What's wrong now...


Limp Gawd
Dec 2, 2006
Just set up in case a new rma-replacement Asus P5B-D MB, new gtx280, and 4 gig of new memory. When I powered up all the fans were turning, but nothing on screen...no boot-up...nada. With or without HD connected, or with 1 or 2 sticks of ram in, it gets to the opening MB screen...but cannot hit "delete" key to get to bios...just stays on this opening screen...

The only existing components still being used from before the prevous P5B-D MB failure are the E8400 cpu, the sata HD, and the PCP&C 610W PS... ( previous MB failed due to poorly done OC )

What's the next diagnostic step... take an older HD w/ same OS and pop it in...if works w/ that, then it's the HD...Or, pull off cooler, remove the E8400, put in the old 6600 to see if it's the cpu?

Thanks for any feedback
Make sure what BIOS your using. You need to be running bios 1236 (for the E0) or 1226 (for the C0). If you're not running one of those, you'll have to put in the old CPU so you can flash the BIOS. The minimum BIOS for the 6600 is 0302. (Note, that the 12xx BIOS' are all BETA's)

Go here to find out what CPU's are supported.

You can get the BIOS updates here.

Good luck!
Thx for great info. Yesterday am I put my old e6600 in....everything worked fine. So, when I killed my original P5B-D last month, it was a double-murder...got the E8400 as well.(messed up OC by me...duh) When it happened I was actually running bios version "1237".

I'm ordering a new E8400 this morning I hope. When I ordered the last E8400, there was no way of specifying the stepping... So, when you get a new cpu it's just pure luck which ver it is? "CO" version has less problems I've read...?

Based on your comments, I should wait until I get the new cpu, see what stepping it is, and then flash to either 1236 or the other one?

I see what you're saying.... I'm on strong meds for bad cold...brain not working...

When I put the e8400 in MB w/ the "1233" bios....did not recognize that cpu... so I will flash to "1236", then put e8400 back in...maybe I get lucky and it's still good...

Thx so much for that....
Yes, your last post got it exactly!

Since the new board is running the 1233, it wouldnt be able to detect an E8400 as it's using the E0 stepping. Flashing it to 1236 will allow it to see the E0 stepping CPUs. I'm guessing that the current CPU is running the E0 stepping as it wasnt seen. However. if you get the 1236 BIOS flashed, and it still cannot be seen, you may be at the "Bad CPU" stage.

Good luck to ya!!!
Thursday morning 5:27am...could not fall back asleep...suspense is killing me I guess... :)

Here we go...boot-up... "gentlemen, START YOUR ENGINES..." :) .....

Here's what happened:
Opening bios screen comes up....shows...
"bios 1236"... good, I flashed that yesterday when old cpu was in there...
Then, I see "E8400"... but then says "2.41 count:2"... ???
and, "PC2 5300".... ( this mem is gskill 8800 )...
then the boot-up stops, and will NOT allow me to get into "setup" by hitting "delete"...

Ok, I disconnected rj45 internet line, printer cable, and 1394 ext HD cable also...

Re-booted for 2nd time...

Now says:
"E8400 3.01ghz count2
Memory PC2 5300 ( mem is 8800...)
Initializing USB controllers...done
3072MB OK"
And again, screen hangs right here...and I cannot get into bios ....
6:30am Thursday

Disconnected power, pulled battery out, moved jumper from "1-2" position to "2-3" position for 10 sec then back, then waited about 5-10 minutes, then put battery back in, re-booted... hangs right away at the Asus MB logo, with no info on screen like before....and will not go into setup...just hangs there...

Could it be this new faster G Skill memory...no good for this older MB? I do still have my Corsair 6400....

Try booting with a single stick of RAM, if you can manage to get into the BIOS screen, manually set your RAM speed/voltage. Then run memtest86 on each stick. Let it run a few passes.
ok, booted w/ 1 stick of ram only...tried both the newer gskill8800 and my older corsair6400...comp will boot w/ only one stick ....guy at xbit forum says my MB does not like the much faster gskill...might not be able to use it...it's brand new...
As I said, manually set timings and voltage in the BIOS, then once they are set run memtest86 one stick at a time. If everything passes at a lower speed (try 1600 or 1333 to start) then put all of the sticks back in at the lower speed. If it work then its the default timings. If not, maybe a bad bank.
The saga continues...1 2gig stick of gskill8800 in now...

Some Bios settings for you to give me direction...
"Advanced/Dram freq": on "auto"/choices:667/833/1000/1111/1333

"AI tuning": on "auto"/ choices are-"manual/auto/standard/at NOS"

"CPU Config": Freq- 3.01ghz FSB-1333mhz
"CPU Ratio setting": on "auto" / no choices, but says to "key in
ratio numbers directly".
"CIE support": "enabled"
"Max CPUID value limit": "disabled'
"Vanderpool Tech": "enabled"
"CPU TM function": "enabled"
"Execute disable bit" : "enabled'
"Intel Speed Step tech": "enabled'

These two are "greyed out"...
"Ratio Status": "unlocked (max 9.0, min- 6.0)"
"Ratio actual value: 9"

"Configure dram timings by SPD: enabled"
"Static Read Control: auto" Choices: auto/disable/fast/faster

"PCIEX16_2/PCIEX1_1 force: auto" Choices- auto/X2mode-

What the heck do I do now... ( now remember, I blew up my last P5B-D last month w/ poor OC).... (peeing in my pants........)