What new games should I be looking forward too?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
I'm a busy Dad with a busy job, so don't keep up with all the news on the upcoming games due out. Last Fall I built a new gaming rig, and kinda depressed I don't even use it for anything good anymore, bored of what I play. New system isn't bad, with a i13900k, 32GB DDR-5, RTX-4080 video card, running on my 34" OLED monitor.

Current games installed: WoW, Diablo IV, Halo-Infinite, BF2042, Quake 1 and Quake 2.

-Long time WoW ( World of Warcraft ) player, but just totally burned out on the game, just lack the motivation to play it lately. But it does look great on my OLED display with Ultra settings and 8xAA.

-Diablo IV liked it at first, then it felt repetitive, and I just don't care to play it any longer, seems like the same old thing, whack, whack, whack, kill, kill, kill, grab loot, rinse and repeat times a thousand, Yawn, zzz

-Halo-Infinite, beautiful looking game for sure, only play the single player campaign, and bored with it.

-BF2042, fun game, but no one plays it, the servers are dead and I can only play it with AI. I uninstalled it.

-Quake, for fun I installed those old classic shooters, and yeah the graphics look like Minecraft, but dang those are still fun to mess around in.

Any new shooters coming soon to be aware of? Starfield isn't a FPS per-say, but looks potentially good, a Sci-Fi Skyrim? Baldurs Gate 3 is getting AMAZING reviews, but I haven't played a C-RPG in 20 years, those play so much different than a WoW or Diablo, not sure how I would like that slower click and wait action type RPG?

Is there a new Quake game in development? Wasn't there some Polish made medieval looking FPS game coming soon?
Baldurs Gate 3 it's like Diablo 4 but with substance I don't like Diablo 4 either too flashy. If Diablo 4 was like the 1st level the whole game I would have liked it. Once you start getting amped up it's not as good
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Spawn #10

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So would I like Baldur's Gate 3? I want something with a bit more meaning and substance than just the hack and slash of Diablo IV. But worried the old school combat with C-RPG's isn't my thing anymore? Or maybe I would actually prefer it?
Just some ideas: Remnant II, Baldur's Gate 3, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Lords of the Fallen, Starship Troopers Extermination, Aliens: Dark Descent, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, Crysis 4, STALKER 2, POE 2, and lots of new UE5 games eventually.

I haven't tried these yet, but they seem to be received well or highly anticipated. Perhaps watching some let's plays would be helpful before purchasing.
So would I like Baldur's Gate 3? I want something with a bit more meaning and substance than just the hack and slash of Diablo IV. But worried the old school combat with C-RPG's isn't my thing anymore? Or maybe I would actually prefer it?
Nobody could really say if you'd like it or not. Have you played Divinity: Original Sin or Pillars of Eternity? If you have PC Game Pass you can try Pillars of Eternity II to see if you like that type of game (the first game is only on console Game Pass).

To the general question of suggestion, could use more specifics. From the top post it sounds like you enjoy action RPGs and first-person shooter games, but also dabble into first-person RPGs. What is your opinion on the third-person perspective?

If you still enjoy Quake, have you played the so-called "boomer shooters" that are out there? A lot of them are quite good and can itch the Quake nostalgia. Dusk and Amid Evil are highly recommended. Hrot is probably the most Quake-like and is a newer release.
Just some ideas: Remnant II, Baldur's Gate 3, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Lords of the Fallen, Starship Troopers Extermination, Aliens: Dark Descent, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, Crysis 4, STALKER 2, POE 2, and lots of new UE5 games eventually.

I haven't tried these yet, but they seem to be received well or highly anticipated. Perhaps watching some let's plays would be helpful before purchasing.
It's still going to be a long wait for Path of Exile 2. The closed beta isn't slated to start until around this time next year.
A lot of us are waiting on Baldur’s Gate 3 - we’re hearing words and phrases like ‘masterpiece’ or ‘better than The Witcher 3’ or ‘just buy it’.

This one could potentially be a classic - one of those games you’ll talk fondly of ten years from now. I think there’s reason to be excited.
Indie games are what are pushing fun gameplay nowadays. You won't stress your system playing them but stuff like Dave the Diver and Battle Bit Remastered are where it's at. As for unreleased games there's the new Armored Core to be mildly excited for but that's about it IMHO.
A lot of us are waiting on Baldur’s Gate 3 - we’re hearing words and phrases like ‘masterpiece’ or ‘better than The Witcher 3’ or ‘just buy it’.

This one could potentially be a classic - one of those games you’ll talk fondly of ten years from now. I think there’s reason to be excited.

Which is why I'm particularly suspicious and also it looks like a Neverwinter game, not a Baldur's Gate game.
Which is why I'm particularly suspicious and also it looks like a Neverwinter game, not a Baldur's Gate game
I suspect that for many, BG 3 will be their personal game of the year.

