What FOV are you using for Star Wars Battlefront on PC?


[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
It defaults to 55 which seems way too narrow on my 30" Dell 3014 monitor with 2560x1600 resolution. I was playing with it some tonight. 75 feels better. Not sure I've hit perfect yet. What are you using?
Can't believe game devs are still defaulting to 4:3 FOVs. 75 vertical FOV (101 horizontal FOV) is indeed much more appropriate for 16:10 or 16:9 displays and less likely to cause motion sickness.
Can't believe game devs are still defaulting to 4:3 FOVs. 75 vertical FOV (101 horizontal FOV) is indeed much more appropriate for 16:10 or 16:9 displays and less likely to cause motion sickness.

they have to make sure the guy still playing games on his Core 2 duo can handle the game man, can't leave the little guy out of games.. :p yeah i'm with ya, the 4:3 default fov's getting annoying in this day and age with 16:9 and 1080p pretty much being the standard.
I think 73 degrees of vertical FOV is optimal. This results in 90 hFOV on 4:3, 100 hFOV on 16:10, and 106 hFOV on 16:9.
I have a 48" Samsung 4k TV. I tried 75 and I don't know but I like 55 better. It makes the player further out and especially with riding vehicles like the speeder bike, it's harder for me to steer. 55 for me looks and plays the best...
I have a 48" Samsung 4k TV. I tried 75 and I don't know but I like 55 better. It makes the player further out and especially with riding vehicles like the speeder bike, it's harder for me to steer. 55 for me looks and plays the best...

Probably because the viewing distance plays an important role.
yeah, I used 110, 34" 21:9 running 3440x1440

I tried that. It doesn't really work unless you have eyes like this:


I can't stand that fisheye effect.