What graphics card to get ~200 dollar range


Pleeze Maik Mee STFU!!
Oct 23, 2001

Everytime I get a graphics card it seems to be a rush decision that I always end up regretting. The last graphics card I got that I actually researched was the 9800 pro that was a great price with great performance, I should have learned my lesson then that it is good to investigate. Right now I have an X1550 which is pretty mediocre and I cant even play games like medieval total war on semi high detail without lag. Any recommendations? The purchase will be around November or maybe even december so you can guess ahead about what may drop in price.

Everytime I get a graphics card it seems to be a rush decision that I always end up regretting. The last graphics card I got that I actually researched was the 9800 pro that was a great price with great performance, I should have learned my lesson then that it is good to investigate. Right now I have an X1550 which is pretty mediocre and I cant even play games like medieval total war on semi high detail without lag. Any recommendations? The purchase will be around November or maybe even december so you can guess ahead about what may drop in price.

Well, if you're only going to purchase around November, then definitely wait for what's coming next from NVIDIA and AMD - 8800 GT and HD 2950 Pro respectively. Each should retail at around $200-$250.

If you wanted to buy a card now, for that price, you should look at a 8600 GTS, a 7900 GS or a X1950 Pro. Good cards for the price.
I agree with Silus, 8600GTS or x1950pro, if you need to buy now. Stay away from the 7900gs, as its starting to get dated. And on the Ati side, stay away form the 2600, its just one big disappointment atm.
I just built my first new computer in 5 years. I decided on the 8600 from evga and use there step up program here in the coming months to buy a better one when prices go down.
Yeah since the OP isnt buying until november or december, its a good chance that the 8800 GT will be out by then, and it looks to be a really nice mid-range performer. I always like when nvidia re-hashes their product ranges, cause the consumer usually gets alot of power on the cheap.
If you want to get it now I would absolutely look at the 7900 gs contrary to the other post in this thread. I am running a solid 7900 gs as per my sig. They oc like crazy! Mine is a factory oc @ 600 mhz core clock and 1630 mhz memory clock. I play steam based games such as DOD:S and Fortress Forever and i get average 150 fps in both with spikes up to 300fps! on my monitor in my sig @ 1440x900 with 4x AA and high settings.

Yes it is not a dx10 ready card. But, lets take a quick look at what dx10 has been designed for, greater graphics and more detail. This inherently will cripple an 8600 series card if you gaming at max eye candy on resolutions higher than 1280x1024. So take everything into account and ask a tonnes of questions as you are doing here and you will undoubtbly end up with a great card for your needs!

GL! :D
If you want to get it now I would absolutely look at the 7900 gs contrary to the other post in this thread. I am running a solid 7900 gs as per my sig. They oc like crazy! Mine is a factory oc @ 600 mhz core clock and 1630 mhz memory clock. I play steam based games such as DOD:S and Fortress Forever and i get average 150 fps in both with spikes up to 300fps! on my monitor in my sig @ 1440x900 with 4x AA and high settings.

Yes it is not a dx10 ready card. But, lets take a quick look at what dx10 has been designed for, greater graphics and more detail. This inherently will cripple an 8600 series card if you gaming at max eye candy on resolutions higher than 1280x1024. So take everything into account and ask a tonnes of questions as you are doing here and you will undoubtbly end up with a great card for your needs!

GL! :D

Wouldn't DX10 compliance be nice in Vista?
My new system is on order (Old system had a 9700pro). First in 5 years. I am also getting a 7900GS.

It is more powerful than a 8600GTS. DX10 is irrellevant on anything less than an 8800. Besides which DX10 is basically completely unnecessary.

It gets you a a decent card for much less than $200 (Mine is $130 at NCIX Canada, $99 AR). I hate rebates but even at $130 I am happy with this.

So, you get an inexpensive but great card now and save some cash for when you really need a faster/cheaper DX10 card in the future. Win-Win.
For that kind of price tag you could go with the Nvidia GeForce 8600GTS. This card will deliver a huge BANG for the buck. It is certainly a good performer if you are a gamer on a budget. However if you have an extra $50 to spend you could get yourself an 8800GTS, which will blow your mind. A single 8800GTS kills even the 7950GX2 and provides you with the whole DX10 experience. I hope that I have provided you with a bit of direction with your upgrade. :)
hmmm interesting so I believe I will wait for that 8800gts you guys are saying ty!