What's is AMD keeping under wraps?


Limp Gawd
Feb 17, 2005
There seems like AMD is keeping under wraps... Any ideas what it is? Read the last section of the [H] review and Anands review...

I would keep in mind that AMD has not let all their cats out of the bag just quite yet. I would expect to see at least one more hardcore enthusiast trick up their sleeve before year’s end.

Anands review.
AMD does have one last trick up its sleeve before the end of the year, and you will hear about it in June. It's not K8L and it's not going to affect the majority of people, but it is an interesting stop gap solution for the high end in 2006...


My guess are..

A new Athlon 64 Emergency Edition running at > 3.0GHz.

The catch is..it will be based on a dual core but with one core disabled. The 1MB of L2 on the disabled core will either be merged with the L2 or used as L3 cache...so you will get a 3Ghz + AMD64 with 2MB of L2 or a 3GHz + AMD64 with 1MB L2 and 1MB L3.
Some translated quotes from this thread:


"[Got info on K8L launch] directly from my sources close to AMD.
Haven.t got exact details/dates, but samples are already on circulation, so I.m hoping/counting on a demonstration already in June. (...) Rumours say that AMD are moving existing production to Chartered.s fabs in Singapore, which indicates the K8L procs will be available in small quantities already this year"

"I noticed Anand.s comment, I suppose they.re talking about X2 5200+ (2.6GHz 2x1MiB L2)"

"New Opterons on Socket_F released in June"
seems to me if they want to get more product out the door against the Core Duo 2(assuming its all the previews suggest) is to lower the prices of the 939/AM2 chips

Regardless of whos faster I am not going to drop much more than 500 bucks on a CPU. If the biggest bang for the buck this fall is an intel I will get it but if the biggest bang is in the AMD camp Ill get one of those.
hmm x2 5200.....i am sure there will be one. Looking at the opteron roadmap..there is the 256.....which is the 3Ghz single core + 1MiB Cache part..

But I don't think [H] or AT will "talk up" such a small speed bump as "interesting".

The terms "trick up its sleave" and "and not let all their cats out of the bag" seem to indicate something that is well know yet.
256 has been out for a while in retail channel. Plus, Sun has been offering them for quite some time. Dual core sempron would be amusing.
evilmedic said:
hmm x2 5200.....i am sure there will be one. Looking at the opteron roadmap..there is the 256.....which is the 3Ghz single core + 1MiB Cache part..

But I don't think [H] or AT will "talk up" such a small speed bump as "interesting".

The terms "trick up its sleave" and "and not let all their cats out of the bag" seem to indicate something that is well know yet.
I noticed both of those comments as well. And I agree; "interesting" and "trick" have a certain connotation to them.

We don't have to wait too long though. June 1st is only 9 days away.
I know what I would like to see revealed....DDR2-1000 become a standard on future mb's without oc'n, dual processor (single and dual core) configs w/o the socket 940 pricetag, and dual core Semprons.

Is that asking for too much??? Maybe I am just really saying that there needs to be more coming from the AM2 chipset than DDR2. Sure, with DDR2 you have more bandwith but with DDR2 latencies, I think anything under 1000 is pointless to me. I really need a good reason to upgrade from 939 not only for my computer, but for my AMD based builds for the shop I work for.

At least I did not mention something crazy like a socket adapter for AM2, but then AMD probably thinks my wanting of a cheaper enthusiast multi proc solution than a 940 setup is :D
As to what's in their bag? IT's a CAT :p

Seriously though, AMD has been absolutely fantastic at keeping their processor work secret until they want to release the information to the public. We can all speculate, but even if an AMD employee is here, they are not going to tell you "anything" that isn't already released or OK'd to release to the public.

Other than that, I'm predicting:


1. Price adjustments to make their cores more competitive with the $130.00 Pentium D 805.

2. Secret 939 releases that go beyond the original roadmap, again on the "budget" side (don't expect faster than the FX-60, just cheaper and less power all around).

3. The AM2 road map with core revisions that add some of the new iNtel wizbang features.


1. Lock down them Pentium D 805 cores, it's hurting their bottom line on the more expensive cores! No OC'ing after current core itteration.

2. Conroe cores that try to keep in step with faster AMD AM2 core releases.

3. Development work on Quad Core chips to compete with the significant advancement on Quad Core AMD has already completed.


1. A winner regardless of the lead chip maker they purchase from as pricing goes down, down, down.
I think AMD will have enough funds to purchase 51% of Intel stock in June and then they are going to make all intel employees wear green....

just an edjubicated guess

lol, a 2.66ghz AMD X2 still won't get anywhere near the performance of a Conroe Core 2 processor.
BlackTigers91 said:
I wanna fuvking see a Dual Core Sempron, to compete with the smithfields!

