiting in long lines, etc. Don't get me wrong...I am really looking forward to gaming in 4K but it seems like you pay a hefty price - both in cash and in time and in troubleshooting/headaches (like with the LG CX48) - to join that club. So why not wait it out until said cards are available and the overall situation has stabilized?

I am not dunking on anyone and I know this is after all [H] but the supply>demand reality is nuts right now.
New gpu, yes. New chick, no one can afford that.
Why don't you like Zotac, say compared to ASUS?
In my opinion they've always played in the mud with really low effort and cheap hardware designs. Based on the 30 series cards reviews out there they seem to be the worst performers when it comes to power, noise, heat, and clocks for the various brands available in the states. Same with PNY.
I haven't done a TON of research since they've always been a write off for me for years.
In my opinion they've always played in the mud with really low effort and cheap hardware designs. Based on the 30 series cards reviews out there they seem to be the worst performers when it comes to power, noise, heat, and clocks for the various brands available in the states. Same with PNY.
I haven't done a TON of research since they've always been a write off for me for years.
Thanks. Sometimes I have a hard time distinguishing between the various AIB brands. I appreciate your explanation.
What are the main differences between the big four - ASUS, MSI, EVGA and GIGABYTES and the likes of PNY etc...
It was expected given how few people upgraded over the past two years. The 2080ti was basically the fastest GPU for two years, and even when it came out most people didn't bother to upgrade because it wasn't a huge gain over the 1080ti. Everyone still sitting on a 1080/1080ti, or even cards from a generation before that finally have reasons to upgrade.
What are the main differences between the big four - ASUS, MSI, EVGA and GIGABYTES and the likes of PNY etc...
Keep in mind these are all my personal opinion and I may be factually incorrect because of personal bias. This is not meant to be a comprehensive and declarative statement on the current video card manufacturer meta.
ASUS and EVGA are at the top of the heap, for the most part. I think this time around ASUS has better hardware designs than EVGA, but EVGA has better customer experience since they're based in the USA. I think they both make great 30 series cards and I would love to grab an ASUS Strix but because I like lower temps and quieter designs I'm really keen on getting a 3080 FTW3 ULTRA HYBRID.
Next is MSI, which I wrote off over a decade ago, but I think they make decent video cards. It was just death by a thousand pricks a long time ago where I got tired of them cheaping out here and there.
Next is Gigabyte. Getting close to 'playing in the mud' territory. Maybe they're more solid recently but in the past they were always cheap at the expense of user experience.
Mud Tier: Zotac and PNY.
Like an idiot I spent tonight going back and forth on 6800XT and 3080. Thanks to Linus, I've changed my mind back to 3080.
Mud Tier: Zotac and PNY.
Thanks for acknowledging personal bias. I've used Zotac and PNY for years, never had a single issue. I'm currently on a Gigabyte (so, close to mud as you say), 3 years with no issue. Guess if I buy Asus next I'd elevate from the mud and achieve nirvana? (friendly joke btw)

I've seen plenty of reviews from the big youtube channels praising many Zotac products, never seen any about PNY though. As for MSI and Gigabyte, they're solid on all reviews I've seen.
Thanks for acknowledging personal bias. I've used Zotac and PNY for years, never had a single issue. I'm currently on a Gigabyte (so, close to mud as you say), 3 years with no issue. Guess if I buy Asus next I'd elevate from the mud and achieve nirvana? (friendly joke btw)

I've seen plenty of reviews from the big youtube channels praising many Zotac products, never seen any about PNY though. As for MSI and Gigabyte, they're solid on all reviews I've seen.
Yeah, Zotac cards have been solid for me. I've only owned a couple of PNY cards and they were solid as well.
Heh, years ago I had a GIGABYTE motherboard die on me. This was like 15 years ago. Since then I've never bought GIGABYTE again. Not exactly sure why, I'm sure they're fine. Just kind of jaded me.
Just kind of jaded me.
I think that happens to all of us. It’s a human reaction: x Fails one time, we’re done with it! Of course it’s not indicative of a company necessarily, and their practices do change over time. It’s hard to go against our previous experiences though. I like Corsair for my power supplies, gigabyte for my motherboards, and never had an issue with gpus so anything at MSRP is fine. Completely biased decisions, obviously.
This is not a surprise. Nvidia knew the demand was going to be really high because lots of people sat on the sidelines with their pascal cards. They did not want to pay the mark up for turing. Combine that with nvidia's poor initial supply and douchebag scalpers/botters and that's how we end up where we are now.
What I find amuzing if not frustrating Nvidia could not manage their own store, went to BestBuy for retail sales. With available FE 3090s, had one in cart but since in a given region I could not purchase.
You’d think they’re doing this for the headlines, but none of this is good for them, from a business perspective. I don’t understand why Nvidia doesn’t do the minimum consumer goodwill move and have a queue system at GeForce.com to just buy from them: sign up, pay a deposit, and when it’s your turn in the availability queue, pay the rest and get the damn card shipped. It’s really not hard logistically and would create more positive headlines from them. So why are they not doing this???
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It's nuts that these new cards are in such short supply. It's making me not even consider a new build. I'll just wait until whenever in 2021 that this supply issue isn't so acute. I know a game like Cyberpunk is making folks want to upgrade ASAP but hell that game will be a bug-filled mess for the better part of 2021 I will wager...so, without wanting to come off like a troll, what is fueling this sense of urgency for the impossible-to-find new cards from both AMD and NVIDIA? Like, folks waiting in long lines, etc. Don't get me wrong...I am really looking forward to gaming in 4K but it seems like you pay a hefty price - both in cash and in time and in troubleshooting/headaches (like with the LG CX48) - to join that club. So why not wait it out until said cards are available and the overall situation has stabilized?

I am not dunking on anyone and I know this is after all [H] but the supply>demand reality is nuts right now.
People skipped RTX 2xxx due to the pricing, not offering any rasterization performance boost and useless RTX performance.