What mousepad for mx518? Corepad magna? fUnc 1030 archtype?


Limp Gawd
Jan 29, 2006
What mousepad should i get to go with my mx518? i was thinking about either the corepad magna (with the skatz) or the fUnc surface 1030 archtype (rubber base)?

what do yall think?
To each his own. It's a matter of personal preference, really. Just FYI I have a MX518 and I use a Func 1030. I use the smoother side, not the rough side. I think I may get something even smoother to play on but the Func is excellent compared to a bare desk or regular mouse pad. Night and day difference. :D
I have the func 1030. I liked the smooth side, but after about 8months to a year it got so smooth and polished it has no surface to grab on my laser mouse. Mouse jerks across screen.

I now use the rough side with teflon tape under my mouse. The pad seems too small to me, I may switch with my next upgrade.
Narius said:
What mousepad should i get to go with my mx518? i was thinking about either the corepad magna (with the skatz) or the fUnc surface 1030 archtype (rubber base)?

what do yall think?

Gamefreak99 said:
I've got a Steelpad S&S with my 518, kind of old but I really love it! :)
ehh i think the 518 feels funny on an S&S, id get the Qck or an Icemat
How about instead of everyone saying what they use, you answer yourself a few questions to figure out what you need?

Do you use low or high sensitivities? If you use low you're gonna have to go with a big pad. Do you like to move your mouse with minimal effort and more speed(hard) or do you want something with a bit of resistance and more control(cloth). Do you like the cold feeling of a hard pad? Would you appreciate the comfort of your wrist from a soft pad or are you not bothered by hard pads?

I myself use low sensitivities and have jitter hand movements so I prefer cloth because it keeps me from sliding all over the place and missing easy shots. I use a fatpad which is definitely big enough for me but I would say the Steelpad qck is the most popular cloth pad at the moment. Can't say about the hard pads, they all seem the same to me but if you go that way, maybe look into one of the reversible pads so you can decide which level of speed you like best.
I've been using this corepad: http://www.corepad.com/Webshop/index.php?pagina=artikel&id=8
for over 1 1/2 years with my 518 w/skatz, and it works great.
It's smaller than the Magna, Which is what i like. If i were to buy another one it would be the magna, Since these are hard to find. But there is no wear to the one i have & i think it will last
forever :D unless i drop it & break it. :eek:
Just depends on what kind of surface you like i guess, Glass pads are cool to the touch & are also thicker than other pads.
i lost mine and i've been trying to find another one, super-mat mousepad. Just a huge cloth mousepad i got at staples for 8 bucks but i don't think they carry them anymore. I couldn't find any at best buy and the only place i saw to order them online was from someplace i've never heard of. and it's like 30 bucks or so for a big cloth pad from a name brand mousepad company.
JonnyK said:
i lost mine and i've been trying to find another one, super-mat mousepad. Just a huge cloth mousepad i got at staples for 8 bucks but i don't think they carry them anymore. I couldn't find any at best buy and the only place i saw to order them online was from someplace i've never heard of. and it's like 30 bucks or so for a big cloth pad from a name brand mousepad company.
they still sell it at frys electronics :D
JonnyK said:
i lost mine and i've been trying to find another one, super-mat mousepad. Just a huge cloth mousepad i got at staples for 8 bucks but i don't think they carry them anymore. I couldn't find any at best buy and the only place i saw to order them online was from someplace i've never heard of. and it's like 30 bucks or so for a big cloth pad from a name brand mousepad company.
Hmm, my staples still carries the super-mats. Got mine 2 weeks ago. This is in CA btw.
well ive decided i definitly like low sens. settings more so that means cloth and seems like steelpad qck is the way 2 go for cloth. But i have a final desicion to make should i get the qck+ or the qck heavy? i thinking about getting the heavy becuase its supposedly more comfortable
Using the same Func 1030 since 2003. A tad worn down in spots, but not unusable. Love it. What a pad.
Obliquely, I'm reminded to clean my two-year-old Ratpadz GS now. Thanks, folks! :)

Just curious, though, since it's in the same vein: I saw something called an Icemat Glass while out windowshopping last week. How are those?