What's the oldest game you keep going back to play?


Limp Gawd
Mar 11, 2010
I still regularly play games of Alpha Centauri (1999). I find the 4X strategy game to have a charm and depth that modern games just don't have.

I still occasionally fire up older console games (usually SNES), but usually emulated as I don't bother bringing them out of storage anymore.

Bonus points if you still play your game of yore with the original hardware!
I still play the old Street Fighter 2 games (1991-1994) regularly.
Wing Commander and Baldurs Gate series.

It's a toss-up between the two of them.
C64 Wizard. One of the best games ever.

I also go back and play Wizardry 5 and Super Mario Bros every couple years.
Oh wait, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.

And Baldur's Gate

Hmmm.... Mario 64? There's more than I thought I go back to...
Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen and Super Metroid. I seem to play both of these every year or two, though I'm sad to say I don't have an original SNES, so I play them on the Wii/PC. On PC, I always seem to have Dungeon Keeper installed.
Command & Conquer '95, C&C Red Alert, and Total Annihilation mostly. Newer RTS games don't really do it for me.
I keep going back to Stronghold

This, and also Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim

I also tend to beat Mario 64 once a year. And I keep going back to a lot of old console games. Still searching for a fully functional ROM for Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Yes I'm aware, I'm not buying into it until after the dust settles.

I've played every WC game, and loved them all, but I'm not about to plop money down for something that isn't out yet, no matter the incentive.

I would at least get the starter package so you can get into the Alpha/Beta.

If Star Citizen is even 10% of what they are saying it will be as good as Wing Commander.
The original Sim City - love the music.

Rock N Roll Racing - best game ever.

Full Throttle - best adventure game.
Console: Mario Bros 3
PC: Command and Conquer: Red Alert

I also recently replayed SimTower.
does System Shock 2 count?...even though it was recently released on Steam/GoG it's still considered an old game