whats a good small multiplayer game for intraoffice boredome


Mar 28, 2002
i tried scorched earth 3d but it didnt run on my comp.

any other suggestions, or links.

prefer small games like a liter version of scorched earth or worms or some small game.


ONE WORD: SOLDAT. If anyone has played this game they know how awesome it is... Search it up on google, it rocks!


Man, I remember playing this game back in the day. It was lots of multiplayer fun. Its sorta like space soccer. Its a 2v2 scenerio and you control this little pod thing that flies around. Neat physics. Not 3d though, its top down view. And there is a ball that you must control and take over to the other person's goal and shoot it in there. But, if the other player hits your pod hard enough with his it will knock the ball loose. You can also pass the ball and stuff.

Anybody else remember this game? Apparently the website is down now though. http://www.uniball-central.com/

Haven't played it in 2.5 years. Unfortunately I dont have time for screwing around at the office anymore.

I know, most people wouldn't think so but I've certainly had fun with it in school. Run the arena mod for the original quake in a small window. Quake will fit in about 30 megs compressed IIRC.

Great if you want to do a quick owning of one of your co-workers/peers. Unfortunatly, someone will have to be the server and everyone will have to know the IP.
Pocket Tanks?

Not free but if you remember guerillas for qbasic you know this game.
I put a Second on SOLDAT, it is one of the best small games i have played in a long time. it can even be played in a small window for quick closing.