What you think of my build?

These are the lights I always see on, nothing's ever different. For each board. Can someone confirm the default switches on the board are the way they should be?


I had a similar problem when I built my current PC. Power was getting to my board but it would turn on the off when I powered it up. Turns out I just forgot to connect the extra 8-pin power plug on the top of the board. It looks like you have a 4-pin, 6-pin and 8-pin that need to be connected, are those all plugged in besides the 24-pin plug? It looks like the 6-pin connector next to your cpu isn't plugged in. Maybe that's the issue?
I had a similar problem when I built my current PC. Power was getting to my board but it would turn on the off when I powered it up. Turns out I just forgot to connect the extra 8-pin power plug on the top of the board. It looks like you have a 4-pin, 6-pin and 8-pin that need to be connected, are those all plugged in besides the 24-pin plug? It looks like the 6-pin connector next to your cpu isn't plugged in. Maybe that's the issue?



The PSU has no 6-pin cable unless I use one of those I use for the PCIe ports? Then again I don't think this one is REQUIRED. Is it?
Yeah you can use one of your spare 8-pin / 6+2-pin cables no problem on it. Hook it up and see how it goes.
Hmm, I find it hard to believe you would get 4 bad boards in a row unless you have terrible luck lol. It still sounds to me to be a power issue. Have you tried using that power supply with another computer?
I have 2 of the same PSUs. Both yield same results.

Is there any other board out there that is not ASUS/EVGA that is reliable and supports quad SLI?
I had these problem when I built my PC couple years ago. It turns out it was the aftermarket CPU cooler. Try the CPU cooler that came with your CPU.
Have you tried something as simple as reading the manual that came with any of your boards? Your posts so far would indicate that you have not as you weren't sure if you should have connected anything additional to the 6 pin socket earlier. It will also have a very simplified overview of the different LED functions that will help us diagnose your issue that you are having.
I have the same CPU but a different MB. My MB did not have a BIOS that supported the CPU. Had to take it to a local computer shop. They installed a CPU that was supported with the factory BIOS and then flashed the latest BIOS. I have a Gigabyte MB so there was no other option. ASUS may or may not allow you to flash the BIOS with a USB stick even with an unsupported CPU. My machine didn't provide any video out, powered up for ~3 seconds then reboot repeatedly. Not sure if you looked into this. If you did, may be worth checking into one last time.. Ig