Semprons wouldn't do too well in the spaceheater market.
evilmedic said:
There seems like AMD is keeping under wraps... Any ideas what it is? Read the last section of the [H] review and Anands review...


Anands review.


My guess are..

A new Athlon 64 Emergency Edition running at > 3.0GHz.

The catch is..it will be based on a dual core but with one core disabled. The 1MB of L2 on the disabled core will either be merged with the L2 or used as L3 cache...so you will get a 3Ghz + AMD64 with 2MB of L2 or a 3GHz + AMD64 with 1MB L2 and 1MB L3.

Some webmasters also complained. The bottom line is that AMD is supposed to Add technology a little at a time until it reaches its next Core Upgrade. These were said to look like;
AM2 X2
65nm AMD2 X2 with L3
half of K8L Dual Core X2-AM2 with L3

So AMD Fans are expected to buy transistional Products and think they're cool. Not complain like many did with Intel Procs.
There was some talk about AMD starting a reverse threading setup on their dual core processors, where each core handles single threaded instructions simultaneously. This was supposed to increase processor speed in single threaded apps (most games) when using dual core processors. Since this was supposed to be a software solution, it would benefit all dual core AMDs.

Maybe this is it.
Elias said:
There was some talk about AMD starting a reverse threading setup on their dual core processors, where each core handles single threaded instructions simultaneously. This was supposed to increase processor speed in single threaded apps (most games) when using dual core processors. Since this was supposed to be a software solution, it would benefit all dual core AMDs.

Maybe this is it.

oh yeah the reveres hyperthreading deal.. that would be intense.
HighTest said:
2. Secret 939 releases that go beyond the original roadmap, again on the "budget" side (don't expect faster than the FX-60, just cheaper and less power all around).
A while back, I remember seeing stuff on AMD's site about a Socket 939 X2 5000+; it was mentioned in some PDFs.. I was just at their site a few minutes ago, and came across something else..


AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core ProcessorPIB Price Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (socket AM2 and 939) $696

AMD Athlon™ 64 FX ProcessorPIB Price Athlon 64 FX-62 (socket AM2 and 939) $1,031

What's going on here?
Donnie27 said:
So AMD Fans are expected to buy transistional Products and think they're cool. Not complain like many did with Intel Procs.
I hear that. But AMD does need to promote the new socket architecture aggressively to get their products in the field asap. Keep the consumers buying while wetting their appetites with each new tidbit of upcoming tech and transitional products....ya know?
Elias said:
There was some talk about AMD starting a reverse threading setup on their dual core processors, where each core handles single threaded instructions simultaneously. This was supposed to increase processor speed in single threaded apps (most games) when using dual core processors. Since this was supposed to be a software solution, it would benefit all dual core AMDs.

Maybe this is it.

2CPU.com fans have been trying to do this for years. Yup have two processor work on a single thread.
DejaWiz said:
I hear that. But AMD does need to promote the new socket architecture aggressively to get their products in the field asap. Keep the consumers buying while wetting their appetites with each new tidbit of upcoming tech and transitional products....ya know?

Can't say I blame AMD either but a little consistancy wouldn't ? ;)
HighTest said:

1. Lock down them Pentium D 805 cores, it's hurting their bottom line on the more expensive cores! No OC'ing after current core itteration.
I'm not sure that can be done, has anyone ever released a processor that has a FSB lock?
2. Conroe cores that try to keep in step with faster AMD AM2 core releases.
Fastest AMD on the roadmap is 3.0 Ghz, fastest Conroe is 3.33, so, not much trying to keep up as keep ahead
3. Development work on Quad Core chips to compete with the significant advancement on Quad Core AMD has already completed.

Intel is already significantly ahead of AMD as far as quad-core goes, though I doubt that means they are going to stop and take a nap on it.
NulloModo said:
I'm not sure that can be done, has anyone ever released a processor that has a FSB lock?


NulloModo said:
Fastest AMD on the roadmap is 3.0 Ghz, fastest Conroe is 3.33, so, not much trying to keep up as keep ahead

Even if AMD were at 3.4GHz (rumor) it would still be slower, run hotter, cost more and etc....

NulloModo said:
Intel is already significantly ahead of AMD as far as quad-core goes, though I doubt that means they are going to stop and take a nap on it.

