What determines DSR 4K down-sample performance? My 670

game? settings? rest of your specs? there's no way a 670 is cpu bottlenecked at 4K in anything.
game? settings? rest of your specs? there's no way a 670 is cpu bottlenecked at 4K in anything.

sry for lack of info. here is an update with screenshots and system vitals in MSI after burner at the top left.

I have dual 670s in SLI.

Game is borerlands the pre-sequel

Same exact position and screenshot except the first is in 1080 and the second in 4K with Nvidia DSR.

notice my FPS is ~40 in the second. in the first it's 100s but i run with Vsync enabled. My GPU, VRAM, RAM, and CPU all go up but non are even hear maxed.




Has ~40fps max even though GPU is only 50% loaded. VRAM is also low.

The fact that you're getting ~40fps @ 4k using only SLI 670s in Borderlands TPS is impressive on its own.

I'd have to say you need to turn off v-sync and then report back the results.

The statement "in the first it's 100s but i run with Vsync enabled" doesn't make sense because you can't run fps up into the hundreds when v-sync is enabled. When v-sync is enabled the framerate is either v-synced or lower because you're literally limiting the framerate to that level.
The fact that you're getting ~40fps @ 4k using only SLI 670s in Borderlands TPS is impressive on its own.

I'd have to say you need to turn off v-sync and then report back the results.

The statement "in the first it's 100s but i run with Vsync enabled" doesn't make sense because you can't run fps up into the hundreds when v-sync is enabled. When v-sync is enabled the framerate is either v-synced or lower because you're literally limiting the framerate to that level.

sry that was a typo. it will go into the 100s without vsync. but that doesn't really matter if you look at the top left in the screenshots above you will see that it drops from 60 to 40