Whatever happened to Rainbow Six?


Fully [H]
Jan 20, 2002
I was just thinking about Rainbow Six and all the hours i spent playing that game, lots of fun, Raven Shield was awesome. How come they have not made a new one yet? they should make one with the Crysis engine for really huge maps so you have a lot of different options and ways you can go about the assault. With newer graphics and physics they could make a pretty sweet Rainbow Six game.
I was just thinking about Rainbow Six and all the hours i spent playing that game, lots of fun, Raven Shield was awesome. How come they have not made a new one yet? they should make one with the Crysis engine for really huge maps so you have a lot of different options and ways you can go about the assault. With newer graphics and physics they could make a pretty sweet Rainbow Six game.

That would be insane.

The Vegas games were ok action squad shooters that I had fun with but Raven Shield was the last great game in this series and I'd love to play the game you're talking about if they ever made it. :)
I agree.

I had fun times with Raven Shield and Rogue Spear. I did not get the same 'feel' when I played Rainbow Six Las Vegas 1 + 2.
That would be insane.

The Vegas games were ok action squad shooters that I had fun with but Raven Shield was the last great game in this series and I'd love to play the game you're talking about if they ever made it. :)

I never played the Vegas games, i thought they were for consoles and looked very arcade-ish?
I played Rogue Spear for about 3 years. It was my first team-deathmatch game.
The original R6 on the MSN Zone is what got me into online FPS gaming. Rogue Spear wasn't bad either, nor was Raven Shield. I haven't played any of the other ones because the Raven Shield hackers killed my interest in the series.
Vegas fo 360 was okay but far to linear on the story, multiplayer was decent, but the older games were much better.
Raven Shield was the last goodie. Vegas 2, which I own, is ok but cannot hold it's jock strap.
I never played the Vegas games, i thought they were for consoles and looked very arcade-ish?
I mainly played Vegas 1 & 2 on PC and a little on 360, 2 specifically looked awesome on PC. I had a lot of fun playing both of them (back to back almost). The default difficulty was way to easy so I knocked it up to Realistic damage.

The games are basically, move to a new area, shoot enemies, move to next area, shoot enemies. I'm guessing the older ones had a lot more tactical elements to them.

Vegas 2 only came out about 18 months ago and I'm almost certain the next Rainbow Six will be a new 'campaign'. Since Vegas 2 was almost like an expansion pack of Vegas 1, it came out quickly after 1. The new game coming being a new situation would mean there's a lot of assets and mechanics to build from the ground up, which is taking longer than just an add-on type game that just reuses a lot of old assets.
vagas 2 was ok.. but the AI was retarded as hell.. id be walking between 2 buildings.. and a guy would be sitting at a window uncontrollably firing all over the place because it couldnt lean out the window to shoot me.. i never did end up finishing the single player though.. just to many AI errors that were driving me insane..
Vegas was very gears of warsish like most of you have mentioned. Thats why it was really only good on the consoles. And thats where it stopped.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I dont think huge maps would be the key but just incredible detail. I think back to being on the aircraft carrier in Crysis and how incredible it looked.
I loved R6, Urban Ops, Raven Shield, Black Thorn.

Played them to DEATH online and with my brothers. Tons of fun.
Do not like to think of how badly they killed that franchise lol. Great co-op action too.

Good level design for the game mechanics, varied sizes and styles on the maps gave tons of different game play options.
The original R6 on the MSN Zone is what got me into online FPS gaming. Rogue Spear wasn't bad either, nor was Raven Shield. I haven't played any of the other ones because the Raven Shield hackers killed my interest in the series.

+1, I spent years of my life playing rouge spear with the nato mod. vegas as a joke compared to where r6 started, vegas is proof positive that consoles can kill good games.
If some of you haven't played SWAT 4, you really, really should.

I always felt the R6 games were missing something. Ghost Recon brought me what I wanted. Playing that game is sort of what it might be like to play Jagged alliance 2 with no turn basis or action points, from a first person perspective. Then SWAT 4 came and showed me that I really could like something more similar to R6, if formed correctly.
Rogue Spear and urban operations expansion on MSN gaming zone was also what got me into competitive fps. I literally played that game almost 6-8 hours a day back then.

I still remember the amount of great mods out there, BSW(Blast'em Smurf Weapons), USMC, and Fear Mod for coop dark zombie style maps where shit pops outta nowhere and scare the crap outta you.
R6 went the way of Ghost Recon. First games were really good and then its all downhill. I don't even consider GRAW to be a squeal to the first GR and after Raven Shield, there are no rainbow six games imo.
i spent countless hours of my childhood playing swat 4 thinking it was the coolest game around!

until i found out about CS -_-
i spent countless hours of my childhood playing swat 4 thinking it was the coolest game around!

until i found out about CS -_-

swat 4 was fun.. CS had its moments.. but they were so inconsistant with each patch that it got irritating.. 1 match the hit damage would be right.. next it would be insanely easy to kill some one.. then it would be hard as hell to kill some one.. usually went back to TFC the majority of the time.. to bad TF2 turned into a cartoonfest of a game because i miss TFC..
Yep, Raven Shield turned me onto FPS. Walkin around all slow cuz half your life was gone from 1 shot. None of this, hide behind a crate until your screen stops blinking red and you are good to go BS. If you get shot in the ass, you will limp until you are followed up with another shot to the ass..simple as that.
I really enjoyed the Rainbox Six Vegas games and the GRAW 2, I must be in the minority
I really enjoyed the Rainbox Six Vegas games and the GRAW 2, I must be in the minority

No you're not.