You got that right!
AMD's chicken has hatched

Intels duck is still in the egg...

and as of speaking lots of people like the duck better than the chicken...

bad taste, bad taste and no common sense.
Hito Bahadur said:
I assume the next thing coming out (pre-k8l) is Rev G:

yes, it could simply be an announcement, and no new parts in june.

reverse hyperthreading? no. that means a whole new architecture. amd's not ready.
speed bump? not exciting enough. we just got one anyway
price drops? possible
65nm? seems way early, but not out of the question
From what I've read, Chartered's current contract is for 90nm parts. It could be that 65nm has moved up ad Fab36 has switched over earlier than anticipated. This might seriously help with TDP numbers and therefore help the performance/watt ratio.
Donnie27 said:
One small point was left out of all of the Fan drooling and etc.. It was a phucking $1000 plus dollar processor, sheesh!

Also, it's only a 450 Mhz OC (FX-62 runs at 3.0Ghz, right?) and the guy is using chilled water (btw, how do you cool water to -15 to -20 degrees celsius without it freezing? Some sort of additive?). Even if it was a regular water cooling setup, a 450 Mhz OC isn't that impressive.

I'm personally a lot more impressed with the 1.8Ghz Opterons that are hitting 2.8 and above on air.
NulloModo said:
Also, it's only a 450 Mhz OC (FX-62 runs at 3.0Ghz, right?) and the guy is using chilled water (btw, how do you cool water to -15 to -20 degrees celsius without it freezing? Some sort of additive?). Even if it was a regular water cooling setup, a 450 Mhz OC isn't that impressive.

I'm personally a lot more impressed with the 1.8Ghz Opterons that are hitting 2.8 and above on air.

Same here and they use Anit-freeze or something, yes it is more than just Chilled water. 0 Celsius is freezing. All an 1.8 Opteron would have to do to impress me is run at 2.6GHz, my 3500+ will not even do 2.4GHz and stay stable. Even my other buddy who has an Overclocked 165 (2.8 watercooled) couldn't overclock it so it just isn't my fault.
Got to humbly disagree there Donnie. That's where XS is so much better than the fan whining and wishful thinking that goes on other places sometimes. They don't often ramble, that's old tech vrs. platform not really new, whine whine bitch bitch. That's DDR667 vrs. DDR 684, whine whine grumble bitch grumble. Well AMD will have K8L next week. Complain Moan grumble. I've seen people bitch about screaming conroe results because the chip is frozen. The AMD'ers might be offended even without a comparison. Of course this goes back and forth with the Intel guys too. Well, I have a freezer. I also find the networking section dry, but I don't complain. They're just happy to see new gear getting put through it's paces. As am I. There are less armchair engineer threads about this and that.

overclocking is the great equalizer in this game almost all of us play anyways. FX results and stuff fit in fine with the overall picture. They OC a wee bit better. When one chip is truly better than another, it still shows. I think the power refinements in AM2 cpus will likely lead to better OC's than there 939 brothers unless they get a tweaked process too. But in similar hands conroe is still getting a few thousand more in the 3d01, crazy frozen game. But still on airor other it will still take an enhanced AM2 to take on Conroe. But for XS they are out now, that's all they need to know.

NulloModo said:
Also, it's only a 450 Mhz OC (FX-62 runs at 3.0Ghz, right?) and the guy is using chilled water (btw, how do you cool water to -15 to -20 degrees celsius without it freezing? Some sort of additive?). Even if it was a regular water cooling setup, a 450 Mhz OC isn't that impressive.

I'm personally a lot more impressed with the 1.8Ghz Opterons that are hitting 2.8 and above on air.
FX-62 runs at 2.8 ghz (on 90nm SOI) so it was "only" a 650 mhz oc. At any rate, yeah its a really expensive chip, but it isn't mine. All you guys who like to nitpick really kill me. Maybe you're just jealous 'cause you can't afford one - I don't know. I just posted that because of all the talk going on with AM2 and memory latencies and this and that, yada, yada, yada. I posted it because its a real world dude who got one and is putting it through its paces and he's showing you what he's doing. Not like Intel/Anand who could only do a limited number of things to Conroe.
Get over yourselves and all your snootiness. The dude has an AM2 FX-62 and you don't. He's showing you what its doing - posting his real world benches - not hiding anything. Get over it.
texuspete00 said:
Got to humbly disagree there Donnie. That's where XS is so much better than the fan whining and wishful thinking that goes on other places sometimes. They don't often ramble, that's old tech vrs. platform not really new, whine whine bitch bitch. That's DDR667 vrs. DDR 684, whine whine grumble bitch grumble. Well AMD will have K8L next week. Complain Moan grumble. I've seen people bitch about screaming conroe results because the chip is frozen. The AMD'ers might be offended even without a comparison. Of course this goes back and forth with the Intel guys too. Well, I have a freezer. I also find the networking section dry, but I don't complain. They're just happy to see new gear getting put through it's paces. As am I. There are less armchair engineer threads about this and that.

