What do you think? (dial up warning)


Jul 25, 2006
I just finished making some changes to my computer and thought that I would get some input . The pictures will say it all I'm just wondering where to go from here. I'm am also considering upgrading to the Opteron 185 as it just dropped below $400 on pricegrabber. I don't have a floppy drive and can't do memtest so I am leary about changing the timings on my ram but the divider is set to 1:1. I also hit a wall at 235fsb. The temperatures are really good idel at 32C and load at 50C for the processor. The rest of the board looks good as well.


More wire management!

And um, throw on the DDR333 (or 5:6) divider and crank that FSB up to about 245.
I don't know if I should try for more or just leave it steady @ a fsb of 240 and a HT link @ 721. My little 4200 is setting at 2.64 with no problems so far on Orthos.
Make sure if you didnt already, follow Eclipse's OC guide in the AMD forums to the T. If you don't, then its likely that you wont get the max overclock you possibly can unless you have developed a superior method to overclock with that works for your processor. But at those speeds it does not sound like you have.

2.7 or even 2.8 should not be completely un-obtainable with that processor depending on your mobo. However one thing you really need to check for is your mobos max oc potential (explained in the tutorial). If you find that, then you know what you can go up to in terms of the HTT.

The HTT link it sounds like is ok, and not your problem, as long as its somewhere around 1000 your pretty good. However, too low is not a problem as it does not effect performance that much or at all.

It would be wise to invest in a memory tester such as the windows version of memtest or put memtest on a jump drive and make your motherboard boot off of it. Either way, you need to test out the max your memory can hit as well with whatever voltages and timings you will be using. If your HTT exceeds this speed then you will need to use the smallest ram divisor you have to just slow the ram down a little so that you dont exceed its max.

If all else fails, raise the Vcore, as long as it is running under 55C under load, you have room to play with :D
you can get a memtest cd iso cant you? think i did that before if you dont have a floppy
quite a few of the linux live cds can boot the 'memtest' kernel...

which is, in essence, memtest on a cd, no?
/second the wire management comment, please get some sleeving and fix it.

i'm not qualified to comment on your performance though as i've been out of the oc'ing game for a few years now.
I have been using Eclipse's guide it was just the memtest that is getting me I think. I'm having trouble understanding the memory part of it I can't get the memory over 155mhz so I'm going to google tonight and see what I can figure out. I am going to buy some new memory which will be my next upgrade so don't be surprised if you see that value select forsale on here. I just started the wire management three days ago. I'm also going to order a longer main connector cable and some mesh sleeving for the others. As far as the grill goes I'm goin got have to figure out how to straighten it up. There is a fan behind it which was a great mod because it dropped my processor 4 degrees celcius.
That's_Corporate said:
Do people even use dial up anymore?

yes because broadband is still fairly expensive as well as many households cant even get broadband to their area.

cable management is ok, but i do agree to having it better.
wassi said:
Thats a nice desktop backround, where can i get me one fo those? :)
Here is the link site on that artist-3d.com. I wouldn't look at it at work as it is classified as a nudity site but it really isn't one some are the pictures are spectacular but you do have to deal with some ads just play around on there and you will get to see some great pictures. If you google (images) artist-3d Desktop Background you won't have to deal with so many of the adds.
The value select is deffinatly what is holding your clock speed back with that thing. 155mhz isnt even near enough to achieve any sort of decent clock speeds unless you use a very large RAM divider which i try to stay away from if i can.
Now I have it at 187mhz (Ram) but its not stable my computer locks up on Orthos after about ten minutes. I'm guessing that that is a RAM issue. I know that this is due to an istablility but will that really show up with every day computing? Right now my FSB is at 238 and my clock is at 2.61. When I do order new RAM what do you recommend. I've seen that Corsair is susposed to work best with ASUS but I'm wanting to get my computer to at least 2.8 or air.
memtest iso.
Cable management, please!
Then push your RAM timings as suggested above.
And yes, if your RAM is unstable, you will notice it. Usually at the worst time.
Plus, if you're only doing everyday computing.. why o/c? Leave it all stock, then just O/C and stress your hardware when you really need it.
Ughh put your temps in C :) Dont listen to the cable management freaks, I've never cared about making it perfect and all zip tied and all that nonsense, its a sign of OCD :D Nah but really, as long as the cables arent restricting airflow, they are perfectly fine, its not like your computer is a car or something and has to be clean cuz your bringing a date in it, who gives a crap :D
I agree with the guy above, cable management is really only for looks and to get the cables out of the way of the airflow from the fans. If your computer does not have a saide window, which im assuming yours does, then dont worry about it because no one will ever see it, its just nice to do if you have a window so you can say, "see how nice it looks".

For RAM, i have heard that G.Skill Makes good DDR2 if you need that kind. I have Corsair XMS and it seems to be able to get to about 250-260 before stability becomes any sort of issue. I have also heard that OCZ Gold series and Geil make some pretty good RAM as well. Just make sure that whatever you get is at least DDR400 (PC3200), DDR500 is better even if your mobo cant support it because you can keep the RAM divider at 1:1 usually until you reach about 300mhz.
wee96 said:
Ughh put your temps in C :) Dont listen to the cable management freaks, I've never cared about making it perfect and all zip tied and all that nonsense, its a sign of OCD :D Nah but really, as long as the cables arent restricting airflow, they are perfectly fine, its not like your computer is a car or something and has to be clean cuz your bringing a date in it, who gives a crap :D

Oh I totally agree with you. I most definitely have OCD when it comes to my case. Enough said. Yeah, it's just for looks... but so what :).