What OS to run


Limp Gawd
Apr 21, 2005
I've got an AMD 3800+ X2 system. What OS would it do better with: XP running the SMP client, XP running dual standard fah cores, or Linux? Or something altogether different?
f you setup a dedicated folding box, Linux 64 bits definitely ;) Otherwise, run Linux with VMWare...

openSUSE 10.3 works great for me on my C2D. It also happens to be my main box and my daily OS of choice.

I've been dual booting Xubuntu 64-bit for dedicated folding, only switching into vista for the occasional game, with ~300 PPD better performance than in Vista. No matter what, ____ Linux build is generally going to be faster for the SMP stuff, which will also in general be a higher PPD than dual standard clients.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial for setting up the folding client? I've never played with Linux much.
Honestly, after I extracted it, I was able to open it in the terminal from the application's directory using "./fah6 -smp".....no fuss involved, just extract and go, though i can only account for xubuntu
I've got it up and running! Averaging 25 minutes per frame. This thing rocks! I should start seeing a significant boost in my ppd now.