overclocking is the great equalizer in this game almost all of us play anyways. FX results and stuff fit in fine with the overall picture. They OC a wee bit better. When one chip is truly better than another, it still shows. I think the power refinements in AM2 cpus will likely lead to better OC's than there 939 brothers unless they get a tweaked process too. But in similar hands conroe is still getting a few thousand more in the 3d01, crazy frozen game. But still on airor other it will still take an enhanced AM2 to take on Conroe. But for XS they are out now, that's all they need to know.


Oh man, I agree more than I disagree with you. XS are what they are. I once had a great talk with Fugger when I first posted there about two years ago. They are like Drag racers and put their test systems through things not meant for their everyday systems. Yet, many there do have great 24/7 systems as well. Yet, I've had Fugger himself defend others and I against AMD fans like Lithan, PetNorth and even Saaya, one of their Mods. Fugger had a tag line liink that said "If you think your system is faster than mine, then prove it". Yes, it was an Intel system.

I believe testing the best of what you have on-hand or can buy for a shootout but smart shopping is a must and different. I think it is fair to test WHAT YOU CAN BUY NOW but that's not the same thing buying NOW to build a syste. I also think it is totally bogus to put down something that's less than two months away as Not out yet, while hyping on that's about 6 to 10 months away. There's very little reason for AMD users to move to AM2 (not an upgrade really). Unless someone's rig died or they don't have one, buying AM2 NOW is not real smart. When Intel users in this market and others have plenty of reasons to upgrade to Conroe and to a lesser extent, Presler, that means hard times are ahead for AMD.
BigMacAttack said:
FX-62 runs at 2.8 ghz (on 90nm SOI) so it was "only" a 650 mhz oc. At any rate, yeah its a really expensive chip, but it isn't mine. All you guys who like to nitpick really kill me. Maybe you're just jealous 'cause you can't afford one - I don't know. I just posted that because of all the talk going on with AM2 and memory latencies and this and that, yada, yada, yada. I posted it because its a real world dude who got one and is putting it through its paces and he's showing you what he's doing. Not like Intel/Anand who could only do a limited number of things to Conroe.
Get over yourselves and all your snootiness. The dude has an AM2 FX-62 and you don't. He's showing you what its doing - posting his real world benches - not hiding anything. Get over it.

Wow, someone's a major hypocrite. What about those juicy 3.2ghz Conroe's on air with stock voltage? How about the 3.45ghz Conroe on air with only slightly higher pinmodded voltage? Plus the 20% IPC bonus over the FX series makes it even faster. I don't know how you can be calling an FX-62 as a "real benchmark" when people have been doing it with Conroe's for WEEKS before this showed up.
evilmedic said:
There seems like AMD is keeping under wraps... Any ideas what it is? Read the last section of the [H] review and Anands review...

My guess are..

A new Athlon 64 Emergency Edition running at > 3.0GHz.

The catch is..it will be based on a dual core but with one core disabled. The 1MB of L2 on the disabled core will either be merged with the L2 or used as L3 cache...so you will get a 3Ghz + AMD64 with 2MB of L2 or a 3GHz + AMD64 with 1MB L2 and 1MB L3.
either your guess is or your guesses are....
GoldenTiger said:
Wow, someone's a major hypocrite. What about those juicy 3.2ghz Conroe's on air with stock voltage? How about the 3.45ghz Conroe on air with only slightly higher pinmodded voltage? Plus the 20% IPC bonus over the FX series makes it even faster. I don't know how you can be calling an FX-62 as a "real benchmark" when people have been doing it with Conroe's for WEEKS before this showed up.

The others don't count, they were Intel processors ;)
Elias said:
There was some talk about AMD starting a reverse threading setup on their dual core processors, where each core handles single threaded instructions simultaneously. This was supposed to increase processor speed in single threaded apps (most games) when using dual core processors. Since this was supposed to be a software solution, it would benefit all dual core AMDs.

Maybe this is it.
Yep I think that's what it is.
Eclipse thinks this would require a new architecture....I'm no Computer Engineer, but I believe the reverse HT is supposed to be done in software.
Im abou to build a computer but waited for the AM2 mobo and processor, but ive heard alot of bad things. Is this mobo going to last the next year or will there be a new motherboard coming out for AMD's. Is purchaseing a 940 am2 mobo bad idea? Does pent. have AMD beat?