What games have you regretted buying?

Rainbow 6 vegas, cartooney multiplayer, poor graphics.

Battle field 2, boring even with mods

Best games I got for free? HL2 and SWAT 4.
Word of Warcraft.
I wasted so much time playing this pile of shit after work....I could have been out at a bar
and hitting on chicks....and drinking.....
oh god where to begin!

X3 the threat
farcry (after getting to the later half of the game...god pls dont let crysis go like that)
bf2 (just lol)

Even thou it doesnt as this, only games that i have bought since 2000 that i have had zero regrets:

diablo 2 + exp
pre d3 doom collectors pack
preorder of bioshock im putting in on tues

thats less than one for each year! pre 2000 is a different story...list is 20 items long lol :)
Oblivion. Worse leveling system ever, and a wide open worlds feel lifeless and dull.
Oblivion. Worse leveling system ever, and a wide open worlds feel lifeless and dull.

solution: oscuro's oblivion overhaul. and i agree with you on the second point. morrowind had MUCH more interesting stuff in the wilderness.
I'm sure there are a lot worse games, but looking at my collection right now, Mario Superstar Baseball for the Gamecube and Blaster Master: Blasting Again for the PS1 were quite disappointing. They really should have left Blaster Master as it is... (except if they remake it, they should add save points) ;)
I've bought lots of games that I regret buying, usually because they are too buggy to be playable. Almost every game that came from iMagic was buggy shite and I bought a few of their games, iPanzer44, iF22, iF18. For recent games I would have to say both Doom3 and Quake4 I regret buying. I find both of them quite boring. Like good sci-fi and horror movies, good games are few and far between.
C&C Generals - Total Garbage
Quake 3 - Turned the mean and gritty game of Q2 into a flashy, glossy and utterly retarded game.
Quake 4 - Just sucked.

Basically any RTS since Total Annhiliation....save for Company of Heroes. Havent done C&C:TW or Supreme Commander yet.

Tribes (all) - Were pathetic attempts to copy UT.

so many more.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein for the PS2

Thank god it was a rental. They tried to make it like the originals and combine it with the next generation PS2 at the time (haha).

It was just so boring and repetitive.

And yes, you still start out with only your pistol and knife. That part humored me a little when I first played it.
it IS the game

Yeah...my pc is faster than the xbox 360 at every game that's out for both, however, RB 6 Vegas runs like butt on my pc and a ton of people have complained about this. However, I just got RB 6 for the 360 and it's smooth as silk. Well...alot smoother than the PC version anyway. I would say 40-50 fps on the 360 version while 15-30 fps on the PC version.

On another note. After reading this now popular thread there are two things I can think of to say.
1) I can't believe you guys actually bought some of the games listed.
2) I can't believe some people actually consider some of the greatest games of all time as a regretted purchase.
Oh boy, games I regret buying... Rollercoaster Sim something... It was really lame and boring. It wasn't Rollercoaster tycoon that was actually fun for a long time for me.(Years ago)

Uh, Battlefield Vietnam, boy did that game suck or what?! Command and Conquer Generals, Zero hour, I really just did not like it. Felt like it was just so boring and wasn't really futuristic as Tiberium sun or RA2. RA2 and Tiberium sun are some of my all time favorite games ever too. Unfortunately(OMFG I NEED TO LEARN HOW TO SPELL THAT WORD) I threw them both away because they glitched hardcore on my old systems.

That's about it. I can't really think of any other games, I actually have pretty good luck or am just smart about what games I buy.
You guys are going off on a lot of games that I think are awsome...

I'm actually playing through CoD 1 right now ( I never finished it 100% )
HL2, Q3A, UT2k3 (never got 2k4) I mean all these games are awsome *Q3A Rocket Arena for Christ Sake*

I'm supprised not 1 damn person mentioned anything of Sim City 4. I think of all the games I've bought this is the only one that I actually regretted buying. I loved Sim City 2k and 3k.... but this game just blows.... SC4 even on my new PC... has frame rate issues.
I've bought lots of games that I regret buying, usually because they are too buggy to be playable. Almost every game that came from iMagic was buggy shite and I bought a few of their games, iPanzer44, iF22, iF18. For recent games I would have to say both Doom3 and Quake4 I regret buying. I find both of them quite boring. Like good sci-fi and horror movies, good games are few and far between.

Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crap.

I regret buying Star Wars Battlefront. I had a great time playing the BF1942 mod Galactic Conquest and thought that if fans could make that, the official thing had to be absolutely awesome (hu hu yeah i'm smart). The maps were far too small for the most part, the AI was unbearable, and there were NO servers without the dumbass bots.
Empire at war bought it based on the demo definatly not worth it.

UT2k3 ut 2k4 2k3 because it was shit
2k4 because it wasn't much better
Doom 3 Quake 4 both very very poor

oblivion because it was not morrowind.

