What's the bar none all out best Nforce 3 ultra mobo?


Limp Gawd
Jan 7, 2004
Welp I recently decided to make the jump over to AMD so I pre ordered a 3200+ venice and an DFI NF4 SLi DR. I had mustered up the cash to buy a 6800 ultra pci-e vid card but those funds now have to go to next semester college tuition.

So what the hell, I've heard there's not much performance difference between the NF4 and NF3 so I'm thinking about getting an NF3 mobo while I can get some cash to get a 6800 ultraPci-e.

Question is; Which mobo based on that chipset is the all out BEST for overclocking? Something that can put out nice VDIMM voltages would be nice as my Bh5 likes 3.4v, but I also got a DDR booster but not many NF3 mobos support it.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. :)