What gadget/s can't you currently leave your home without and why ?

- Samsung Omnia, as I use it not only as phone, but also car GPS system (with Garmin Mobile XT)

- iPod Touch with wave transmitter, as I use it as mp3 player in car (damn the toyota for not allowing ppl to use after-market radios)

- HP DV5-1060 laptop for work.... my workplace computers are way too slow to handle the tasks, so I bring my private laptop :p
Cell phone
Leatherman (portable toolbox :) )
Folding Razor blade knife.
Tape measure. ( I am a cabinetmaker, feel naked without it)
My MBP, iPod Touch, and cell phone.

I just have to have them, never know when internet will appear!
Gerber multi-tool -- pliers, wire cutters, scissors, blades, screwdrivers, etc. -- use this at
least 3 times a day

Lighter (never know when you might need to make fire)

Zune -- love the radio features and wireless sync

Bluetooth earpiece
Nokia E71 Cellphone
SE Bluetooth stereo headset-->not going to be with me much longer.
Nokia handsfree wired headset (yeah, i carry both).

I rarely carry a laptop with me these days. The E71 works just fine for checking email and light browsing on the move.
Nokia N95 - still holds up exceptionally to it's latter day competition. Internet & GPS are both lifesavers.

Cowon A3 60GB - one of the best PMPs overall in my opinion. Good screen with excellent audio quality.

ACS T2 - (google it) custom made earphones (iems), the audio quality is sick... & it blocks out the inane noises of the world.
just got an iphone to replace the BB curve, so add that to my list a page or so back :)
I bring my ipod, for tunes between classes. Have a pair of large over the ear headphones, that double as earmuffs. Usually walking around in Fairbanks (Central Alaska) and the average temps for the past couple weeks has hovered around -10F.
Palm TX, PSP slim, DS Lite, 80gb Ipod Classic, 4gb memory stick, and cell phone.
Cell phone - HTC Touch Pro
Bluetooth - Plantronics 925

If I had a lighter laptop I would bring it and a few other things with me everywhere, but until I pick up something I go with just using the internet on my phone.
I also just picked up an iPhone. Although I still need my laptop for documents, etc. This could come close to a replacement though. Coming from a regular phone I'm impressed.
I am updating my list to
Nokia E71
Stereo headset
Ipod touch 8 GB. (already addicted to it in less than a week)
Cell phone (Virgin Mobile "Slash" by Samsung)
iPod Classic w/earbuds
Laptop (usually)
LG Dare (personal phone + email on the go)
Swiss Army Knife
30 gig ipod video + earbuds

If I take my car:
Canon Rebel xti
*waves at scarredtaka* Hello fellow Fairbanks resident! Anyhow, I pack around:

  • Leatherman Charge (Use almost every day at work. Faster than going to the tool box.)
  • Lexar Firefly 4GB (Various personal/Encrypted data, drivers, etc)
  • HTC touch Dual Cellphone (For phone calls, also has my work Exchange email on it)
  • Mini LED flashlight (Cause it's dark in Alaska!)
  • Sandisk Sansa 8GB (Only used for music for the car.)

I used to walk around with a watch everywhere, but all 3 of mine have now died. :( Need to take them to get them fixed.
120GB Zune
Nikon D200 with 3 lenses and flashes
Watch :p

If I'm at school, a laptop is thrown into the mix.
eee pc 901 and my ATT Tilt or HTC Kaiser

i use the 3G and bluetooth DUN to get internet everywhere and with WHS i can remote access all over the place..
Pretty much, and there seems to be a rise in the number of unsavory characters in these uncertain times.

I have never had to remove it from the holster while I am out, and I pray that I never have to, but I figure its better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun to defend myself or family and not have one.

Reminds me of a funny story. My dad used to work at a bank, and one day some guy came in, sat down. nice guy and everything, but he wanted to open an account. He had his Glock strapped to his side. He wasnt using it, but dad was like "even though you have a permit, i would'nt walk into a bank with that"
XD The stories by dad tells about working at a bank.

Ok, back on topic.

I always have my:
cell phone (generic korean slide phone w/ 2gb micro sd)
creative zen vision m 30gb (loaded 3/4 with music, 1/4 with CSI, numb3rs, or Prison break
Thumb drive

If i'm going somewhere other than church, school, or shopping, my sony cybershot is in my coat pocket.

That's all for now.

and to finished the post, Why do i carry those..
Phone cause it's my means of communication as well as my English to Korean dictionary and currency converter
zen, for my music. It's an addiction
headphones, yeah. 'nuff said
Wallet, it's got my ID, money, subway pass. everything.
thumbdrive for those times you get randomly asked "fix this PC please" or "i have a document for you (from a friend of course)"