What's the deal? Everything I hover is incorrectly displayed.


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 22, 2002
I could hover over anything, and it would show up incorrectly. I could hover over the clock in the corner, and it would tell me the current song playing in Winamp. I could hover over the Folding@Home icon, and it would tell me my MBM5 temperature info. Hovering over My Computer would give me the blurb that's supposed to pop up when you hover over the Run button in the start menu. If I get the messed up pop-up, I could move my mouse somewhere else, hover over the same spot again, and I'd get the correct info. Has anyone seen this type of behaviour before?



heh. yea, something similar is happening to my roommates computer. He's traced the problem to AOL Instant Messenger, but can't figure out how to fix it. please let me know if you do :) good luck
Same thing is happening to me right now, and I run F@H. Never really tried to fix it though. It just comes and goes. I am clueless too, so help is appreciated.
Turned out to be the GUI of Folding@Home. Switched over to the text-only console version, and all my problems are gone. It's not as pretty, sure, but at least I can hover over things properly now.