What to steal, who to kill? Oblivion


Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2006
So I'm a bit confused. I created a dark elf blade/marksman/destruction character. thoroughly enjoying him, but I want to be a theif/asassin. I know that when I kill someone I'll get visited by the DB. I'm having a harder time joining the thieves guild. the beggers dont seem to tell me anything, though I've stolen alot of stuff.

Also - I'm having a bit of trouble seeing the point of stealing. Maybe its because I'm a low level (3), but I've been into the basement and upstairs home of almost every merchant in imperial city and theres nothing in these places. just mugs and the occasional iron weapon or scroll. Where do I go to get the good stuff? Or will I not find anything until I level up a bit?

As for killing - is there any way I can get myself into a situation where the murder is justified? I dont feel quite right just killing some random store clerk. especially if I'll need to use them later in the game.

what do you think?
Bribe the beggers to get the disposition up. If the topic is yellow, they're hiding something from you and will tell you more if they like you.

Edit: that goes for pretty much anyone in the game.
For DB i killed a pirate and then i got a little message at the top that said something along the lines of "a greater force has seen you kill"...after that you have to go to a "secure" location such as an inn and go to sleep and lucien will visit you.

For Theives you have to steal something, get put in jail...then once you get out you need to watch out for a woman who will give you a note in the imperial city and so begins your quest to join the theives guild.
I got my kill by pissing off a guard, having him chase me to a nearby cave, then killing him. Got the job done, and nobody noticed 1 of 100 guards missing.
As far as thievery goes, think it through, be creative... Have you seen the jewelery store in the imperial city? Been to any castles lately? Stuff like that...
ya, I went to the jewelry store but neither the basement nor the apartment have anything good in them. As far as sneaking and stealing in the shop, the clerk ALWAYS sees me. How can I move around w/o them seeing me?? I have like 35 sneak skill, but even if I walk around sneaked all the time it never seems to go up. what am I doing wrong?
For the Thieves guild:
-read one of the wanted posters in Imperial City so you get a 'grey fox' topic in conversations
-talk to a beggar and bribe them so your disposition is above 70 (or 80, can't remember)
-go to the appointed place at the appointed time & talk to Armand
TheNewGuy8 said:
ya, I went to the jewelry store but neither the basement nor the apartment have anything good in them. As far as sneaking and stealing in the shop, the clerk ALWAYS sees me. How can I move around w/o them seeing me?? I have like 35 sneak skill, but even if I walk around sneaked all the time it never seems to go up. what am I doing wrong?

How about coming back at night when the shopkeep is asleep? :rolleyes:
Yeah I used to have to rob things at night, but then I got good enough to just steal what I wanted when I wanted

The way I got good at stealing, and got my amount fenced up, was by stealing anything and everything I possibly could from every single room in Bruma. I think it ended up being like 5k worth of goods when it was all said and done. I'm at like 14k fenced right now and my Thieves Guild quests are like, "I should have fenced at least 600 gold worth of items"
I don't have oblivion, but I think that the answer to "What to steal, who to kill?" is obviously, "Everything, everyone."
I kill the hobos just for the sake of killing them. I should maybe stop killing people and see what they have to say.

Heck, I kill Jengar and his wife last night. Well, his wife attacked my horse, what the hell is with the mauraders and the thieves outside of thecities attacking my horse? Attack me idiots, I have weapons and money. My horse has a saddle and a feedbag.
ryuen said:
For the Thieves guild:
-read one of the wanted posters in Imperial City so you get a 'grey fox' topic in conversations
-talk to a beggar and bribe them so your disposition is above 70 (or 80, can't remember)
-go to the appointed place at the appointed time & talk to Armand
Or you can just get arrested for stealing something.
I think to get into the Thieves guild I did the aksing about the Grey Fox thing, then met with Armand.
I killed that paranoid wood elf Garthir or something.

That annoying idiot had it coming and I enjoyed every second of it.
The Wine Cellar in Castle Skingrad, IIRC. (A Thieves' guild quest takes you there). Easy 500 gold worth of loot in wine. Chapels too (yes, I'm an immoral bastard), in their lower halls, have racks full of silverware. Oh, and "rich" houses in the richer towns...you can easily surpass the 1000gold mark you need for the final Thieves' Guild quest.

As for killing, I've killed too many people, I think :p On one Dark Brotherhood quest, I had already killed the target earlier, so about 5 seconds after getting it, it was complete :D