What is going on with performance-pcs website


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 8, 2003
I have never EVER been so frustrated shopping on such a BLOATED AND SLOW SITE ever in my life. Its been a hot minute since ive ordered from them (about ~1yr) and even back then the site was bloated and slow, but now.... its a whole new animal. I had a shopping cart full of stuff and some FUCKING pop up keeps coming up under (keywords) search box, i clicked off and now my cart is empty... stupid shit like this make me run away from such a terribly slow and cluttered website. which is really to bad, cause they obviously are a great business and stock almost everything. GUYS, fix your shit!
I love PPCS, they are fast and reliable and I try to buy as much as I can from them. That being said the OP is so right. How can a PC parts store geared towards enthusiasts have such an awful website. It is slow, it is often glitched, it is full of popups it is confusing, it freezes, it is just plain bad. Again, I support the guys, I give them my money but cmon.
They just recently called themselves updating the site(last week or so). What a fucking joke. I tried to order a couple rads for a half hour...not kidding. Waiting for pages to load is like using dial up! When i fihally got the rads added to my cart i couldnt log into my account. If i could have found what i was looking for elsewhere i would have happily done so.
The old website was bad but the new version is atrocious.
PPCS is one of two enthusiasts stores that I know of left in the US. The other is Titan Rig, which is in my city of San Antonio. I want both survive! However, we need to keep this thread alive as long as PPCS has, literally, the worst website in America. That is correct, the worst in America and it sells pc parts to the computer enthusiast. Tell me it is not. Go there, traverse the menus and wait time, and tell me it is not painful.

Let me say what they do right: fast delivery, always correct, answer the phone and offer personal help. They are the best.

The website is killing me. Am I missing something?
No, their page is awful at best on a desktop/laptop and downright unusable on mobile.

FrozenCPU is still around, but their shipping charges are outrageous for anything to California.

No microcenter in town and the local Fry's is a brick and mortar Craigslist.

It's good thing I have no monies right now, or I too would be angry over the difficulties in spending it
As long as we're mentioning other companies worth mentioning, ModMyMods is pretty good. They're based in NY. Their stock isn't on the level of PPCs, but their prices and customer service are excellent.
In Japan the site was fast and had no issues, here in Italy that is another story. Sometimes I have to wait 1-2 min for a page refresh or cart addition, makes me feel like the 14440/aol days
No, their page is awful at best on a desktop/laptop and downright unusable on mobile.

FrozenCPU is still around, but their shipping charges are outrageous for anything to California.

No microcenter in town and the local Fry's is a brick and mortar Craigslist.

It's good thing I have no monies right now, or I too would be angry over the difficulties in spending it

Gotta make the drive up to Tustin! There's an AMAZING burger place a few blocks away that makes the trip absolutely worth it.
It would have to be the burger to end all burgers for it to make it worthwhile. I don't do OC/LA unless I have no other choice. Have spent too much time there
Love this thread. While I love their service and inventory, the website is such a PITA.
Love this thread. While I love their service and inventory, the website is such a PITA.
I'm actually trying to place an order with them right now, but their checkout won't load. About ready to pay the extra to get the crap from Amazon. XD
I leave them feedback after every order telling them the same thing. Website is like using dialup, search function is useless, if i can find products elsewhere i buy them them there, site is a cluttered mess, impossible to place an order with my phone etc etc.
They always respond saying they are sorry for the issues and they are doing everything they can to fix them...
Eventually someone is going to fill the void.