I enjoy those games on their own merits and so do plenty of others. The sales figures speak for themselves and you can still go online in these games and see plenty of people playing. They're fun. :)

Certainly, I prefer and wish the Rainbow Six Series would some day pick up where Raven Shield left off and that the Ghost Recon series would pick up where it left off prior to GRAW.

Take those core concepts and take them to the next level in terms of 2010 production values, kick ass gameplay, and the rest of it.

Why not have it all? Have your Vegas like and GRAW like action games AND the hardcore Raven Shield/ Rogue Spear games as well.

Honestly? Talking about it right now makes me want to reinstall Raven Shield yet again. ;)

I wish the developers would seriously consider it because the demand is there across the boards and all gaming platforms. :)
Yep, Raven Shield turned me onto FPS. Walkin around all slow cuz half your life was gone from 1 shot. None of this, hide behind a crate until your screen stops blinking red and you are good to go BS. If you get shot in the ass, you will limp until you are followed up with another shot to the ass..simple as that.

You should really check out Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising if you haven't already.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 was pretty cool (hated the first one), but it doesn't compare to Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield. That game was awesome.

Similar story with GRAW... GRAW 2 is still one of my favourite Xbox360 games, whereas the first GRAW was unplayable for me. I haven't tried the PC version, nor do I plan to.

A new SWAT game would be great! I could *still* pour hours into SWAT 4...
Similar story with GRAW... GRAW 2 is still one of my favourite Xbox360 games, whereas the first GRAW was unplayable for me. I haven't tried the PC version, nor do I plan to.

The PC version is pretty good and cheap. It's better than the first one IMO.

A new SWAT game would be great! I could *still* pour hours into SWAT 4...

Here we go again: Talking about some of these games make me want to reinstall them and play them yet again... something I've done a sinful amount of times.
Once Tom Clancy sold the rights to use his name without his input spelled doom for the franchise.

They ruined it (not to put too fine a point on it). Remember?

Yea Lockdown killed the series. I remember seeing the first screenshots with rocket launchers and sun glasses and I knew it was over.

I really enjoyed the Rainbox Six Vegas games and the GRAW 2, I must be in the minority

Both Vegas and GRAW are good games on their own merits. However the fact that their name ties them to series that used to be synonymous with realism is what sours them.

You should really check out Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising if you haven't already.

OPFDR scratched my Ghost Recon itch but I really miss having more control over my kit.
OPFDR scratched my Ghost Recon itch but I really miss having more control over my kit.

OPFDR will scratch an itch but it won't fully satisfy and get rid of that itch if you know what I mean. ;)
Rainbow6 Vegas I & II both used U3E and were avl on console and PC, played the first one on console it was very fun, nothing like my experiences with Rogue Spear and Raven Shield though.. Rogue Spear was THE game of the year back when it was released!!

Hopefully we will see a more PC focused game in the future!!
Modern Warfare/CoD could learn a thing or two from Rainbow 6 though... the right mouse button used for 'ducking behind cover' by itself is one of the coolest inventions that you just dont see in other games.

Maybe the next Medal of Honor (supposed to be modern setting) will step up and be a good shooter.
Modern Warfare/CoD could learn a thing or two from Rainbow 6 though... the right mouse button used for 'ducking behind cover' by itself is one of the coolest inventions that you just dont see in other games.

That's a good gameplay mechanic.

Maybe the next Medal of Honor (supposed to be modern setting) will step up and be a good shooter.

Step up? I thought Airborne was an excellent shooter. I think FPS fans that overlooked it should check it out now since it's so cheap.

I liked it better than any COD game I've played since United Offensive. It just was too short in the singe player department but it was really fun and the gameplay was excellent IMO.

Even Pacific Assault is a decent game that got a pretty harsh rap back when it came out. It's real cheap these days, I know it's been patched to a point.

It's worth playing.

Medal of Honor Allied Assault was the game that I cut my teeth on to get serious into PC gaming and it still is far and away the most time online gaming I've ever done to this day.

That's still one of the best all around FPSs I've ever played to this day.
I meant 'stepping up' since recent shooters for PC have been rather lacking. I have all those games you mention, and I think some would argue that the last MOHAA was not up to the series' previous standards... not that I was talking about that. I simply would love to see some quality shooters come back. Crysis is bloated. Far Cry 2 was stupid. Other popular shooters seem to be going more the 'co-op' route rather than multiplayer... not that there is anything wrong with this if you just want to shoot NPC's all day. Arma 2 was great, and not so great. MW2... well, we know the story there. Even CoD WaW was a let-down for many... there are still more people playing CoD4 this very day. Wolfenstein? Blech! TF2 IMO is still the best shooter of all time, but they keep putting more and more crap into it. IMO, they need to come out with an 'original edition' of TF2 that is free of the unlocks, and then make a TF3 for all those unlocks and achievements. BF1943 still isnt out for PC, Bad Company 1 never came out for PC. BF2142 kinda sucks (BF2 is better). BF2... well... I am having trouble installing it now with Windows 7. It seems like if you plan on playing BF2, you need to install it on a fresh drive right away or doing so later on wont work.
Sweet thread....Ravenshield and Rogue Spear were the best!! Played them all day when they came out awesome games. I really did like Swat 4 too, thought it had a lot of good features. Why haven't we seen a tactical shooter like this for sooo long? Come on developers, huge market out there.
I hate when i play games like COD and it feels like HALO for my freakin pc.