What SATA RAID controller to use for two 74gb raptors in RAID0


Apr 10, 2003
Hey guys, I'm going to run two 74gb raptors in raid 0 for my gaming pc. It will be on a P4C800-E Deluxe mobo which has ICH5R, but I remember seeing some reviews that running an external SATA controller would increase the speed considerable vs onboard raid controller. I am currently looking at some of the cards that can be seen here such as the Promise FastTrak s150 TX2plus, but then I see there are different variations like SATAII150 which I believe use the new clips. Will my 74gb raptors work with the new SATAII clips? Also there is also an SATA300 TX2plus, I believe the differences are up to 150mb vs 300mb throughput, I know I am limited by the PCI bus, but will the 300mb version card let the drives run any faster? Also any other suggestions for SATA raid controller cards are welcome. My only criteria are that it be PCI, around $100 or less, and fast! Thanks for any info.
There is a Promise controller built into that board. I also have that board, and use two 36G raptors on the Intel controller. The 74G raptors are suppose to be quicker than the 36G. If you use the Intel conttroller, and turn off any features in the bios you do not use, it will boot fairly quickly. I tried using both the Intel and Promise controllers at different times and mine seemed to boot quicker using the Intel controller. Good luck.
I have the DFI LanParty 875 that uses the same ICH5R. The ICH5R is not a normal onboard raid controller - it connects directly to the southbridge and bypasses the PCI bus. The ICH5R connection should be faster than a card (and more stable, from my experience).

Settings can be seem here:

The Raptors won't benefit from a SATA 300 connection, but they will still plug into the connections and work at their normal speed.
Thanks for the replies guy's, anyone else have some experience or comments on this? So what would be faster the Promise onboard or Intel onboard RAID controller on the P4C800E board? Also according to this review: http://www.tweakers.net/reviews/515/2 they tested the Promise SATA150 TX2plus to be faster than the ICHR5 that anandtech used for the same tests.