Another word I’m hearing is ‘depth’. I just think that this game might be something special. We’ll know soon enough.

Myself, it’s getting harder to please me, because I’ve just played so many games.
Myself, it’s getting harder to please me, because I’ve just played so many games.
I just end up resubbing to World of Warcraft for a month or so, then leave. I spent a few months bouncing around for something, and its all just so bland now. I was in burnout bad. I still am. Hit level cap last night on a healer, and I just don't want to do the campaign.
I've been enjoying my time with Horizon Zero Dawn. Took me a couple of tries to get hooked by it, but the hooks are deep in now.
I just end up resubbing to World of Warcraft for a month or so, then leave. I spent a few months bouncing around for something, and its all just so bland now. I was in burnout bad. I still am. Hit level cap last night on a healer, and I just don't want to do the campaign.

I've been playing WoW since launch, and I don't hate the game now, I'm just sad about it now, because Dragonflight on paper is a good expansion, but now 10 months into it, this expansion just feels generic, or lame, it's just not pulling me in. I still have my active sub, I log in, and immediately think, ok what to do? Raid? Nope. Run M+ maybe / maybe not. What else? Nothing. Log off.

In my opinion, the last good expansion was Legion, because there was more to do than just Raid or Dungeons. Class Halls. Artifact weapon appearances. Class Hall Mounts, etc...
I've been playing WoW since launch, and I don't hate the game now, I'm just sad about it now, because Dragonflight on paper is a good expansion, but now 10 months into it, this expansion just feels generic, or lame, it's just not pulling me in. I still have my active sub, I log in, and immediately think, ok what to do? Raid? Nope. Run M+ maybe / maybe not. What else? Nothing. Log off.
I hear yea. I've got like a dozen 70s. I just reroll, hit 70, do Heroics, maybe low Mythics, and give up. I can't do the campaign anymore.

New league in Path of Exile on the 18th. I'll play that again.
I hear yea. I've got like a dozen 70s. I just reroll, hit 70, do Heroics, maybe low Mythics, and give up. I can't do the campaign anymore.

New league in Path of Exile on the 18th. I'll play that again.
Just took hit 70 on my 3rd toon. My main is geared out, but the other 2, hit 70 and parked. I have a couple of more toons that I would like to get to 70 but I don't think I have that in me.
If you are into single player experiences and want to stretch your rig's leg with awesome visuals on the OLED, check out: Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3 (with ray tracing), Horizon Zero Dawn, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order (and Survivor once they get it all patched), Red Dead Redemption 2 etc. Also a busy dad and find those games can be played in digestable chunks of time, you can get stuff done in 30 min even. BF2042 has a decent population here on the west coast of North America, can be fun at times but I prefer Apex Legends for multiplayer shooter.
What's this?


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Check this one out OP

It's literally an action-rpg in friggin' outerspace heh ;)

Also, since you seem to be action-rpg leaning but didn't care for Diablo IV, have you tried Grim Dawn?? (It is, no exaggeration, my GO-TO game)
the biggest upcoming system killer game will be the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, Phantom Liberty...Lords of the Fallen, the Elden Ring expansion (Shadow of the Erdtree) and S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 should also be really good...an excellent game available now both in terms of gameplay and visuals (plus it's the first game with DirectStorage 1.2 support) is Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart PC

potential 2024 sleeper hit: Black Myth: Wukong
Stalker 2 heart of Chernobyl might grab you and pull you into the zone. Certainly one of my favorite series with nearly 800 hrs played.
Stalker 2 heart of Chernobyl might grab you and pull you into the zone. Certainly one of my favorite series with nearly 800 hrs played.

Absolutely looking forward to S. T. A. L. K. E. R. 2, but what's the current release date?
Neat story,

when I was in college for Ele Ed, I worked at an after school program for troubled kids. We had a kid there from Kiev. He's the one that introduced me to the first game. That kid was 12 going on 25. Talking about drinking, smoking, getting laid. But yea, he brought in a copy of the game for me to install. Kind of funny.
I'm a busy Dad with a busy job, so don't keep up with all the news on the upcoming games due out. Last Fall I built a new gaming rig, and kinda depressed I don't even use it for anything good anymore, bored of what I play. New system isn't bad, with a i13900k, 32GB DDR-5, RTX-4080 video card, running on my 34" OLED monitor.

-BF2042, fun game, but no one plays it, the servers are dead and I can only play it with AI. I uninstalled it.
BF 2042 has come a long way with Season 5, go to the Portal and you can browse servers and find really good matches, there are a lot more players there that know what they are doing!
Atomic Heart is decent for an FPS game. Dead Island 2 is a decent zombie killing game, although it is a mix of melee and shooting. Far Cry 6 is okay, but if you grew tired of the FC3 formula maybe you'd get bored of it.

If you like flight shooters, Ace Combat 7. If you want a smaller indie game that didn't have a big budget, there is Chorus which is a decent space shooter.
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