What is my GF3 Ti500 worth?


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2002
I just received my 9800Pro and am asking you guys what I should sell my old Leadtek GeForce3 Ti500 for in the For Sale forum?

35? 45? What do you think?


no higher then 40. i'd be suprised if you get it for 60. my ti500 still doesnt do all that bad with the games i'm playing with w/ a 3ghz comp it helps.

only thing wrong with it was the fan died out on me anyway patiently waiting for a good card on either camp to decide my new card.
Ti4200 are going for 60+. That should roughly give you an idea. GL with the sale.
I'd say $40, but while back I managed to trade it for my monitor (only 15" but top of the line :) ) I think you can get more if you trade with something like that than if you sold for cash.
Originally posted by Marvelous
I got rid of my ti200 for $40 so.

That doesn't always mean a lot, people will pay what it's worth TO THEM.

It is kinda nice that you decided to ask this HERE, and not in the FS/FT forums.....or you'd have guys jumpin' all over you by now. ;)