Thankfully I haven't bought the 2 new r6 games.
C&C Generals - Total Garbage
Quake 3 - Turned the mean and gritty game of Q2 into a flashy, glossy and utterly retarded game.
Quake 4 - Just sucked.

Basically any RTS since Total Annhiliation....save for Company of Heroes. Havent done C&C:TW or Supreme Commander yet.

Tribes (all) - Were pathetic attempts to copy UT.

so many more.

Tribes 1 was quite possibly the best freaking Team Online Game I have ever played, it was well ahead of its time even though alot of ppl didnt play it. Tribes 2 kinda sucked and Vengence was garbage.
Hitman: Blood Money ... this is why I hate console games.

BF 2142 ... Boring, glitchy, should have been an expansion pack

Call of Juarez ... the "Billy" parts... the preacher parts actually rule but I can't play the game anymore as it feels like it's 90% Billy because those parts take forever.

X3: Reunion ... the most baffling game I've ever tried to play. Like many women, the gorgeous looks gloss over a completely confounding and frustrating interface.
As bad as Shadow Vault was, nothing can even come close to the disappointment that was Lords of the Realm 3. Sigh.
I regret buying Doom 3 when it first came out. I spent 60 bucks on the game, and really it wasent worth it. Quake 4 also. Really, I respect iD, but they need to figure out a better formula for single player game play. Also, Quake 4 screwed up the multiplayer aspect...just something about it makes it infererior to Quake 3.
On the PC:

Battlefield: Vietnam - What a piece of shit.
Deus Ex: Invisible War - Now that's how you screw up a sequel.
Scarface - WORST. PORT. EVAR.
Neverwinter Nights - Frankly, the screwy camera and horrible controls ruined what I expected to be great.
Star Wars Galaxies - FINALLY had broadband in late 2006 for the first time, decided to try the MMO that I had seen a few years earlier, unaware of the way Sony had raped it. Never have I been so disappointed, since I had seen how good it was before.

On the console:

Red Dead Revolver - Hated the controls. Give me GUN any day.
SOCOM 2 - What a waste of money. All the hype, and I'd far rather have Rainbow Six or CS.
Killzone and Black on PS2.

It's VERY hard to go back to console shooters after having a nice gaming PC for so long.
Battlefield 2.

For the person who had a problem with PB authentication in Quake 3, you have to update PB properly or else you get kicked. PB doesn't update by itself in game.
battlefield 2142. battlefield 2. both really never got me addicted, 2142 especially sucked.

ilove BF:V, it rocks and i still play it regularly
Call of Cthulhu - PC: This POS crashed in the beginning, with no patch offered to correct it
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - PC: I don't know why, I just hated this game
Star Wars LOTRII: This game sucked. Bad.
Warhammer 40k Dark Crusade: I am not a big fan of RTS, so I am not sure why I bought this anyway
Gothic 3: Ran like shit on my previous build, and since a EURO title, no patch for me in USA

*The last couple bad games I bought have taught me a lesson though, I am less likely to buy a new game at launch nowadays, and I will check up and see what people are saying about it before I even think about buying it.
I think this was back in 1995 or something.. game was called WitchHaven, bought it for 20 bucks, the box was really cool for the time but ended up playing for about 5 minutes and unistalling. Just a note, I'm surprised some of you wrote BF2 -- I bought it a month ago and couldn't stop playing. Mind you it is a much better game if you play in organized squads.
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - PC: I don't know why, I just hated this game

I regretted that game because of the StarForce copy protection. I thought my dvd burner on my notebook was dieing because it kept shooting out coasters. Find out that sc:ct installed a "new" driver that unpatched some windows fixes and caused some compatability issues with other things. Funny after uninstalling splinter cell and then manaully removing the fucking starforce my notebook could read dvds fine again and burn cds.... Yea I was pissed. I don't burn much on my notebook so it took me a while to figure it out too.

One of my friends had this issue too although his desktop dvdburner(nec if I remember) didn't work right even after formating it. His was one of those drives that the starforce people claimed was not destroyed by their product.
I thought of another one. The Special Forces expansion for BF2. I paid like 30 bux for it and played it for about 3 minutes. w00t
Greg Hasting's Tournament Paintball
Greg Hasting's Tournament Paintball: MAX'D.

While both great games, here's what pissed me off:

MAX'D was basically the first GHTP but with a FEW more guns, and different fields. Some of the things that bothered me weren't fixed (a girl running sounds like A GUY... for anyone that asks this was while playing as the professional girl paintballers, not my own character... yes there are some). The AI wasn't improved. I don't think they even used new sounds. So I regretted MAX'D because I didn't really feel it had any added value, and I regretted the first GHTP because had I bought it, I could have just bought MAX'D and been happy.