What PSU does an FX5700 require?


Nov 4, 2003
i returned my 9600 Pro a few weeks ago, and with the money refunded, I ordered an FX5700 for a bargain price of $150. what PSU is recommended for this card? hopefully my generic 400W (+12v, 15A if that helps) can handle this. considering i have 2 extra fans, a dvd burner and a dvd-rom, i'm skeptical.

on the other hand, my friend has no problems using his FX5600 Ultra with a generic 300W PSU (with a burner and dvd-rom)

so... ultimately, i'm wondering what requires more power, a 9600p or an FX5700nu? does anyone know of any forums dedicated to nVidia?

Originally posted by jas0nt
FX5700 for a bargain price of $150


Anyway, you should be fine with that power supply. Generic power supplies aren't a good idea, but it should work.

What motherboard and processor?
Originally posted by demografik

well, i live in Australia, and $180 for an FX5700 is considered cheap :(

Motherboard: Intel PBZ875
Processor: Intel 2.8ghz (800fsb, ht on)
The 5700 uses slightly more power than the 9600. 10-15W difference, max. Unless your PS is a real piece of garbage you'll be fine.