Where can i find out how to make my own case?

It's not something that you "find out how to do" or read a guide/tutorial on. That's kind of like asking someone to teach you how to be a parent. You can get suggestions and advice beforehand but until you get started you won't really "learn".

Only you know if it's for you or not, and I suggest just giving it a try and see what happens. You'll probably find pretty quickly that there are things that you'd like to do but you don't have the tools or time for them - then you either need to rethink, buy better tools or outsource certain jobs to specialists.
All depends how serious you want to get :p
once you figure out what you want, you will realize that there are prob only a few ways to make a case that includes all of the things you want. so spend as much as time as you think is necessary on figuring out what you really want in your case.