Whatever happened to the good ole days?


Limp Gawd
Sep 26, 2004
Whatever happened to these high quality boards that are reasonably priced? Remember the nForce2 days where just about all the mobo makers had a high quality nForce2 mobo.
Asus, Abit NF7-S, Chaintech, DFI, EpoX, Leadtek, Gigabyte, MSI. All those boards were like $120 or less.

Only Now we look at the nForce4 although packed with features and I cannot see how a Asus A8N-E (Ultra) is $150. Or this piece of crap AN8 Fatal1ty at a 200 bucks? Look at the SLI boards is it really worth 200 bucks for a board, am I just ignorant at the manufactoring cost, or are they taking advantage of us by charging $200 for a nForce4 Ultra with an extra PCI-Express 16X slot and a SLI sticker? Try not to flame me for expressing my opinion.
Well, the thing is that the boards are comeing out with allot of other things as well as SLI. For instance most of the boards are comeing with 4 SATA ports standard. Allot of the board have built-in RAID chips as well. Not to mentions all the other things that are "standard"; 1394, 6 channel audio, optical audio, 8+ USB ports, TV Out, GigabitLAN(some have two ports for built in router). There are lots of other things too. The support for these boards has increased greatly. Not to mention the manufacterur software, isn't just a disc with drivers, they are including allot of other software options as well. The SLI part is also pretty pricy, because the board needs be re-organized to fit the two PCI-E ports, and I imagine the bus needs to be revamped as well. Best thing to do is count your blessings, and hope all these new things that are coming out stay cheap, cause as soon as they begin to drop in price, the mobo manufatures standardize them.
I would not consider Asus as having a "High quality" board, i had the A7N8X-Deluxe and it was shit.

sry, pet peeve....God i hate Asus
i never use half the crap the motherboards come with :(... oo well
I don't mind paying for quality. Its paying a lot for a POS that pisses me off.
OuTLaWzSm said:
Whatever happened to these high quality boards that are reasonably priced? Remember the nForce2 days where just about all the mobo makers had a high quality nForce2 mobo.
Asus, Abit NF7-S, Chaintech, DFI, EpoX, Leadtek, Gigabyte, MSI. All those boards were like $120 or less.

Only Now we look at the nForce4 although packed with features and I cannot see how a Asus A8N-E (Ultra) is $150. Or this piece of crap AN8 Fatal1ty at a 200 bucks? Look at the SLI boards is it really worth 200 bucks for a board, am I just ignorant at the manufactoring cost, or are they taking advantage of us by charging $200 for a nForce4 Ultra with an extra PCI-Express 16X slot and a SLI sticker? Try not to flame me for expressing my opinion.

You have a good point though. DFI makes there ultra-d baord and sli boards exactly the same. the only difference is a like a peice of solder i believe. the price for the ultra-d $139
knightmare said:
I would not consider Asus as having a "High quality" board, i had the A7N8X-Deluxe and it was shit.

sry, pet peeve....God i hate Asus
WHAT!!! This board ROX!

i mean the only thing wrong with mine is it neevr wants to be stable no matter how high the voltage is and it OCs liek shit and you have to reset the cmos once a week

overall a wonderful board even though my sound doesn't work b/c one of the plugs gave out.

on hte contrary, i never had a problem with my a7n8x dlx, it ran all day at 225x11 with my XP 3000+ (unlocked) and was always stable as hell. everything still works on it as well...
lithium726 said:
on hte contrary, i never had a problem with my a7n8x dlx, it ran all day at 225x11 with my XP 3000+ (unlocked) and was always stable as hell. everything still works on it as well...
agreed, though 220x10 for my 2500+ on my a7n8x
hell is a good way of describing stability :D

and you can still get decent boards for cheap. i consider the dfi nf3 to be a quality board (just got one yesterday, so not longterm experience yet) and it's like $103 :eek:
MSI has a motherboard running on the vanilla nForce 4 chipset (basically pci-e and no other new things) for under $100. Also with one exception I can think of, all the s754 motherboards are around or under $100.
CrimandEvil said:
I'm pretty sure that BFG mobo is just a rebadged Chaintech which retails for under $100.

LMAO!!!! I think you're right on that one...I just opened up both links and checked the pictures and the layout is pretty much exactly the same...just different colors here and there...

funny stuff....

and I have to say I'm very pleased with my DFI Ultra-D board. It came with everything I'd use and not use...plus it modded to an SLI and all for the low price of $139. That's only about $15 more than what I paid for a POS Asus TUV4X a few years ago (P3 board...which sucked so much ass it looked like one. only two voltage options in bios, and no matter what you picked, it gave 1.8v... lol)
Okay I have a question about the DFI Ultra-D. So the newer ones are being changed so that you can't simply do the SLI mod but whats the point if you have to use a certain driver set? Is there any real/practical point in having dual PCIe x16 lanes if you can't use them for SLI? I ask because I've been thinking of which NF4 board to get and I liked the DFI board but I can't figure out why the dual lanes if I can't use them for SLI. I just might go with that Chaintech. ;) :D
Well, I don't run SLI and probably won't for a while (modded mine for the hell of it while I was putting better thermal paste on the chipset hsf)...but from what I understand, you've changed the hardware ID of the chipset so that ANY driver set will work. Kind of like changing the chip ID on the r360 9800pro's to read a 9800xt...when you install the drivers, it recognizes it as a 9800xt and continues on. I think the whole driver set issue was from being able to use 2 PCI-E cards in the system WITHOUT the SLI bridge (IE, running one card at 16x and the other at 2x).

you may want to double check though...a good place would be on XtremeSystems or possibly DFI street.
CrimandEvil said:
Okay I have a question about the DFI Ultra-D. So the newer ones are being changed so that you can't simply do the SLI mod but whats the point if you have to use a certain driver set? Is there any real/practical point in having dual PCIe x16 lanes if you can't use them for SLI? I ask because I've been thinking of which NF4 board to get and I liked the DFI board but I can't figure out why the dual lanes if I can't use them for SLI. I just might go with that Chaintech. ;) :D
the certain driver set was true when it was in its infancy and the drivers recognized teh ultra as the SLI and used them interchangable or something like that, the hardmod changes the U to teh SLI and the drvers recognize it as the SLI
knightmare said:
I would not consider Asus as having a "High quality" board, i had the A7N8X-Deluxe and it was shit.

sry, pet peeve....God i hate Asus

I've learned that ASUS's boards are decent...so long as you wait for at least revision 2.0 of the board to come out. I had a A7N8X, that was an early revision, and wow....nothing but problems as soon as I tried to get it to run dual channel at 266, and don't even get me started about hitting 333....That said, I love my current mainboard; it's solid, fast, and reliable, all things that I appreciate. It's also revision 2.0
haha, my a7n8x is a rev. 2.0 also :p

that being said, i love all my asus boards, and i have 3 of them running 24/7